From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 414: :early morning

Ye Chen is definitely not a person who acts nonsense and bullies others.

Liu Erlong and others had already paid the corresponding price for the crimes they committed in the early days of the Spirit Empire, and it was impossible for him to go back on his promises and make money.

The answer is already clear.

If the guess is correct, it should be Liu Erlong and the others who feel that the sky has stopped and the rain has stopped, their strength has improved again, and they feel that they can do it again, so they went to the door to take revenge.


Ye Chen is more powerful.

Ye Han even guessed that perhaps Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang appeared in this world because of that guy's handwriting.

But what he couldn't figure out was, why would he do it?

Could it be said that the father and son have a heart-to-heart.

He knew that Laozi lacked women, so he sent one over.

Thinking about it, Ye Han actually fell asleep.

Liu Erlong lay in Ye Han's arms, feeling ashamed and humiliated, but he had to endure it.

Time passed, and distress came like a tide.

Liu Erlong wanted to hold back his drowsiness and didn't want to spend the night in someone else's arms.

However, there is always a time for spiritual will.

She was injured, and her strength was sealed, she was no different from an ordinary person at this moment.

The weak body fell into a wide and warm embrace, her willpower was disintegrated unconsciously, and finally collapsed.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the eyelids tried hard to open, but they weighed like a thousand pounds...

In the end, those eyes were still tightly closed.

Outside the tent!

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's eyes flickered, a little annoyed in his eyes.

"That's my tent!"

She mumbled something in her mouth, but she only dared to mumble behind her back. She didn't dare to provoke Ye Han's prostitution.

She pouted, and lay down beside the bonfire indignantly.

The moonlight disappears, and the dawn star rises.

Time passes, and the sky dawns.

A ray of light, like a celestial sword, cruelly and ruthlessly tore apart the darkness of the night.

Endless rays of light are scattered from the horizon to every corner of the world.

The light comes to the world, and the dark night recedes.

The chirping sounds of insects and birds echoed in the sky.

A new day has come.

Vientiane is renewed and full of vigor.

His long, curled eyelashes trembled slightly. Outside the tent, in the midst of the loud chirping of insects and birds, Liu Erlong opened his sleepy eyes.

She looked around blankly. The hot breath on her neck and the palm on her chest made her still somewhat confused eyes slowly regain consciousness.

A night's rest, plus the energy supplement of those foods made her mental state much better, but her body still couldn't move.

"Take out your dirty hands." Liu Erlong's lungs were about to explode when he looked at the palm that had penetrated into his chest at some point, but instead of shouting, he spoke in a deep voice.

"Don't make a fuss, it's still early, and then go to sleep for a while!" Ye Han opened his mouth while staring, his arms exerting force, as if he was holding the whole world, and he hugged Liu Erlong even tighter.

Liu Erlong's body stiffened, his cheeks blushed.

Yu Xiaogang and Yu Xiaogang have been together for so many years as a dummy couple in name only, and the two have always respected each other like guests. Before, Liu Erlong still thought about some tricks!

For example, push Yu Xiaogang.

However, with the development of the matter, various problems appeared, and after the family was destroyed, Liu Erlong lost his mind and wanted to cultivate and take revenge.

However, the enemy is too strong.

In those days, even if they practiced desperately, they could only look up in the face of the enemy.

After the war of the gods ended, the Spirit Empire rose to the top of the continent and began to liquidate the rebels.

She and Yu Xiaogang were both on the liquidation list and were caught without incident.

At that time, the Wuhun Empire was first established, and it shook the world. There was no one enemy from all over the world, so it was decided to implement a benevolent government.

Except for some heinous criminals who are unforgivable, most of the others were released after being detained for a period of time.

Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang are just two of them.

In the years that followed, she was disheartened, but Yu Xiaogang was unwilling to give up revenge, so she could only accommodate Yu Xiaogang and accompany him to cultivate and improve herself.

But soon the two separated.

The improvement of regular cultivation is too slow, and they may not be able to take revenge in their entire lives.

So, Yu Xiaogang embarked on the road of finding opportunities.

Not to mention, he really found it.

In the battle of the gods, there are always some gods who have left behind.

With the help of the gods, the strength of the Golden Iron Triangle has grown by leaps and bounds, and finally it has reached an incredible level.

Such power was something they could never imagine before.

But they knew very well that even so, there was no hope of revenge.

All the gods in those days were killed, and they did not surpass much.

If they want revenge, they have to wait for a chance.

Soon, the opportunity will come.

The spirit beast rioted, rumors spread all over the world, as if a storm swept the entire continent, and the spirit empire that had been calm for a long time was driven by this storm.

The three took advantage of this wind to embark on the road of revenge.

When they set foot on the capital of the Spirit Empire, they all put their life and death aside.

Before planning the action, Yu Xiaogang euphemistically made a request for a union, but unfortunately, Liu Erlong refused.

Now that she thinks about it, she doesn't know what she thought in the first place, why did she refuse?

Perhaps the passion of youth has long been wiped out by so many years of gathering and separation.

Perhaps deep down in my heart, I have always hated Yu Xiaogang, hated his cowardice, hated his lack of responsibility, hated his irresponsibility...

Or maybe it was because Flender was by her side, so she couldn't save face...

But now, waking up in the arms of another man early in the morning, she really regrets it.

Why did you reject Xiaogang in the first place?

She knew exactly who Yu Xiaogang was. Yes, that man was a little cowardly. She had been disappointed, hated him for not taking responsibility, and dared not face her, but he has since changed!

But she was fascinated at first and rejected him.

Now, his innocent body was inexplicably taken away by a stranger.

As soon as he thought about it, Liu Erlong's heart was filled with remorse.

Repentance is for Yu Xiaogang, and hatred is for the people around him.

"You're not in good health, you should sleep a little longer, eh! What is this?"

Ye Han opened his eyes and suddenly seemed to have discovered a new continent.

With the palm of your squeezed the bouncy ball in her hand.


The remorseful Liu Erlong involuntarily let out a muffled snort!

"Bastard, what are you doing? Take your dirty hands out." Liu Erlong's cheeks blushed when he recovered, and he let out an angry Hedong roar.


Ye Han nodded, as if frightened.

Feeling aggrieved, he let go of his palm. Just when Liu Erlong breathed a sigh of relief, Ye Han's palm suddenly tightened.

"Uh, you..."

Liu Erlong's cheeks were flushed, his beautiful eyes widened like Qiushui, and he looked at Ye Han with stunned and annoyed expression.

But Ye Han didn't give her a chance to speak.

"You are my daughter-in-law, how can you talk to me? Besides, are my hands dirty?"

Ye Han took out his palm. It was as white as jade. The nails were pink, clean and neat. The skin on the palm and even the whole body exuded a warm glow like jade.

"Look, the house is dirty?"

Ye Han put his palm in front of Liu Erlong, shook it vigorously, and then returned to Liu Erlong's arms again.

"Now I'll give you another chance to organize your language. You should know how to do it, right?" Ye Han said.

Liu Erlong "..."

She felt that her mind was about to collapse.

I've never seen such a brazen person, but he still looks ignorant. Isn't this a manipulative mentality?

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