Don't be afraid that the method is difficult, but be afraid that there is no way.

As long as there is a way, things will be simple.

The two became tired again, and Ye Han and Ruo Lin got up and washed.

"Are you really going to find her?" Ruo Lin looked at Ye Han who had walked to the door of the room, her eyes showing mixed emotions.

"Yeah! I'll just go in and have a look. Why, are you reluctant to let me go? If you're reluctant to let me leave, then I'll stay with you." Ye Han turned his head and said with a solemn expression.

It seemed that if Ruo Lin said a word, he would never leave.

When Ruo Lin heard this, her face turned bright red, and she said, "Whoever can't bear you, hurry up, it's best not to come to me in the future."

"Oh! That's fine!" Ye Han opened the door in disappointment, stepped out of the threshold with one foot, and then turned around and said reluctantly, "Are you sure you want me to go?"

"Hurry up? Don't come back if you leave!" Ruo Lin stepped forward with a look of disgust and pushed Ye Han out of the door.


The door was closed, and Ruo Lin leaned against the door, listening to the footsteps that were walking away, her heart suddenly became empty, as if there was no hope in life, she was leaning against the room unconsciously. The door squatted down, clasped his knees with both hands, buried his head between his legs, and made a faint choking sound.

"Stinky man, can't you see that I am duplicitous? I actually left!"

The sound of crying gradually became louder, making those who heard it sad and those who heard it wept.

"Fool, why are you crying? I'm not really coming back." Ye Han's laughter came from outside the door.

With a crunch, the moment his voice just fell, the door opened instantly, and then a Miaoman figure flew into his arms like a swallow. Voice.

"Okay, don't cry, just kidding, you are my woman, how can I leave you alone, I will only go out for a few months at most, it's a big deal, head office!" Ye Han picked up Ruo Lin's face and helped her wipe the tears from her face, helplessly.

She took Ruo Lin back to her room, and after she vented for a while, her cheeks flushed slightly, only then did she realize that she was so fragile that she had unknowingly identified this man.

Hearing that a man could give up her own goals for her, Ruo Lin was so moved, she pushed Ye Han out of the door and said shyly, "Go! Do what you want to do, and when you're done, here, Come back to me and I'll wait for you."

The last few words were almost inaudible. If Ye Han hadn't had a good ear, he might have ignored it.

The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, Ye Han nodded with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Ye Han left.

This time it's really gone.

Under the reluctant gaze in the crack of the door behind him, he waved his hand slightly and walked away...

To enter the inner courtyard, Hujia is indeed a good choice. After all, this is a real world, and the identity background is still very useful.

In Ye Han's mind, thinking of the red-clothed girl with a hot figure, the corners of his mouth could not help slightly upturn, and a wonderful idea rose in his heart.

He casually picked a bunch of wild flowers from the side of the road, and after a lot of inquiries, Ye Han knew where the girl lived.

But his actions have aroused the curiosity of some people. After all, you are a man, inquiring about a girl's residence, and you are a beautiful girl with both talent and beauty. Naturally, many people can't help but guess his purpose. .

So, when he came to Hu Jia's residence, many tails fell off his back.

"Should be to confess, right?"

"Sure, look at that coquettish look, but I don't know where I got a bunch of wild flowers."

"Do you think he broke his foot or hand this time?"

"I still dare to confess at this time. I think I have two brushes. I guess it shouldn't be possible to break my hands and feet, but I must have a bruised nose and a swollen face."

"The market is open, the market is open, and this time I'll bet on whether he has broken hands or feet, a bruised nose or a swollen face, or a successful confession."

"You get 1 for a broken hand and a broken foot, 1 for a blue nose and a swollen face, and 10 for a successful confession."

In the whispers behind them, a group of people actually set up the handicap and gambled openly.

Ye Han was quite speechless, shook his head, ignored the movement behind him, knocked on the door, and saw the woman in red.

The face of melon seeds, the skin is white and delicate, the body is tall and slender, and she is dressed in red. She is heroic and slim.

"What are you doing?" The young girl looked at Ye Han who appeared in front of her, the wind was like jade, and she was holding a bouquet of flowers in a gentle manner. Instead of asking his name, she asked him directly and rudely about his purpose.

"Cough cough! Let me introduce myself."

Ye Han smiled lightly, and said calmly, "Ye Han is a matchmaker. I heard that the girl is eighteen years old. I have not married you, so I came here to ask for marriage."

When Ye Han introduced her name, Hu Jia's embroidered eyebrows could not help but wrinkle slightly, showing a hint of impatience, but when Ye Han's follow-up words sounded, the impatience on her face turned into stunned.

"Everyone really has everyone these days!" Hu Jia couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"The girl is as beautiful as a flower. As long as you nod your head, I will definitely put the most handsome man in the world in front of you..." Ye Han boasted, but what greeted him was a word.


Hu Jia took a deep breath, her full chest rose and fell, suppressed the anger in her heart, and let out a cold drink.

Ye Han was stunned when he heard the words, as if he never thought that the woman in front of him would make him get out of the way.

"You can't do a peerless tough guy, what about the pretty girl? Just like Xiao Xun'er." Ye Han said without giving up.

Hujia was stunned when she heard the words, and her fair and delicate melon seeds face flushed slightly like warm jade.

Ye Han saw the corners of his mouth twitching, and said, "There is no excuse, this girl's hobby is really different."

But just when he thought his plan had succeeded, Hu Jia spoke again, saying "Get out!"

"Damn it, why can't your little girl's skin be oily and salty? Come on, feel free to ask for anything, as long as you kick it, I will satisfy you." Ye Han said.

"You want to fight, don't you? Get the **** out of here before I get angry, or I'll let you go." Hu Jia's face darkened, and she clenched her fist and said angrily.

"Hehe, I can still walk around if I can't eat, I like it." Ye Han smiled.

"It looks like you're here to find fault, right?" As he spoke, Hu Jia's vindictive qi was already surging.

"No, no, no, how could I have come to find fault?" Ye Han quickly shook his head, looking timid and fearful, causing Hu Jia's surging fighting spirit to stagnate slightly.

But then, I heard Ye Han's words.

"I'm here just to want you to be my girlfriend. I'm definitely not here to find fault."

He said the toughest words in the most cowardly tone, such a change made Hu Jia stunned for a moment, and then burst into anger.

"Haha! Where's the stinky boy from? I don't know how high the sky is. If I don't beat you to the ground looking for teeth today, I'm afraid you won't have a long memory!" Hu Jia laughed angrily.


Seeing the girl who was so angry that her little fist had already greeted her, Ye Han quickly raised his palm and said.

"What? Now you know you're afraid, it's too late." Hu Jia sneered, but her movements stopped.

"If you fart, I'll be afraid, afraid of you little girl." Ye Han said, and with just one sentence, the girl was so angry that her liver hurt, her breathing was short, and her plump **** were majestic and constantly heaving.

She felt that she shouldn't give this person a chance, this is a life-or-death thing.

"Don't be angry, I don't mean anything else when I say this, and I don't mean to look down on you, but I want to ask, what's the benefit of fighting with you? If I win, will you agree to be my girlfriend? "Ye Han had a shy smile on his face, and said shameless words with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Okay! If you beat me, I will consider being your girlfriend, but if you lose, you have to kneel at my door, give me three heads, and shout three times, auntie, I was wrong, I will never again I dare not." Hu Jia said.

She decided to teach Ye Han a profound lesson. However, her words did not say death, but left room and a certain retreat for herself.

This is not to say that she is not confident and timid before a fight, but a manifestation of her intelligence. Unfortunately, she does not know who she is facing.

Ye Han seemed unaware of Hu Jia's language trap, nodded and said, "Okay, let's make a deal, high I defeated you, you are my girlfriend."

Hu Jia didn't think too much about this, and directly clashed with Ye Han's palm.


He crossed his hands and made a crisp sound.

The next moment, Hu Jia's complexion changed instantly, it became extremely embarrassing, her face was ashen, and at the same time there was a hint of fear that could not be concealed.

Ye Han just revealed a trace of vindictiveness, which made her unable to bear it. She held both hands together, seemingly ordinary, but in fact, she was already wrestling secretly.

It's a pity that Ren Pinghujia used her strength to suckle, but she was still unable to shake Ye Han's palm.

"Hehe! It looks like you lost."

Ye Han smiled, his fighting spirit surged out, suppressing Hu Jia's movements, directly carrying Hu Jia on his shoulders, and walked into her residence.

With a hook on his heel, the door closed, blocking the view from the outside.

"You, bastard, let me go." Hu Jia called on Ye Han's shoulder.

"Don't be arrogant, I just don't want you to lose too ugly." Ye Han said.

"Grandpa, help!"

Hu Jia listened to Ye Han's words, but she ignored it and shouted directly.

Then a tall, middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s appeared in front of Ye Han's eyes. It was Hu Gan who had only seen him not long ago.

The old man's eyes were bright, looking at Ye Han who was carrying his granddaughter on his shoulders like a sack, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly, and the expression on his face was a little unsightly.

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