Qiao Sen snorted and said with a smile: "By the way, Saitama has recently accepted a disciple, you will definitely be surprised to see it later." "


Bungu picked up his beard and showed a surprised expression.

"Saitama has even accepted disciples!

"Walk around, they're waiting by the side." The

two chatted as they walked, and soon passed through the corridor and came to the side hall.

"Saitama, Genos, look who's coming.

Saitama, who was bored, saw Bungu and Josen coming together, and immediately showed a smile: "Long time no see, Mr. Bungu!"

The old man smiled and nodded in response: "Long time no see, Saitama-kun." "

By the way, let me introduce," Saitama thought of something and patted the shoulder of the reformed boy beside him, "This is Genos, Genos, this is Mr. Bungu, a... Well, what should I say?"

reminded Jossen from the side, "Martial arts master."

Saitama, who was reminded, suddenly realized: "Yes, martial arts master!"


"..."—you don't even remember what your husband's profession is, the young man now is really ...

Genos got up and saluted and greeted him seriously: "Hello Mr. Bungu, I am a disciple of Saitama-sensei, my name is Genos!

Although Bungu was surprised by the peculiar shape of the mechanical armor all over Genos, he quickly adjusted his mood and nodded to the unexpectedly polite young reformed man: "Hello, Genos-kun.

Genos then picked up the gift box he brought: "Mr. Bungu, this is a gift prepared for you by Mr. Saitama and Mr. Qiaosen, please accept it!"

"It should be, it should be.

"If you like it."

Saitama and Jomori chimed in.

"But this young man of transformation, please help me mention first, my bedroom is still behind."

"Yes, no problem!"

Ten minutes ago.

Outside the dojo.

Four figures appeared on the stone steps, and a moment later ascended the platform outside the Flowing Water Pavilion.

"Whew - finally arrived. "

Qiu Wu Tai Dao" couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the flowing water dojo in front of him.

The "atomic samurai" who walked behind with the other two disciples raised his cloak: "Calm down, Qiu Wu, don't be so frizzy all the time."

"Oh, got it, master!"

"Qiu Mai Tai Dao" stuck out his tongue cutely, then shrunk his neck and wanted to retreat between "Iai-an" and "Samurai Drill".

"Eh, what are you doing going back?"


"The Atomic Samurai" stopped Qiu Wutai Dao, still holding his long-length wooden toothpick that had remained unchanged for ten thousand years, and glanced at it faintly: "Since you are still so energetic, then it is up to you to call the door."

"Yes, Master!"

"Qiu Wutai Dao" ordered, stepped forward in two light steps, grabbed the door knocker and knocked lightly on the door of the dojo.

Knock knock -

the sound of knocking sounded, the green plants on the side of the door shook for a while, and the bitter worm with a big waist sat up from it with a hooded face.

He shook his head as if he had just woken up, and his wandering gaze gradually found focus, but his expression was still full of doubts.

"Strange... How did I fall asleep in such a place?" This

has to mention a kind super-powered hero, afraid that the bitter worm will be bored, and hypnotize him while washing away a memory that is not very happy.

When I wake up at this time, I naturally can't think of anything.

Knock knock -

another knock on the door.

"It's coming, why are there people again!?"

muttered the bitter worm and got up, about to run to the gate, but the next moment his steps were fixed.

"Eh... Why do I say again?" After

thinking for a long time and not understanding, the bitter insect opened the door with a cold face and angrily: "Who! come over at this time, don't people eat..."

"Crunch", a slender figure with a beautiful face at first glance came into view.

“...... Uh," the bitter insect's complaint suddenly stopped, and in a blink of an eye, he changed into a smiling face: "Hello this beauty, which one are you looking for?" "

Qiu Wu Tai Dao" originally blinked his big eyes and smiled, but the moment he opened the door, he saw a smelly uncle with a butt chin, and his face suddenly pulled down.

(Bitter worm: I'm just anxious, I'm only 18 years old...

"The family master "Atomic Samurai", specially here to visit "Silver Fangs" Mr. Bungu!"

Beauty, your voice??" The

bitter worm was about to say whether your voice was not quite right, beauty, but his eyes caught a glimpse of a saber figure under a big red cloak.

His brain raced and quickly connected the person in front of him with the name he had just announced.

Suddenly, the bitter insect couldn't care about the little question about "Qiu Wu Taisao", and his eyes widened on the spot.

"You you you you... "

Are you really an Atomic Samurai-sama

?" "Ah, it's me," the Atomic Samurai took off his sun-shading cloak and threw it to the Samurai Drill behind him, grinning, "Master Bungu is at home?"


bitter worm opened the door of the dojo and hurriedly ran to find Bungu.

As a popular hero, "Atomic Samurai" has long been surprised by this, and immediately entered with three apprentices.

Side hallway corridor.

"Master, master—" The

bitter worm with thick limbs ran to the vicinity of the side hall like a moving stone pier, and happened to see Bungu and Joson and their party go out to the corridor.

Bungu turned his back and asked, "Bitter worm, what's so panicked?" The

sweaty Bitter Insect quickly wiped his sweat, gasped and replied: "Master, it's the Atomic Samurai, the Atomic Samurai has come to visit you with his disciples!"

"Oh, has it arrived?" Bungu was not surprised when he heard this, and waved his hand to let the bitter worm retreat, "'Atomic Samurai'" I did mention it to me before, saying that I would pass through Z City on the way to take my disciples on the trial, but I didn't expect to come on the same day as Qiao Sen. Hearing

this, Qiao Sen nodded: "Well, I met him before when I was dealing with the weirdo in E City. "

Oh, and this? then it's no wonder..." Bungu chuckled inwardly, leaning in close to him and whispering, "That guy, did you mention the competition?"

Seeing Qiao Sen shaking his head, Bungu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, that's good!" He

knew Qiao Sen's strength, and naturally he would not worry.

The old man was worried about whether the "atomic samurai", who had always been proud after the fight, would fall into depression.

- "Atomic Samurai", don't kill yourself!

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