"Super Police-sama, you usually work so hard to eliminate weirdos, and the shoulder joints and other places must be a little uncomfortable, right?"

His already blushing cheeks visibly flushed, and he mustered up enough courage to recommend himself.

"Before I became a disciple of Master Master, I had systematically learned various massage techniques, do you want me to relax you, don't worry, even Master has praised, my techniques are still excellent!!"

Thanks, but no thanks.

A drop of cold sweat hung on Qiao Sen's forehead, and he felt that he had never been so nervous when he fought with Azu.

Glancing at a handsome old man with a strong spirit nearby, he decisively used the "Secret Technique, Misfortune Drawing Technique" and said: "Well, I see that Mr. Silver Fangs seems to be not very dexterous recently, or do you go to him and ask if you need a massage?"


With a lost expression, a layer of low air pressure suddenly shrouded it, and the whole person's tone turned into a bleak gray-white.

Bungu on the side: "..."

(ꐦ ̇灬 ̇ )

--You smelly boy, how can you smear people's innocence out of thin air in front of the little girl!?

Did the old man drink too much, how did this little girl's voice sound wrong?

Sometimes, friendship between men is always very simple.

The disciples sat together and put together the wine.

"Qiu Wu Tai Dao" failed to attack Qiao Sen, and turned to kill Genos, the second handsome little fresh meat present, who was diligently persuading him to drink.

The all-round transformation of the human body has long abandoned some worldly desires, and Genos did not feel anything unusual about the toast of "Qiu Wutai Dao", on the contrary, the comers did not refuse.

It seems....

This kid is following the example of his own master who is fighting with the "atomic samurai" opposite, and the beer is one cup after another.

——The teacher is in charge of the battlefield over there, and the challenge of the disciple on the other side will be taken over by me!

Fortunately, Xiaojie is a transformation person, and as soon as the wine is drunk, it is decomposed into organic fuel by the high-temperature furnace in the body and compressed and stored as the energy supply of the power core.

Otherwise, an ordinary person will come and drink like a buffalo like him, and it won't be long before he has to buy a house in the toilet.

The other side.

Before you know it, the battle between the "Atomic Samurai" and Saitama has exceeded three hundred rounds.

Seeing that he had not been able to put down this ordinary person of unknown origin for so long, Rao couldn't help but be shocked by his insight.

Feeling the alcohol rushing up, Da Jianhao, who was already red-faced, quickly found a reason to run to Bungu side, ready to find the old man to drink two glasses of beer.

Well, just change the battlefield and temporarily truce, how can the invincible "atomic warrior" lose!

As a result, as soon as I raised my eyes, I saw Josen sitting next to Bungu.

(ー' ́ー

) ( ¬‸¬)

The "atomic samurai" is surrounded by murderous energy, facing the momentum of the impact of Jossen, calmly and calmly, not moving like a mountain.

Bangu saw that these two guys were disgusted with each other, and he was immediately more sure that these two people were not easy to deal with.

Immediately, the white-haired old man turned into a peacemaker with a smile and pulled them to drink a few cups together.

"Well, anyway, everyone is a hero working together, so there's no need to be so tense, does it?"

Bungu filled their glasses and winked at Josson.

"I don't care," Johnson couldn't help but pout in disgust, but well, the old man's face still had to be given, "Your Excellency 'Atomic Samurai' really wants to talk, so find a time to make an appointment."

"Okay, it's rare that Your Excellency the Super Police didn't escape, of course I'm always at your service!" Three

question marks popped up on Josson's head: "Escape?

The atmosphere was quite nuclear for a while.

Bungu: "... Huh?"

The old man just persuaded a loneliness?

The martial arts grandmaster who had long cultivated himself and cultivated himself had passed the age of being brave and ruthless, and looking at the two who did not give in to each other, he couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

But soon, the old man himself figured it out and was relieved.


men will only be more arrogant when they are young than they are now, and the only thing they worry about is....

——I don't know if Joson has forgotten his previous instructions, and it is not important to fight if he really wants to fight.

Bungu thought worriedly.

The sword of the "Atomic Samurai" is too sharp, in case Jossen is cut out of real fire.

The consequences are unimaginable.

"Silver Fangs, why are you sitting still? Drink!" The

Atomic Samurai approached drunkenly, and Bungu looked at him strangely and couldn't help sighing.

As if he had unloaded some shackles, the old man raised his glass with a smile and said, "Okay, the old man will drink with you." "

Forget it, don't care.

The old man is rotten.


An hour later.


Those present are all strong, and their physical fitness is stronger than the other.

Of course, if you let go of drinking, you will also go up, but if there is a serious matter, alcohol cannot affect their physical state at all.

After all, with their physique, if they don't want to get drunk, they can't get drunk even if they drink more spirits.

At most, it's just a few more trips to the toilet to release water.

As soon as the will came, the body of the "atomic warrior" quickly catabolized the alcohol in the body, the alcohol on his face quickly faded, and his eyes burned to look at Jossen.

However, before he could speak, Qiao Sen first approached Bongu: "Master Bungu, we have another thing we want to ask for this time."

"Oh, is there anything you need

the old man's help with?" "It's like this

..." Joson introduced the situation of Genos to the old man, and Bungu couldn't help but twist his beard after listening to it: "Transform people..." "

Although the old man has taught many disciples, it is really the first time that a situation like Genos-kun has been encountered. The

old man thought with his hands on his back: "The main points of the boxing technique of the "Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist" can be taught by the old man, and there is no problem with practices such as hand-to-hand combat, but the specific effect is not guaranteed by the old man.

"You don't have to worry about that.

Joson beckoned Genos to come over, and Jay immediately stood up from Saitama's side and quickly trotted over.

"Genos' armor is equipped with a learning combat chip, which can be upgraded by accumulating combat experience skills through battle.

Josson introduced Genos as a sample as if selling a product door-to-door.

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