From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 464: : violent conquest

The two men looked at each other, and there was no violent collision of sparks.

The old man's eyes were scrutinized, Ye Han was a little embarrassed, he never expected to meet this old guy here.

You said that you are a big man and the vice president of Tangtang, what is it like to hide in a little girl's room?

Although he complained in his heart, he still put down his granddaughter obediently.

"Hello, old man, I'm Hu Jia's boyfriend." With a shy smile on Ye Han's face, he grabbed Hu Jia's slender jade hand, and without waiting for Hu Jia's complaint, he seized the initiative and said directly.

When Hu Qian heard this, he glanced at the palms the two held together with a scrutinizing gaze, his old face a little gloomy.

"Grandpa is talking nonsense, don't listen to him, hurry up and save me." Hu Jia glanced at Ye Han. She didn't expect that she would dare to speak madly in front of her grandfather. What she didn't expect was that grandfather There was no time to rescue herself, so the girl immediately became anxious.

"What are you talking about? You promised to be my girlfriend just now, so have you forgotten?" Ye Han reached out and rubbed Hujia's head, smiling dotingly.

"You young people's affairs, you solve it yourself." Hu Gan said.

The old face that was still a little gloomy at first, after seeing the helpless appearance of his granddaughter, it seemed that he saw the blue sky after the clouds were cleared, and it instantly became brighter.

Under Hu Jia's dazed gaze, Hu Gan's tall figure quickly passed over the two of them and appeared at the door.

"You, don't overdo it."

The footsteps paused slightly, and there was a hint of distress on the old face. After all, it was his granddaughter. Although he usually acted for some nonsense, he had a special hobby that made Hu Qian feel anxious all the time, but he left her like this. Some are unbearable.

However, he finally met someone who could subdue this little witch and like her. He didn't want to beat the mandarin ducks and ruin the chance to lead his granddaughter to the right path!

Leaving a sentence, as long as Ye Han doesn't go too far, he will feel at ease, then open the door, close the door again, and the person has disappeared.

Hu Jia's face was bewildered, and she let out a cry like a cuckoo weeping blood, and said, "Grandpa!~"

Unfortunately, the old man who had been protecting her has disappeared.

"Are you the granddaughter of your grandfather?" Ye Han also asked in confusion.

He also did not expect that the vice president would be so arrogant, that he would have to abandon his granddaughter.

"My good granddaughter, don't blame me. After many years, when you really grow up, you will know that I am doing this for your own good."

Hugan hid in the dark and couldn't help sighing slightly.

He didn't leave. After all, he was his granddaughter, and he was a relative. Although he was usually a bit rambunctious and his hobbies were a bit unique, it made people feel a little bit more troublesome and had more problems, but after all, he was a close relative. Throw it to a strange man and leave it unattended.

Now that the matter had been discovered, Ye Han knew that Hu Qian would never really leave, so he could rest assured to leave his granddaughter to himself.

After a little induction, the location of the old thing was directly exposed to his perception.

Shaking his head, since everyone has handed over their granddaughter to him, why are you being polite?

"It seems that the old man is very satisfied with me, the fate of my parents is already over, what do you have to say now?" Ye Han couldn't help laughing as he looked at Hu Jia's dumbfounded appearance and couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

"You said your name was Ye Han, what's your relationship with Xiao Xun'er?" Hu Jia came back to her senses and looked at Ye Han's handsome face, and then she recalled his name and what she had heard these days. matter.

"Alas! It seems that you really care about my fiancée. That's right, I'm that Ye Han, but it doesn't matter. Even if you really have any thoughts about my fiancée, I don't mind." Ye Han said.

"Really?" Hu Jia blushed pretty and blurted out.

As soon as the words came out, she found something wrong, but she couldn't take back the water spilled out of the words.

"Do you feel that I have a boyfriend and a girlfriend all of a sudden, I am very happy." Ye Han said.

"You, what nonsense are you talking about? Why do you have a boyfriend and a girlfriend?" Hu Jia's face flushed, and she suddenly became embarrassed.

Ye Han stretched out his hand and squeezed Hujia's little face, and said with a smile, "It's pretty cute."

"Go away, I didn't promise to be your girlfriend, and my grandfather must be nearby. If you dare to mess around, he will be the first to jump out and blow your dog's head." Hu Jia slapped Ye Ye away. Cold palm, proudly said.

She wasn't an idiot in the first place. She was just shocked by her grandfather's actions. She didn't react for a while. Now she came back to her senses and figured out everything in an instant.

She knew that her grandfather was definitely nearby, and she would never leave her alone like this.

"Okay! Let's fight again!"

With a big wave of Ye Han's hand, he directly released the restraint on Hu Jia and made a gesture of "please".

Hu Jia was stunned for a while. He didn't expect Ye Han to make such a request. Looking at the handsome face with a serious expression, Hu Jia shook his head after a moment of hesitation.

She's not a fool, she knows she can't beat her, so why go up and be abused.

"I'm afraid, I won't bully you, I will suppress my own strength to the cultivation level of a great fighting master." Ye Han's fingers tapped on his body several times, and then the fighting qi on his body was directly suppressed.

Hu Jia's eyes flashed slightly, this time, without waiting for Ye Han to speak, she directly bullied her and attacked Ye Han.

In the face of a move similar to a sneak attack, Ye Han just smiled slightly, with a calm look, he easily blocked her attack with a wave of his hands, and never used any fighting skills from the beginning to the end.

"Are you sure, you really don't want to be my girlfriend?" Ye Han couldn't help but ask curiously, looking at the girl who was **** by himself.

That tone, that look, that look, it was as if the girl would lose 100,000 million if she didn't be his girlfriend.

"If you don't do it, you won't do it if you kill him." Hu Jia fell to the ground and looked at Ye Han with shame. Hearing his words, his head twitched slightly, as if he would rather die than give in.

"Okay! Then let's kill Ye Han sighed helplessly.

Then he used his vindictive energy to turn it into a whip and beat the **** the ground.

Kaboom! ~

"You bastard, I handed my granddaughter to you, not for you to beat." After Hu Gan found the situation in the room, he clenched his steel teeth and squeezed his fists, and rushed over to hold Ye Han and beat him violently. meal.

Just as he started to move, he suddenly stopped.

His face was cloudy for a while, and it turned out a strange pink color, a little annoyed, but also a little yearning, as if caught in some kind of memory.

Because, in his granddaughter's cry, he not only heard pain, but more joy...

This made Hu Gan involuntarily think of his youthful days...

"I'm Nima! I didn't expect to have such an attribute." Ye Han was surprised.

After some beatings, Ye Han took the sweaty body of Hu Jiaxiang, who had awakened to special attributes, into his arms and said with a smile, "How is it now? Do you agree to be my girlfriend?"

"I, I, answer, promise." Hu Jia slightly turned her head to the side, her blushing flushed, fine sweat dripping from her forehead, she did not dare to look at Ye Han, her voice weak.

After the goal was achieved, Ye Han's eyes softened. Looking at the red marks on Hu Jia's tattered clothes, he felt a little distressed and said, "Does it hurt?"

Hu Jia heard the words, nodded and shook her head, and then suddenly screamed.

She thought of her grandfather.

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