From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 477: : Holy Dragon Art

Chapter 478: Holy Dragon Art

The secrets concealed by lies will eventually be revealed.

Early in the morning, Liu Erlong got up from the bed.

The feeling from his body made Liu Erlong's tender body tremble, and he almost fainted.

No matter how stupid she is, but after all, she has lived for nearly a hundred years, so how could she not know that she was deceived at this moment.

But after many attempts, Ye Han's reaction made her so unconfident.

Because Ye Han's performance is too simple.

It turns out that his innocence has always been there, but now...

There is no point in continuing to struggle with these.

After this incident, Liu Erlong's heart to kill Ye Han became more determined. While enjoying the comfortable married life, he thought about **** Ye Han. It was very contradictory, but it was so real.

With the help of Liu Erlong, Ye Hanxiu made a successful breakthrough and reached the Douzong realm.

The former god-king's body was gifted with extraordinary talents and had unimaginable potential. Ye Han's cultivation level directly reached 3 stars of Dou Zong, and with the communication with Liu Erlong, Ye Han's strength is still steadily improving...

But there is no doubt that the rate of improvement is getting slower and slower.

Compared with Ye Han's improvement in cultivation, Liu Erlong's strength is like riding a rocket, and he has directly caught up with Ye Han, almost surpassing Ye Han...

However, the good times did not last long.

Seeing that his cultivation base is about to surpass Ye Han in an all-round way, the hope of revenge is imminent, but, for some unknown reason, Ye Han has begun to alienate her, and until now, he has ignored her for more than a month.

This change caught Liu Erlong off guard, and felt a strong sense of discomfort in his heart, but she didn't know that this emotion was called loss.

Habits are a terrible thing.

You may feel bored when someone is sticking to you all the time, but when you suddenly lose one day, you will inevitably feel empty inside.

Although Ye Han didn't leave, his attitude toward Liu Erlong became more indifferent. From the initial alienation, it has now turned into ignorance.

Although they are under the same roof, they are like strangers, like a pair of strangers.

On this day, Liu Erlong finally knew the "truth."

Ye Han had other women outside, and there were two.

At this moment, Liu Erlong couldn't sit still, and finally broke out. He grabbed Ye Han and asked him, who are those two women, and what is he in his heart?

"It's just two girls who have lost their footing! I think they are pitiful, and I gave them a home." Ye Han smiled lightly, sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and entered a state of cultivation.

Although he knew that the effect of cultivation was not great, he still insisted on it every day.

"You, Ye Han, you bastard." Seeing Ye Han's attitude, Liu Erlong's pretty face flushed with anger, his big eyes instantly filled with tears, and then like a broken thread, he snapped unsatisfactorily. pat pat, left on her face.

Liu Erlong thought to himself that as a wife, she had fulfilled her duty as a wife. Although she wanted to kill Ye Han in her heart, it was still just an idea and had not been implemented.

Although Yu Xiaogang and Yu Xiaogang have met several times in the past year, they have maintained a proper distance in advance and retreat, and have not done anything to feel sorry for Ye Han, but in exchange, Ye Han is like this. Attitude.

"do not Cry!"

Ye Han suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at Liu Erlong with a bit of annoyance, and let out a roar in a deep voice.

Liu Erlong's body trembled involuntarily, and he glanced at Ye Han with some fear. His inner grievance was even worse, and his tears fell faster.

In fact, she didn't want to do this, she didn't want to show her weak side in front of Ye Han at all, but in the face of Ye Han who was as cold as ice, she couldn't help but feel wronged in her heart.

"I have something to do tonight, if you want, come with me." Ye Han frowned slightly, looked at Liu Erlong, and said lightly.

Immediately, Ye Han got up, jumped over Liu Erlong, and slammed the door directly.

Liu Erlong sniffed, raised his hand and wiped away a handful of tears, a hint of stubbornness flashed in his eyes, as if he was chasing Ye Han's back from an angry little girl.

After getting along for so long, I still have a certain understanding of Ye Hanliu Erlong, knowing that he wants to invite tonight, there must be a reason, definitely not for no reason.

Instead, she wanted to see what trick Ye Han was playing, and why he suddenly acted uncharacteristically and treated herself like this.

In Ye Han's mansion compound, hundreds of people had gathered at some point in time, of which there were nearly 50 of the Douhuang powerhouses alone, and the rest were basically Douwang realm.

"Set off!"

Glancing at Liu Erlong who was following the shadow, Ye Han waved his hand and shouted loudly.

A group of people got the order, and they spread their fighting spirit wings into the air, like shooting stars, rushing in one direction.

Ye Han took a step forward, and for the first time in more than a month, he took the initiative to grab Liu Erlong's palm, and then took her away quickly.

Hundreds of silhouettes hid their breath, quickly dispersed, and surrounded the huge mansion in front of them. Ye Han took Liu Erlong's palm and strolled in like a leisurely stroll. Under the moonlight, they were like a loving couple. Envy others.

"This is the seat of a force called Golden Dragon Gate. Guess what's the name of the gatekeeper of this Golden Dragon Gate?" Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong with a dazed smile on his face.

Such a smile, Liu Erlong has not seen for a long time.

"It turns out that his smile is so beautiful, bright and gentle, it makes people feel relaxed and happy." Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes blurred, looking at the smile on Ye Han's face, his sad heart couldn't help but relax.

Facing Ye Han's question, she shook her head slightly without saying a word.

Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong with a brighter smile, then opened and closed his lips and said a name.

"Yu Xiaogang!~"

Hearing this, Liu Erlong's expression instantly stiffened, and his palms involuntarily squeezed Ye Han's palms.

Ye Han smiled and retracted his gaze, as if unaware of Liu Erlong's change.

"Guanghan Palace is now the underground emperor of Heijiaoyu. Except for the Canaan Academy, which is like the Supreme Emperor, who would dare to challenge me, but the Golden Dragon Gate established by Yu Xiaogang did dare. This year, not only did I Several places in the Guanghan Palace have robbed me of several batches of valuable goods, so I wondered, the transportation routes of those goods are extremely secret, how did this Yu Xiaogang know?"

Ye Han muttered to himself as if no one was beside him.

But his words made Liu Erlong's face pale, and the whole person lost his soul...

"He knows, he must know about me and Yu Xiaogang." Even though Yu Xiaogang and I were only married, at this moment, Liu Erlong was still flustered like never before.

"After many investigations, I found a very interesting thing."

Ye Han ignored Liu Erlong, and while talking, he squeezed the seal in his hand, isolating himself from Liu Erlong's breath, and said, "That person's practice is actually the Holy Dragon Art. I taught you that practice. , are you saying this is interesting or not?"

Liu Erlong's body trembled slightly, his lips slightly opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he was speechless.

"The Holy Dragon Art was originally a fair and upright exercise, but that guy has cultivated it into a kind of evil exercise that harvests yin and replenishes yang. Come on, I'll show you."

Ye Han took Liu Erlong's palm, and quietly came to a luxurious palace under the guidance of the people in front of him.

Hidden beneath the splendor is endless darkness and blood.

Ye Han forcibly brought Liu Erlong to a window and let her watch the scene inside...

In Liu Erlong's eyes, the gentle and elegant humble and polite, full of strategy, the man at the moment is so hideous, so terrifying, so unfamiliar.

Under the gaze of Liu Erlong, a young girl was tortured to death by the man, but the name that the man shouted was Liu Erlong.

"Liu Erlong, you and I belong to the owner of the blood of the dragon clan, and we are a pair made in heaven. When you and I are combined, you will get twice the result with half the effort, but why did you reject me, ah! Is it because of the man named Xiao Han in your mouth? Originally, you and I could join hands to annex his Guanghan Palace, but you have changed your mind, bitch, wait for me, sooner or later I will torture you to death."

Hearing the malicious words, Liu Erlong's scalp felt numb, and he felt that the people he once knew had suddenly become so unfamiliar.

She shouted and wanted to question the person, but her voice could not be transmitted at all, all were blocked by an inexplicable force, and her body was controlled by Ye Han, she could only watch the wind-like man , tortured the poor girl to death as herself.

After watching all this, Liu Erlong lost his attention and collapsed into Ye Han's arms...

(End of this chapter)

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