From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 461: : Ruo Lin and Xiao Xun Er

Chapter 462 Ruo Lin and Xiao Xun'er


Ruo Lin's pupils dilated, and she subconsciously let out a scream, but it turned into a whimper.

Under Ye Han's skillful skills, Ruo Lin quickly fell.

However, Ye Han was not in a hurry this time.

He has already obtained what he wants, and the goal he wants to achieve has also been achieved. Now, Ye Han is already a strong Douhuang. What he has to do is to appease this woman's emotions and try to subdue her heart.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed and rest."

Ye Han released Ruo Lin, looking at her bright red face, looking at her red lips slightly parted and panting, and said softly.

After speaking, regardless of whether she agreed or not, Ye Han directly hugged the princess, picked her up, and came to the bedroom...

Overnight, Ye Han vividly interprets the two emotions of domineering and gentleness.

When dealing with Ruo Lin, a woman who was mature but had a very small heart, Ye Han's affection was as tender as water, but her movements were as fiery as fire.

The next day, the sun rises and sets.

At dusk and dusk, on the soft big bed, on a mature and beautiful face, the long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the sleeping woman slowly opened her eyes.

Although she slept for a day, she still felt as if her body was falling apart, and she couldn't lift the slightest strength.

"woke up."

Ruo Lin was startled by the gentle voice, and only then did she discover that she was actually covered in red fruit, lying in a man's arms without any strands, her terrified eyes lifted slightly, and a face came into view.

Then all kinds of yesterday's events rushed into her mind like movie clips, making her fully understand everything and remember all kinds of things.

Ye Han lowered his head and kissed the woman's forehead with a little doting in his eyes.

Ye Han is never stingy towards his women, even if he doesn't love them in his heart, he will give them extreme tenderness.

"You want to be responsible, I have already taken the consequences, you should go." Ruo Lin said coldly.

"Go! Where do you want me to go? In this Canaan Academy, I only know you and Xiao Xun'er. If I go out like this, I will definitely be beaten to death, so you really have the heart."

Ye Han looked bewildered, and then immediately began to sell miserably, telling Ruo Lin about his secret entry into Canaan College to gain sympathy.

"you you……"

Ruo Lin was speechless in surprise. Originally, she thought this guy was a student from the school, but she never thought that he would sneak in.

Being able to sneak into Canaan Academy, let alone seeing it with her own eyes, or even listening to it, it was the first time she heard of it.

"You told me such important news, aren't you afraid that I will go out to inform and bring someone to arrest you." Ruo Lin calmed down, her eyes flashed slightly, she looked at Ye Han, and sneered.

"Oh! That's right, how could I tell such important news, or I'll kill someone to silence them." Ye Han exclaimed in surprise.

Then he stretched out his magic hand, causing Ruo Lin to exclaim involuntarily, and finally begged for mercy.

"If you dare to threaten me, if you are too daring to call you husband, I will spare you." Ye Han said.

In this regard, Ruo Lin naturally refused.

Ye Han didn't want to push her too far, some things still needed to be done step by step.

Just when Ye Han was about to withdraw his hand, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Ruo Lin was startled, and the expression on her face immediately became flustered. On the contrary, Ye Han had a wanton smile on her face.

"To call or not to call?" Ye Han asked.

Saying that, he once again stretched out the claws of Mount Anlu.

"I, I, I call, can I call you?" Ruo Lin grabbed Ye Han's palm with fear in her eyes, and said quickly.

"Call it!" Ye Han laughed.

Ruo Lin's pretty face blushed slightly, even though her body had already been taken away by this man, she had only just met for a few days after all!

This is to change his name and call him husband. This is, really, too embarrassing.

Although she has been through several springs and autumns, even though she has already accepted her fate, how could she be able to open her mouth due to the woman's restraint?

However, the voice outside the room completely dispelled her concerns.

That was Xiao Xun'er's voice.

"Teacher Ruolin, are you there? I have something to tell you?"

Xiao Xun'er's voice sounded softly, which really startled Ruo Lin.

"Husband, husband, let's do it this way! Get off me quickly." Ruo Lin's cheeks flushed, and she stammered in a low voice.

"Why do I feel that you are so reluctant?" Ye Han smiled and reached out and touched Ruolin's gentle and moving face, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Ruo Lin "..."

You have seen it all, you are really smart!

Ruo Lin complained in her heart and wanted to scold her, but the situation was stronger than others. Facing Ye Han's pressing step by step, she could only force a smile and said, "No! It's not forced at all, husband, hurry up, if you are caught It's not good for people to see."

The knock on the door made Ruo Lin feel anxious, she could only suppress the shyness and anger in her heart and swallow her voice.

"It's about the same."

Ye Han turned over and released Ruo Lin's body.

He also knew that he couldn't push her too hard. It was a pleasant surprise to be able to make her compromise.

As Ye Han rolled over and left, Ruo Lin's body was exposed to the air, and she exclaimed. The next moment, she was in a hurry, covering her mouth with one hand and protecting her chest with the other, trying to stop the spring from outside. vent.

"You, turn your head away, don't look at it." With a blushing face, Ruo Lin glared at Ye Han who was lying beside her with a look of admiration, and said angrily.

"Okay!" Ye Han seemed to be very talkative at this time, he turned around and pointed at Ruo Lin with his butt.

Looking at the broad back in front of her, watching the "bumpy buttocks" facing her, Ruo Lin's anger rose from her heart, and her wickedness turned to courage, she raised her little crystal feet, and kicked it directly.


Ye Han was caught off guard, he never expected that this woman would suddenly attack she was kicked out of bed with an exclamation.

"Teacher Ruo Lin, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong?" The knock on the door outside the house paused slightly, then hurried, and along with Xiao Xun'er's voice, it reached Ruo Lin's ears.

"I, no, it's okay, you wait first, I'll open the door for you right away." Ruo Lin hurriedly replied to the door, and then resisted the exhaustion and discomfort of her body, and quickly got up.

Ye Han stood up from under the bed, and immediately saw a white body rushing towards him. Before he could appreciate it, he was pushed and scolded, and then he was stunned, and was directly stuffed by others. into the closet by the bed.


The wardrobe door was closed, and the light was dimmed.

In the next instant, the door of the wardrobe opened again, and a beautiful and curvy body appeared in front of Ye Han's eyes, which instantly feasted Ye Han's eyes.

"Obviously hide, don't make a sound, otherwise I want you to look good." Ruo Lin threatened, with a seductive blush on her face, dragged a few clothes from Ye Han's side, and after Ye Han nodded, she reappeared. Closed the closet door.

Patting her cheek, Ruo Lin felt her heart beat thumping, frantically accelerating, as if it would jump out of her throat at any time.

The voice outside the door made her feel as if she had been raped, an unprecedented guilty conscience.

However, what should be faced is still to be faced.

She quickly put on her clothes and limped out of the bedroom...

(End of this chapter)

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