Fortunately, King just glanced at him curiously and stopped paying attention.

His primary goal is still the formidable enemy in front of him, which was previously invincible.

The electric power surging in the body has disappeared at this time, replaced by a magnetic field that communicates with the outside world intangible and massless.

The ubiquitous electromagnetic force is controlled in the hand, even if he has just entered the threshold of "magnetic field rotation", King can intuitively feel the strength of this realm

! Once tried his best to punch the limit of 500,000 volts, and now he can mobilize the same or even higher level of electricity as long as he moves, not to mention the many superpowers of magnetic field power!

The two are not the power of one dimension at all.

At this time, the breath exuded by King's body has become no longer the fierce and domineering and sharp as in the "electric push" period.

The golden electricity that pulsed around his body from time to time reflected his body like a god, and the whole person's momentum was as profound as a grandmaster, looking unfathomable.

If ordinary people look at the pair of eyes flowing with golden lightning for a long time, they will be affected by the force of the magnetic field and fall into inextricable darkness.

"Qiao Sensang mentioned that the lowest magnetic field force should be 10,000 horses, right?" The

free electromagnetic force in the air gathered towards King with the pull of the magnetic field, forming golden lightning around him.

"Whether I reach it

now or not, then come and try it, new power!" "

Come on!" "The magnetic field rotates 10,000 powers-Emperor Burst Fist"!" The

Asura Minotaur watched incredulously as the originally inconspicuous enemy instantly rushed in front of him, and threw a punch wrapped around golden thunder!

The momentum and power are not at all the same level as before

! It is no longer the kind of soft attack that can only cause minor injuries at most, and with his current state, the consequences of allowing this punch to hit will be unimaginable

! "Hmm! ("Asura - Extinction Strike"!)

The power that can be mobilized by the whole body is concentrated in the right arm, and the Asura Minotaur is struggling to throw his strongest punch against the heavy shackles!

The two disproportionate fists collided silently, the air was silent for a full second, and golden cracks oozed out from the Asura Minotaur's arm, exploding with a bang!

The granulation at the severed limb showed a perverted vitality that creeped and grew rapidly, but it was destroyed again by the golden arc that erupted from time to time in the wound, and the blood spurted wildly along the wound that was constantly carbonizing and tearing!

In the eyes of the Asura Minotaur, his figure seemed to overlap with the nightmarish man before.

He couldn't help but suddenly said to himself: "No wonder it feels familiar, they actually use the same power..."

"The magnetic field rotates 10,000 horses of power - the emperor fights"! "Accelerate

to the point that the ruthless continuous attack that cannot capture the arm turns into a beam of golden light that opens the sky into daylight, and the Asura Minotaur and his unfinished words are completely annihilated in the torrent of energy formed by golden lightning!

Stopping the beating, King's chest heaved, and the sweat evaporated by the electric current created by the magnetic field, merging into the steaming golden flame.

If it weren't for the social hairstyle with a big back, there would still be no change, otherwise it would be no problem to put on a hedgehog wig and run to the next door to cosplay a super 2.

"It's over. "

It is true that the strength of the Asura Minotaur was forcibly suppressed below the dragon level by him, even so, King, who has initially mastered the "magnetic field rotation", can burst a ghost-level weirdo with 100 million punches, which has undoubtedly reached the recruitment standard for S-level heroes.

In time, it is not impossible to recreate the one-person storm shark and four dragon-level bright scenes.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Johnson stood up.

Until then, you have to recycle the coaches who have worked hard all day.

What King defeated this time is only a ghost-level deleted version, followed by the dragon-level original and the upgraded version of Runaway.

Besides, Saitama seems to be having a lot of fun today, and this rare sandbag is worth keeping for a while.

At least until the end of this special training in M City.

Asura Unicorn: "... This is human words?" took

a step and already appeared in the center of the explosion in a flashing blue light.

In the hot plasma flames completely ignored by Jossen, the Minotaur's body was about to be annihilated, but the target he rushed over was not its flesh.

At this moment, two entangled souls rose into the air.

The Asura Unicorn Immortal, who did not hide his dragon-level coercion, was pinching the neck of the minotaur spirit body and cursing, to the effect that if it weren't for the fact that your body of waste wood was so weak, Uncle Ben would have killed all directions, and the violent shark had everything in the clouds.

As soon as he turned around, the Asura Unicorn Immortal saw the smiling Qiao Sen in horror, so frightened that the spirit body twisted on the spot, swaying left and right and wanting to run.

[Naive. F

cub walked out of Jossen's body, casually sealed the scolded Minotaur spirit body, and then opened his hand and aimed at the twisted beetle spirit body.

A dazzling golden light bloomed from the Asura Unicorn Immortal, and when it turned back with difficulty, it had turned into a golden card and fell into the hands of the F cub.

On the gold-bordered card face, it also recorded its final state of horror without tears.

["Asura Unicorn Immortal (SSR)", fantasy card recovery completed. [

Get fantasy cards: "Red-Eyed Minotaur (R)". 【

Destiny draws +1.]

"Congratulations, King. Qiao

Sen fell from the flames, feeling the almost homologous magnetic field force on his body, King's surging qi and blood gradually calmed down, and the roaring "Imperial Engine" gradually subsided.

"Thank you, Jossen-san. "

Harm, what's there to thank for this," Johnson stepped forward and grabbed King's shoulders, and the two walked together in the direction of the training base, "It's not by your own efforts, I just did a little thing."

"Let's go, tonight's celebration banquet is about to begin, Saitama can't wait."

King smiled kindly and replied, "Okay then."

"Oh, by the way, speaking of dinner," Johnson suddenly remembered something, raising a finger, "I almost forgot that we had a guest to entertain!"

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