From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 475: : Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang

The relationship between Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong went from Douluo Continent to Dou Qi Continent.

There is no doubt that during the time Ye Han left, the two finally met.

Liu Erlong wanted to escape, but faced Yu Xiaogang shamelessly, but Yu Xiaogang was very manly this time, with an extremely tough attitude and never let go.

Even if Liu Erlong told him what happened to him, he said that he didn't care and could forget everything. As long as Liu Erlong could go with him and be with him, he wouldn't care about everything.

Liu Erlong seemed to be shaken, and was moved by Yu Xiaogang.

However, Liu Erlong had concerns, and that was Ye Han.

She has never been able to see through this man. Ye Han's strength is one aspect, his means is another, and the most important thing is his heart, which is so strange and unpredictable that no one seems to know what he is thinking.

The unknown is the most terrifying, so Liu Erlong never made up his mind and did not dare to take the risk and leave with Yu Xiaogang.

She doesn't care about her own life or death, but she doesn't want to implicate Yu Xiaogang.

After Ye Han heard the words of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, the expression on his face was gloomy and uncertain. Although it was true that he was a bit of a villain in this matter, he was really unwilling to let it go.

After all, in order to coax Liu Erlong, he spent a lot of effort.

Ye Han came quietly and came to the other courtyard where Liu Erlong lived.


A twelve- or thirteen-year-old girl with fair skin and beautiful face, but with a huge childish face, was slightly startled when she saw Ye Han's figure, and hurriedly bowed and saluted.


Ye Han raised his index finger and put it to his mouth to make a gesture of silence.

Seeing this, the little girl immediately covered her mouth with her little hand.

"I haven't seen each other for a few months, and Yuanyuan has become beautiful again, right?" Ye Han lowered his voice and smiled at the little girl.

"Where is it?"

When the little girl heard this, her cheeks flushed, she lowered her head shyly, and her voice was clear and sweet.

There is no doubt that this girl is the girl Ye Han cut off her beard halfway at the auction that day, and now she is Liu Erlong's maid.

"Who are you talking to, Yuanyuan?" At this moment, Liu Erlong's voice came from the room.

As the voice fell, Liu Erlong's mature body wrapped in a black tight leather jacket appeared in front of Ye Han's eyes.

Wearing a black tight leather jacket, she showed the enchanting beauty of a woman. She was nearly one hundred and eighty centimeters tall, with round and straight legs, and a cold and attractive face. At this moment, she appeared in front of Ye Han.

Compared with the time of separation, now Liu Erlong is like a dead tree in spring, more energetic, not as dull as before, but now she is very energetic, with a faint smile on her cold face when she appeared.

However, when she saw who was standing with Yuanyuan, the smile on her face instantly solidified and then disappeared little by little.

"Wife, did you miss me?" Ye Han didn't seem to notice the change in Liu Erlong's expression, with a bright smile on his face, his arms open, and a look of joy on his face.

Yuanyuan had already retreated knowing the current affairs and walked out of this courtyard.

Liu Erlong opened his mouth, thinking of the days he spent with Ye Han, and thinking about the entanglement of Tianyu Xiaogang, his heart instantly plunged into chaos.

Getting along with Ye Han is full of pain, but like a poppy, he knows that poison is not a good thing, but it is so unforgettable and unforgettable.

She hated him and wanted to kill him, but for some reason, she felt a little attached to him. His strength, his care, and his meticulous care really made her hate and love.

As for Yu Xiaogang, the former cowardly man, the man who always looked ahead and followed his promises, this time he showed unprecedented courage, making Liu, who was already disheartened and planned to break the jar, but was left alive. Erlong's heart revived with vitality.

However, the awe and fear of Ye Han, as well as the little bit of reluctance in her heart, made her unable to make up her mind to leave with him.

Unconsciously, she was delayed for half a month. As a result, after seeing Ye Han now, she suddenly regretted it.

Yu Xiaogang doesn't care about her past, but still loves her deeply. She is willing to take her far away, travel the world with her, use time to heal the wounds in her heart, and she still has him in her heart...

At this moment, Liu Erlong understood and instantly "recognized" her heart. She still loved that man, and at the same time, she regretted it.

Because, Ye Han came back.

In Liu Erlong's understanding, the Dark Demon Tiger is easier to deceive. After all, Yu Xiaogang has been successfully fooled by so many days and so many visits, but Ye Han is as cunning as a fox and has deep scheming. The strength and means are terrifying, and it is not easy to sneak under his nose.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that all her actions were under the surveillance of the Dark Demon Tiger...

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me back?" As Ye Han spoke, the smile on his face faded a little.

"Why, how could it be, I, I just didn't expect you to come back so suddenly." Liu Erlong's heart skipped a beat, he tried his best to squeeze a smile on his face, and said.

In order to prevent Ye Han from seeing the clue, while speaking, Liu Erlong stepped forward and buried his mature and full body in Ye Han's chest.

"I see! I thought you didn't want to see me at all." Ye Han reached out and lifted Liu Erlong's head gently, looking at the woman's glamorous face, while talking, he lowered his head and kissed Liu Erlong gently. Erlong's red lips.

Woo! ~

Liu Erlong's pupils shrank slightly, and a whimper sounded in his throat, and he could only half push and half at random to show his obedience.

"It's already at the level of Douwang, and the cultivation base has improved very quickly. Would you like to compare it?" Ye Han looked at the panting woman in his arms and said with a smile.

He was giving Liu Erlong a chance, and then...

Liu Erlong Zhengchou couldn't find the opportunity to test Ye Han's As a result, this man brought the opportunity to her, how could she not grasp it firmly.

However, with just a bang, Liu Erlong was defeated, a crushing defeat, a complete defeat.

In Ye Han's hands, she, a former **** king who was rebuilt, couldn't hold on to a move. It was just a punch, and she was hit so hard that all the bones in her whole body seemed to be shaken apart. The power of resistance.

Liu Erlong's slender and full body was flying. At this moment, she was out of focus and had some doubts about life.

Originally thought that with his own strength, even if he couldn't beat Ye Han, he would be able to deal with him for a while, and even, with Yu Xiaogang, he might be able to fight back.

Who would have thought that if you don't try it, you won't know, and you will be shocked when you try it.

The gap between them was so large, which made Liu Erlong a little desperate.

The corner of Ye Han's mouth outlined a smile, looking at the woman who was knocked away by his punch, her body flashed away in place, hugged Liu Erlong, smiled, and said hypocritically, "Wife, are you alright? I see that your cultivation base has grown so fast, and you are re-cultivating again, I thought you were strong, so I took a heavy shot, but I didn't expect you to be so weak."

Pfft! ~

Liu Erlong spurted out a mouthful of blood, purely out of anger.

"Madam, your cousin is here."

At this moment, Yuanyuan's voice sounded from outside the courtyard gate, like a thunderbolt, slamming into Liu Erlong's mind.

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