From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 476: : Ryu Erlong's Guilt

When Liu Erlong heard the voice outside the courtyard, there was obvious panic in his expression.

Yu Xiaogang is here.

How to do?

If he and Ye Han were asked to meet, would they fight?

Can Yu Xiaogang beat Ye Han?

"Cousin?" Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong suspiciously.

"Yes, yes." Liu Erlong said nervously.

"Who is alive, who doesn't have relatives or friends, why are you so nervous? It's just a cousin, not a lover." Ye Han smiled and pressed his forehead against Liu Erlong's forehead with a doting look on his face. Yuan Yuan said to the door, "Please come in, cousin."

"do not!"

Liu Erlong hurriedly spoke, took Ye Han's palm, and begged pitifully, "I, my cousin is too introverted and doesn't like to be in contact with outsiders, I, I'll go see him, you, will you hide? ?"

"Your cousin is a big man and not a woman, yet he still has this kind of character." Ye Han was speechless.

Then his mouth was blocked by Liu Erlong's red lips.

"Please, husband!~"

Accompanied by the delicate voice, the cool and domineering female Tyrannosaurus Rex was helpless, and at this moment she even resorted to the beauty trick.

Ye Han was naturally unable to resist this, so he could only nod his head in agreement and let Liu Erlong go to see Yu Xiaogang alone.

Liu Erlong got what he wanted, and there was a look of surprise on his face, as if he had won a battle.

"Hurry up! I've sent your cousin away. You have to stay with me. I haven't seen you for such a long time. Do you know how much I miss you?" Ye Han said.

"Got it, got it, hurry up and hide, don't let him find out." Liu Erlong's tone was brisk, like a little girl acting like a spoiled child, and pushed Ye Han into the room.

"That is, I trust you, otherwise, your cousin who suddenly appeared may be suspected of being a lover." Ye Han muttered to himself.

Bang! ~

The door was closed, and Liu Erlong's expression changed while standing at the door. Ye Han's self-talk made her feel a little guilty.

As a woman, she was entangled with other men, which made her feel so despicable.

In Liu Erlong's heart, he deceived Ye Han, not Ye Han deceived her.

Ye Han just enforced the village rules in a pedantic and paranoid manner, and in order to protect herself, she deceived him that she was not married. As a result, this led to the development of the situation today.

Yu Xiaogang doesn't care about everything she encounters, she can take her to the world and use time to heal the scars in her heart. She originally thought that she could forget everything that happened between her and Ye Han, but, with Ye Han's return, everything changed. developing in an uncontrollable direction.

Ye Han is like a bomb that may explode at any time. Wherever he goes, it will cause chaos and develop in an unpredictable direction.

Liu Erlong took a deep breath and suppressed his chaotic heart. Now he can only take one step at a time.

"Yuanyuan, let him come in." As Liu Erlong's words fell, the pretty girl of twelve or thirteen years old walked in with a middle-aged man with his hair combed into three or seven points, a gray robe and a straight waist. into the yard.

The man's face was rigid and rigid, as if everyone owed him money, until he saw Liu Erlong, his eyes softened.

As for what he thinks in his heart, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

As a man, it's good if you don't know, when you know that your woman is following other men, how can you not care?

With a sneer on the corner of Ye Han's mouth, he hid himself and looked at the man quietly.

This person is the Yu Xiaogang that Liu Erlong was thinking of.

"Erlong, how are you thinking?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Liu Erlong and said when Yuanyuan went to pour the tea and water.

"I'm married to someone else's wife, and I won't go with you. This is what you want. Take them and leave quickly!" Liu Erlong opened his mouth and handed a package to Yu Xiaogang as he spoke.

It is full of precious medicinal materials.

When Yu Xiaogang heard the words, his expression was sluggish. He never expected Liu Erlong to speak to him in such a tone and so resolutely.

Last time, I clearly noticed that she had let go!

"Let's go! Don't come to me in the future, I'm Xiao's wife now." Liu Erlong saw Yu Xiaogang's expression, worried that he would say something extreme after he reacted to cause Ye Han's vigilance, so he Speak directly to emphasize your identity.

"Me, Erlong, what's wrong with you?" Yu Xiaogang asked dumbly.

A trace of unbearable flashed in Liu Erlong's eyes, but it was only momentarily replaced by Resolute.

"This is what you want. Take them out of here and never come to me. From now on, there will be no Liu Erlong in the world, only one Mrs. Ye."

Liu Erlong spoke eloquently, but blood was dripping in his heart, the pain was unbearable, and there was nowhere to vent his boundless grievances.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang who was standing in front of him dumbfounded, Liu Erlong thought of Ye Han. Although he was reluctant when he was with him, even though he was often bullied and felt even more humiliated, that was just a right He is alone, but he has never been like this before, obviously resentful, angry and aggrieved, but he must be patient and restrained...

At this moment, Liu Erlong seemed to have returned to the Douluo Continent, and he was also facing the useless Yu Xiaogang.

"Erlong, I, you, hey, calm down. I know I'm forcing you too hard during this time. I can give you time and think about it later."

Yu Xiaogang looked sad, and finished speaking in despair, then he pushed the boat, hugged what Liu Erlong shoved into his arms, and left the courtyard staggeringly step by step.


After leaving Liu Erlong's other courtyard, Yu Xiaogang rose directly into the sky, his body erupted with a violent aura, and then he came to an uninhabited mountain and smashed a mountain with one punch.

"Liu Erlong, good, very good, I originally thought of the friendship in the past, if you promise to continue with me and help me annex Guanghan Palace, I can still not care about your ruin, but now, from now on In the future, even if you kneel in front of me at the waistline, I won't give you a second look, bitch."

Yu Xiaogang was furious, and the fighting power of the Douhuang level kept pouring out against the mountains and fields, causing the mountains to collapse, changing the course of the rivers, and turning the world of flowers into a mess...

When he finished venting viciously, he opened the package that Liu Erlong gave, and everything changed immediately.

Emma, ​​it smells so good!

Greedily looking at the medicinal herbs that Zhu Zhu was hard to find outside, and deeply inhaling the fragrance of the medicinal herbs, Yu Xiaogang's smile became more obscene and obscene, it was almost unbearable to look directly at him.

As a man, how could he not care whether his woman is perfect or not? When he learned of what happened to Liu Erlong, his original love had turned into a use. Unfortunately, that stupid woman didn't notice it at all.

Or it could be said that their relationship had a problem in Douluo Continent, and what Liu Erlong mentioned was just a fuse.

However, Liu Erlong had no idea about all this.

After Yu Xiaogang left, Liu Erlong let out a long sigh of relief, then turned around and fell into a broad embrace.

"You, you scared me to death." Liu Erlong patted his full chest, looked at Ye Han with lingering fears, and said in shock.

"You're scared like this in the daytime. Could it be that you've done something wrong?" Ye Han said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth and a cold look on his face.

When Liu Erlong saw the expression on Ye Han's face, his heart skipped a beat, thinking that Ye Han had noticed something, his face turned pale instantly.

"Haha, isn't it just some medicinal herbs? I'll give it as soon as I send it. As for scaring you like this? I'm not a stingy person." Ye Han laughed and relieved Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong let out a long sigh of relief, then borrowed the donkey and said, "I think you've seen it, the family doesn't agree with your marriage, but I gave me your things... Tang Brother, I thought you would blame me!"

"No matter what the attitude of your family I have seen your attitude, I only care about you, other things are just outside things, as long as you are by my side, even if it is to send Guanghan Palace out, I won't even blink." Ye Han said indifferently.

He had an indifferent attitude when he spoke, but in Liu Erlong's ears, it was completely different.

That indifferent tone took her very seriously, making her a little absent-minded, and the guilt in her heart could not help deepening.

Ye Han saw Liu Erlong who was absent-minded, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he bowed his head and gave a domineering kiss...

"Your health should be better!" Ye Han said.


Liu Erlong just nodded instinctively, but did not understand what Ye Han's words meant.

When Ye Han was hugged by a princess and put her on the bed, she realized that she was a little panicked.

Ye Han grabbed Liu Erlong's hands, fixed her on the bed, looked down at her reddish face, and asked in doubt, "What? Are you not willing?"

Looking at the stern face in front of her, feeling the slightly hurried hot breath, and looking at the love in her eyes, Liu Erlong thought of her own deception again. Feeling guilty, she didn't dare to look at Ye Han, so she moved away. look.

Seeing that Liu Erlong no longer resisted, the acquiescence, the smile on Ye Han's mouth widened slightly.

Then he lowered his head and planted strawberries on the pure white neck...

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