From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 413: : Yu Xiaogang, where are you?

Warm energy, like gentle wind and drizzle, nourishes the thirsty body.

Liu Erlong could clearly feel his own changes.

Her physical injuries are being repaired little by little.

If this energy is a little more, it may be a little difficult to restore to a healthy state, but at least her mobility will be restored, and she doesn't have to let others do what she does now without the ability to resist.

After feeling the special quality of the flesh, she couldn't care about anything else.

"Anyway, it's already in my mouth, and I've already eaten two bites. I've already been disgusted. It doesn't seem like I've been disgusted a few times?"

While comforting himself in his heart, Liu Erlong finally took the initiative to swallow that mouthful of food.

Seeing this, Ye Han squinted his eyes slightly, then he didn't speak, and once again chewed a mouthful of food and fed it to him.

"For recovery, for revenge in the future, I fought hard." Liu Erlong's eyes flashed with determination, and then he opened his mouth actively.

"That's good! If you eat more, you will be healthy. If you are healthy, everything will be fine."

After completing the feeding action, Ye Han raised his head and looked at Liu Erlong with approval and encouragement on his face.

When Liu Erlong heard this, there was a hint of shame and anger in his eyes, and two red clouds rose up on his cheeks.

No matter how she comforts herself in her heart, she is still a woman after all, a woman who knows shame.

However, in order to recover, in order to prevent what happened today from happening tomorrow, she can only forcibly suppress the shame in her heart.

"Also, is there any more? I, I still want it." The cold Liu Erlong was shy, but he still clearly expressed his demands.

When Ye Han heard this, there was a strange light in his eyes.

These words are too ambiguous, and he can't bear to think too much.

Of course, it's just a thought.

This woman is definitely a good cauldron and cannot be wasted arbitrarily.

It's still in the maintenance period, so I'll just teach you a lesson by the way.

"My wife wants it, of course she has it, but she has to have it even if she doesn't have it." Ye Han said.

Then all the leg of lamb went into Liu Erlong's stomach, Ye Han didn't eat a few bites at all.

But even so, Liu Erlong was still not satisfied.

"I, I still want it."

Liu Erlong looked at the bones in Ye Han's hands, and couldn't help but make a request again.

"You really are a glutton!"

Ye Han fondly pinched Liu Erlong's charming nose, turned his head with a smile, and looked at the bonfire.

Then Jun's face darkened, and the roasted whole sheep had disappeared, only a pile of clean bones like licked by a dog, lying quietly at the feet of the Dark Demon Tiger, silently telling that it had come.

"You just woke up, you shouldn't eat too much, look at your little belly is bulging." Ye Han retracted his eyes and looked at Liu Erlong, smiling as usual.

"It's okay, I can eat a little more." Liu Erlong argued with reason.

She couldn't see the situation on the bonfire from her angle, and thought that Ye Han really cared about her body.

"No, eating too much is bad for your health." Ye Han said.

"No! Xiaohan, I still want it." Liu Erlong refused to obey, there was a touch of tenderness in his voice, and he even used the Dafa of coquettishness.

Ye Han "..."

It would be impossible for him to help Liu Erlong find a fifth-order demon beast now.

"Xiaohan, that was called by someone else, you should call me Xianggong or husband." Ye Han said, and immediately began to change the subject.

Liu Erlong "..."

Begging for food is already the biggest concession she made, so how could she call him husband?

"Okay, it's getting late, we should rest." Ye Han took out a handkerchief, wiped the grease stains on Liu Erlong's mouth, cleaned his palms, and hugged Liu Erlong directly. He got up and got into the tent not far away.

"You, what are you doing?" Liu Erlong's pupils shrank, and the sudden change in the environment shocked her.

Although she had "lost herself" with him, she had no memory at that time, and she could deceive herself and pretend that nothing happened, but if she wanted to do it again now, she really couldn't accept it.

Ye Han ignored her, hugged her and lay directly on the bed.

Then he said, "I know your health is not good. Just like last time, I just fainted."

"No, don't say it, please don't say it anymore." Liu Erlong begged.

Ye Han didn't say it, she could still deceive herself and pretend that nothing had happened. After all, she didn't feel anything at all.

However, Ye Han's words, like a ruthless sharp knife, stabbed directly into her heart, making her feel a chill.

She didn't have any doubts about Ye Han's words. Let's not talk about the rules in the village, just talk about human nature. Under the circumstances of that day, when the arrow was on the string, which man could hold back?

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore."

Ye Han went to bed, took Liu Erlong into his arms, and said, "The reason why I'm bringing up the old thing is just to tell you that before you recover, you can rest assured that I won't be checking your body for you."

When Liu Erlong's stiff body heard Ye Han's words, she couldn't help but put it a little bit more. She turned her head with difficulty, looked at Ye Han, and said, "What you said is true."

"Of course, you are my daughter-in-law, I won't lie to you if I lie to anyone!" Ye Han said seriously.

"Humph! I hope you can keep your word." Liu Erlong snorted coldly, and said proudly, "My Liu Erlong's man, regardless of what kind of hero he is, must be a true gentleman who keeps his word. ."

After he finished speaking, Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han, his eyes seemed to be able to talk, he looked at Ye Han with provocation, as if to say that that person could be you?

How could Ye Han not be able to see such an obvious aggression.

He was instantly fooled, and said with a confident face, "Isn't the person you're talking about me?"

"I've always said one thing, and the style of a gentleman is widely spread. Everyone who knows me says it's good, keeps my word, and never lies."

After speaking, Ye Han added another sentence in his heart.

"I said I would lie to you if I wanted to lie to This should be true, right?"

"Okay wife, it's getting late, we should rest."

After speaking, Ye Han pulled Liu Erlong's body into his arms, hugged her neck with one palm, and placed the other on her lower abdomen.

Ye Han rested his head on Liu Erlong's shoulder, arched his head between her hair, maintaining this intimate and ambiguous posture and slowly fell asleep...

He fell asleep, but Liu Erlong couldn't sleep at all. On his neck, the gentle and hot breath spit out on Liu Erlong's neck, making her body itch and her mind confused.

"Xiaogang, where are you? Come and help me..."

Liu Erlong felt miserable in her heart. If she wasn't helpless, and she still saw a little bit of hope in despair, she really wanted to leave it alone but was left alive.

Ye Han didn't know what Liu Erlong was thinking, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care now!

Judging from the expression and words she had just seen, Ye Han guessed that this woman's injury was likely to have an inescapable responsibility for her precious son.

Ye Han knew exactly what Ye Chen's conduct was.

It's not right to say that he is a good guy. In front of him, that **** has a bad heart and doesn't look like a good guy at all.

But as an emperor, he is indeed a good character, worthy of relatives and friends, and worthy of the people of Li.

Such a person would never seriously injure someone for no reason, so there is only one reason...

They brought it on themselves...

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