King turned his pleading gaze to Jossen, but Jossen took the piping hot tea as if he hadn't seen it.

"Oh, you know me too.

"I'm busy with the work of the police station again, and I have to take care of heroic activities, I'm very busy!"

"To teach disciples this kind of thing, I still have to find a lot of time."

"Uh-huh, that makes sense. Genos

thought thoughtfully, nodding again and again to write something in the record book.

The next moment, three eyes fell on a certain guy who was trying to watch the play.

"Hey, hey, what are you all watching me do?" Saitama's hair stood on end, and he couldn't help but be shocked, "Don't be kidding, I'm also very busy, okay

?" "Oh, yes?" Jossen poured himself a cup of tea again, put it to his lips and blew gracefully: "Then tell me what are you busy with, such

as?" "

Such as..."

Saitama opened his mouth, and then froze to Hongwen: "Of course, busy looking for a job!" I want to live too!"

Genos looked at Saitama, who was the least like the strong among the three, but inexplicably had an idea.

If this man shaved all of his thin hair, he would be very strong, right

?—wonder, why would I have this thought?,

shaking his head and putting the strange thought to the back of his mind, he said firmly: "In any case, please ask the teacher to take me as an apprentice!" Genos's

tone remained sincere, and his eyes locked on Saitama, who was directly opposite him.

"If Mr. Johnson and Mr. King really have no time, Saitama-sensei's words are no problem

!" Saitama subconsciously complained: "How can I have the feeling that I have become an inferior product that no one wants, wait, I

don't mean it!" After reacting, he suddenly found that he was actually used by Genos as a breakthrough in the strategy, and couldn't help but anxiously: "Hey, hey, don't just call the teacher by talking to yourself!"

Genos thought thoughtfully.


!" Saitama: "...""It's not for you to change your name!" Xiaojie

, who was a tendon, and Saitama

, who was afraid of trouble, successfully matched the signal, and Johnson and King made eye contact, and suddenly entered the background board state of silently drinking tea.

Before Saitama could go crazy, Genos spoke in a deep voice, "Actually, I have a reason to have to worship a teacher."

"Would you

like to hear my story

?" "No, it's too much trouble

..." "Two years ago, I was 15 years old, when I was just a normal human..." "

Hey, you weren't listening to what I said, did you?"


told his life absently, Saitama listened to one head and two big, and his facial expression gradually spiraled out of control.

——Oops, I already knew that I wouldn't talk, forgot that this guy is a super chatter!!The

most infuriating thing is that the two goods next to them actually have a posture of not caring about themselves, and completely dumped the difficult work of communicating with this "robot kid" to themselves.

And this robot kid seems to have turned on some incredible switch, and five minutes have passed and he is still chattering....

For Saitama, there is no upper limit to the limiter, but patience is definitely at its limit.

A certain string representing reason in his heart broke in two, and Saitama couldn't help but slap the table and roar.

Cut it down to 20 words or less!"

Worship site, halftime.

An annoyed Saitama is pacified by the good old King, and Joson beckons and calls out to Genos, who is sitting up straight.

"Xiaojie, come with me.

Hearing this, Genos quickly got up and followed Johnson to the corner of the courtyard: "Are you calling me, Mr. Josson?"

Teacher There is only one such thing as a teacher, and that is your Saitama-sensei.

Genos hesitated, his mind recalling the previous battle scene.

Among them, what shocked him the most was the picture of Saitama shook the dragon-level weirdo in front and did not fall into the wind.

As for Johnson and King.

The former mainly acts as a referee's mediation work, and does not use fist-to-flesh physical blows, but super-powered attacks that Genos does not understand.

The sensory experience brought to him is that this person is very strong and can easily suppress dragon-level weirdos, but there is no specific concept of how strong it is.

And later King's battle only saw a small fragment, and then directly physically fainted due to the influence of the "Imperial Engine", and the conclusion was that this blond man is also very strong, strong enough to affect the work of mechanical components with momentum, and how to destroy the weirdo, also Mu You.

Thinking of this, Genos unconsciously followed Jossen's train of thought, and the priority of worshiping Saitama in his mind was raised to the highest.

"Saitama-sensei's words, there should be no problem in terms of strength, but if all three teachers are willing to teach me..."

Qiao Sen immediately made a silent gesture and lowered his voice: "Don't rush to refute first, don't you just want to learn from the teacher to learn more powerful power?"

Genos obediently followed him to suppress his voice and nodded: "Yes."

"That's not the end of it, I'll teach you how to attack Saitama and let him take you as an apprentice!"


Genos was a little surprised, in his opinion, with the performance just now, Saitama should be a more difficult target to talk about.

"Lie to you is a puppy.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Joson. Hearing

Genos change his title from teacher to sir, Joson couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Genos shaft is a point, but the biggest advantage of this kid is to listen to advice.

In the future, moving into Saitama's mansion in no man's land, I have to take care of him more.

Joson beckoned, Genos obediently turned his head sideways, and the two suddenly entered conspiracy mode with a burst of whispers.

On the other side of the courtyard.

Saitama stared at the two people who were gathered not far away, and his expression became more and more suspicious.

"King, what do you think the two of them are talking about?"

King followed his gaze and smiled, "I should be trying to persuade that kid to give up early."

Saitama squinted: "I always feel that Josen's back looks like a bad stomach?"


"You have too much heart, Saitama, Jomori-san is still very reliable." King quickly filled his cup with hot tea, "Come on, drink tea and drink tea." "

—Josensand, come on, I can only help delay here!



"What's wrong, King?"


was shocked to hear Josson's voice in his head.

After reacting, I understood it, which is also one of the uses of magnetic field power, and I immediately said that I learned.

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