"Is that the boy who looks like a robot?"

King was a little embarrassed to be praised: "Where, I just happened to understand a little new usage in battle."

"That's awesome too!"

On the hillside.

Genos, who had been lying flat in a large figure, suddenly got up, his expression was still resolute, but his eyes were not very confident to look down at his mechanical body.

The strange vibration that caused the power core to fail suddenly disappeared!

Realizing this, Genos realized that the powerful drum sound that seemed to be everywhere around him stopped at an unknown time.

A carp boy stood up straight, put his right hand on his left chest, and checked the state of the power core.

High-energy power furnaces similar to the principle of nuclear reactors are exporting a large amount of energy to feed the body's analysis and action, and have theoretically returned to normal.

"By the way, that weirdo!"

Genos' mechanical joint torque erupted, and he suddenly fell behind the stone he had used to probe.

Cautiously sticking his head out, Genos's electronic eyes instantly swept across the entire wilderness, and then his handsome face was startled.

Weirds ....


ones who fought the weirdos before....

Genos's gaze suddenly locked on the two figures who were walking towards the small manor not far away, and when he was hesitating what to do, his electronic eyes suddenly contracted.

In the enlarged electronic vision, the two burly men were looking in the direction they were.

- was ...

At this time, one of the S-class heroes, "Super Police", waved at him in a friendly manner.

Genos: "..."

Well, no doubt, it was indeed discovered....

Boom -

A stream of scorching particles shot onto the ground, and Genos' figure rushed into the air, and then the thrusters turned off, and the heavy mechanical body drew a parabola and landed heavily in front of the two.

"Bang", smoke and dust everywhere.

An invisible force field spread, pressing the raised rubble dust back to the ground.

Genos, who witnessed this scene, contracted his electronic eyes, got up and bowed deeply: "Excuse me! Introduce yourself, I am a reformed person who carries out righteous activities alone, my name is Genos!

Huh?" the

excited Genos was about to finish his purpose in one breath, but was interrupted to cast a spell and stunned in place.

"Whew, it's so dangerous..."

Jossen wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and was almost entangled in a tendon of Xiaojie!

Relieved, he waved his hand and said, "Genos, I'm Joson, this is King, and a companion is training together around here." "

If you have anything you want to say, you might as well come over with us for dinner and talk after eating!"

Genos thought for a moment, if there were three people in total, it was indeed not very polite to worship only two of them.

So, he nodded firmly: "Thank you for the invitation, then I will take the liberty to disturb!" Seeing

the honest style of the reformed boy, Johnson and King looked at each other: "It's okay, don't bother at all, eating is to be lively with many people?"

King nodded his head very face-saving: "Josens-sang is right!"

Training base, kitchen.

"Eh, how did you pick up a robot and come back?"

Saitama took advantage of the time to pick up the dishes and glanced at the living room, and on the sofa in the living room, the strange "robot" was sitting in front of him, staring directly at the TV in front of him, and remained motionless for a long time, without changing any posture.

"It is said that it is a modified person, not a robot," Joson quickly swung the kitchen knife into an afterimage, and an expensive extra veal turned into a row of thick thin slices of meat as he spoke, "Also, people are guests, how can it be said that they were picked up!"

Saitama nodded to show that he understood, and then asked curiously: "Okay, but if you transform people, can you still eat?"

The doctor who mechanically modified me gave me the ability to feel taste and convert the organic matter I ingested into organic fuel for effective use. "

Uh-huh, so it is... Wait, Genos, huh, when did you come over!?" Saitama turned his head and saw Genos who appeared behind him at an unknown time explaining it in a serious way, and without a trace, he joined the kitchen conversation.

It was as if he was also a member of the hot pot group.

At this time, King was processing fruits in the pool in the yard, and when Johnson saw Xiaojie coming, he quietly buried his head in chopping vegetables.

Genos saw Saitama, who had sparse hair, his expression did not change much, and he still maintained his usual composure and seriousness: "Just now." "

Yes, yes?" Saitama didn't know now, except for the fact that the reformed boy in front of him was beaten to the point of self-explosion, he had been paralyzed with this cold face for many years, and then scratched his head a little embarrassed, "So you heard it all just now?"

Genos nodded in a deep voice, "Yes, my detector can receive a wide range of audio and video signals."


It's okay, originally as a modified person, I am a relatively special existence among human beings, ordinary people do not understand the logic of the internal operation of the machine is the norm, and the righteous doctor who helped me to transform is also a premier existence in the field of machinery, his technical power has been at the forefront of the world, and it is reasonable to develop some functions that are unimaginable to ordinary people, besides..."

——I always feel like I've met a guy I shouldn't mess with....

- This guy seems to be... It's a chatterbox!!


After dinner.

“...... Please three teachers must take me as an apprentice!"


stating his purpose, the handsome protagonist of Genos has a serious face.

The four of them sat around a small table in the courtyard, and the freshly brewed tea on the table was steaming.

The moonlight is like water, but the atmosphere is a little awkward.

Silence, it's the outskirts of M City tonight.

The three of Qiao Sen looked at each other, and King took the teacup and spoke first: "Qiao Sen-san, Saitama clan, Genos may have misunderstood something, but you know me, I have only been training for more than a month, because of my age, it is okay to be a senior, but it is definitely not okay to be a teacher for others rashly."

Genos noticed that the extra pen and paper in his hand had already been brushed and recorded: "What, has it only been training for more than a month to reach this level?

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