From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 462: : How to enter the inner courtyard

Ruo Lin limped out of the bedroom.

However, a gap was quietly opened in the wardrobe behind her, revealing a pair of clear eyes behind her, looking at everything in front of her with curiosity.

However, now Ruolin's whole mind is on the person outside the door. In any case, the man who was with her last night is still the fiancé of the person outside the door.

In case, if Xiao Xun'er finds out, then...

Ruo Lin's face was hot and her heartbeat was faster than ever before. At this moment, she felt like a mistress who was involved in other people's feelings, and she would face the risk of being caught and raped by her wife at any time. She felt nervous and guilty like never before.

However, what should be faced must be faced no matter what.

When she came to the door, she patted her face, took a deep breath, calmed her beating heart, and then opened the door with a creak.

At the moment when the door opened, a slender palm suddenly enlarged in front of her eyes. Ruo Lin closed her eyes subconsciously, and secretly said in her heart, "It's over, I've been discovered."

At the same time, she felt sad in her heart.

I want to be a teacher, always be conscientious, and have a great future at hand, but because I am too dedicated, I love my students too much, and I have to do everything. To be beaten by one's own students, and to be misunderstood...

Ruo Lin instantly felt that life was bleak, her face was pale, and she felt that life was boring.

However, the expected slap did not appear.

"Teacher, I'm sorry! I didn't expect you to open the door suddenly, but I just heard the screams from your room. What's going on." Xiao Xun'er slowly retracted her palm and looked at Ruo in embarrassment. Lin, said curiously.

As he spoke, he stood on tiptoe and looked up into the room.

When Ruo Lin heard the words, she could not help but secretly let out a sigh of relief.

In an instant, I figured out the reason for the slap. No accident, Xiao Xun'er was knocking on the door, but she opened the door at this moment, and ended up making a mess.

At the same time, she couldn't help but secretly scolded herself for being unsatisfactory, but she couldn't hold her breath, and she was suddenly frightened by a slap in the face.

"I made a mistake in my practice. I'll be fine after a while." After calming down a little, Ruo Lin showed a relaxed smile, as if nothing had happened.


Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, somewhat disbelieving.

Because what she heard just now was obviously a male voice!

But before she could think about it, her thoughts were interrupted by Ruo Lin's voice.

"You have already passed the selection to enter the inner courtyard. The competition there is far more intense than the outer courtyard. Now it is time to consolidate your cultivation base and prepare for entering the inner courtyard. Do you have anything to do with me today?" Ruo Lin asked.

As she spoke, she turned around and led Xiao Xun'er to the living room.

Although Ruo Lin's behavior seemed normal, Xiao Xun'er, who had come here, could see at a glance that something was wrong with her.

Her walking posture is too weird, a bit familiar, as if she's seen it somewhere, and it feels like she's familiar.

"I entered the inner courtyard this time. I don't know when I will see you again. I came to say goodbye to the teacher ahead of time. Thanks to the teacher's care over the past few years, thank you." Xiao Xun'er bowed and saluted Ruo Lin respectfully. Suppressed the thoughts in my heart.

"You stupid girl, you just entered the inner courtyard, not parting from life or death. If you want me to come out and see me, the inner courtyard is in control and doesn't matter." Ruo Lin continued, her expression became more and more natural and gentle.

When Xiao Xun'er heard Ruo Lin's words, she couldn't help biting her lip, but in the end she didn't tell Ruo Lin her true purpose.

Instead, with a sweet smile on her face, she nodded lightly, then she hugged Ruo Lin's arms with both hands, and leaned her head against her shoulder.

"Thank you, Instructor Ruolin." Xiao Xun'er whispered softly.

If it wasn't for her to help him hold back Ye Han. How could he leave Canaan Academy so easily, find his true love, and be liberated from it.

Ruo Lin smiled and touched Xiao Xun'er's head.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Xun'er suddenly frowned slightly, and her small Qiong nose gently sniffed, and then two red clouds rose up on her cheeks in an instant.

She knows.

She knows why Ruo Lin's walking posture is so familiar, and why she feels deja vu, because she had experienced it herself not long ago.

The smell from Ruo Lin's body made Xiao Xun'er instantly guess what?

Thinking of the man in the room just now screaming, thinking that the teacher Ruo Lin had not opened the door for a long time, thinking of the limping walking posture of Ruo Lin, Xiao Xun'er's heart suddenly opened up, and after realizing that she had disturbed others' good things, Xiao Xun'er was like a The child who did something wrong looked ashamed and left in a panic.

"Teacher, I'll go first if I still have something to do. I wish you a good time, but also take care of your body..."

Ruo Lin looked at the hurriedly away back with a bewildered expression, and Monk Zhang Er was at a loss.

Cough cough! ~

"She should have found out that you have a man." Ye Han's voice came from the door of the bedroom, which made Ruo Lin instantly come back to her senses. Then, stumbled, she walked quickly to the gate, and slammed the door shut, lest others find out. figure in the house.

After everything was done, she let out a long sigh of relief.

Then I saw a playful smiling face appear in front of me.

"Your first reaction was a bit strange, shouldn't it be to run away?" Ye Han said with a smile.

Ruo Lin was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted in horror, yes! You are a victim, why should you worry about being discovered, you should run away as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, she turned around quickly, and was about to open the door and run away.

But at this moment, a broad palm slammed on the door, causing Ruo Lin's body to tremble violently.

The stiff body slowly turned around, looking at the smiling face in front of her, Ruo Lin was pitiful, with a weak cry in her voice, "You, what are you doing?"

"You called me husband, what did you say I wanted to do?" Ye Han reached out and gently stroked the soft face in front of him, then lowered his head and slowly approached...

Ruo Lin's eyes flickered slightly, full of fear and struggle. She wanted to dodge, but was firmly controlled by Ye Han's palm.

With a light kiss, Ye Han said domineeringly and shamelessly, "You call me husband, where do you want to go now?"

Then, amid Ruolin's exclamations, Ye Han hugged her with a princess and carried her back to the bedroom again.

"No, no, I, I, will break..."

Looking at Ye Han whose eyes were getting hotter, Ruo Lin said in horror.

"Don't worry, I have already received the benefits you gave me, and I should pay for you next."

Ye Han smiled slightly, then gently and firmly...

This is a double cultivation in the true sense. With Ye Han's powerful strength returning to Pu, the benefits that Ruo Lin has gained are enormous. In just one night, her strength has directly reached the realm of Dou Wang.

Although today's Ruo Lin also felt like her body was falling apart, her whole body was radiant and full of energy.

She was like a lazy kitten, lying in Ye Han's arms, staring at the handsome young face in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.

Ye Han lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead lightly, his arm passed through the woman's neck, his palm gently caressed the smooth and soft jade arm, while he couldn't put it down and felt the smooth skin in his hand, he casually said, "You have Is there a way for me to enter the inner courtyard?"

"Do you want to enter the inner courtyard?" Ruo Lin frowned upon hearing this.

Ruo Lin already knew about Ye Han sneaking into the Canaan Academy, and was surprised by his boldness and madness, but she didn't expect that he would even want to enter the inner courtyard.

There is the powerhouse of the academy, and without consent, not even a fly can fly into it.

"Yes, do you have a solution?" Ye Han asked.

"You, you treat me like this, why do you think I'll help you?" Ruo Lin put aside her lazy expression and looked at Ye Han coldly.

In response, Ye Han just smiled faintly, then lowered his head and launched an attack on those two red lips...

"Just because you are my woman, is that enough?" Ye Han opened his mouth and said, looking at the panting woman in his arms.

"You, shameless."

Ruo Lin widened her eyes, looked at the figure in front of her, panted and cursed.

Ye Han was unmoved, but with a faint smile on his face, he looked at her quietly, waiting for her reply.

"I, I have no choice."

Ruo Lin compromised.

She is not a strong woman. After getting her body, she has basically got half of her heart. Coupled with Ye Han's powerful proud talent, these two days of domineering and Gentleness has easily captured the body and mind of this woman, but the woman's restraint makes her unable to admit it quickly.

However, facing Ye Han's serious question, she could only answer seriously, "I'm just an ordinary teacher in the academy, and I don't have that much energy to let you enter the inner courtyard."

"Then is there any other way?" Ye Han retracted his gaze and returned to his lazy look, holding Ruo Lin's ketone body, and said nonchalantly.

But this time, it aroused Ruo Lin's alarm, and she couldn't help but say, "What are you going to do in the inner courtyard?"

"I am a mere Dou Huang. Of course, I am curious about what I can do when I enter the inner courtyard." Ye Han said indifferently.

However, Ruo Lin had a suspicious look on her face, obviously not believing what he said.


With a crisp sound, Ruo Lin felt a slight pain on her buttocks behind her, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Woman, what kind of eyes are you looking at? You are questioning me, aren't you?" Ye Han said.

But after facing Ruo Lin's shy and angry gaze, Ye Han's tone changed again, and he said softly, "Don't worry! I'm just curious, I just want to go in and have a look. If you can't do anything about it, forget it."

Ruo Lin obviously had no resistance to this kind of graceful and powerful move, so Ye Han gave him a proposal after retreating.

If you want to enter the inner courtyard, maybe you can try Hu Jia.

However, she couldn't help because she didn't know them well.

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