It turned out that the village was robbed!

Liu Erlong glanced around and found that he actually believed Ye Han's nonsense in the wilderness.

The women rescued by their village must marry into their village, otherwise, life is better than death.

It would be strange if such an evil village was not destroyed.

Liu Erlong's dark eyes suddenly brightened, full of surprises, and he couldn't hold back.

When she came to this world, she was crushed by the rules, lost her cultivation, and fell into a coma.

As soon as he woke up, he was "humiliated in every possible way" by a stranger, but in the end he could not escape the fate of "losing one's body".

She was already heartbroken, thinking of taking the opportunity to end her own life.

But who would have thought that this seemingly innocent boy would give her hope of living again.

She can still recover, cultivate, and... have a chance to wash away the humiliation she suffered.

Then she heard the news that the village was destroyed.

This is definitely the most comforting sentence she has heard since she came to this world.

The only regret is that she did not see the demise of that village with her own eyes.

Facing Liu Erlong's false consolation, Ye Han could only pretend to be blind, saying that he didn't see it.

"It doesn't matter, it's in the past."

Shaking his head, Ye Han looked at Liu Erlong and said, "Wife, haven't you told me what your name is?"

"Who is your old... uh!"

Just halfway through the ruthless words, Liu Erlong immediately understood his situation, so he quickly changed his words and said, "My name is Liu Erlong."

In a hurry, she directly said her real name.

After reacting to it, I immediately regretted it, but there is no regret medicine to sell in the world.

"Okay, shall I call you Erlong?"

Ye Han said, "Before helping you heal, I have something to ask you."

When Liu Erlong heard Ye Han's words, the expression on his face immediately became serious, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

"I think you used to be a cultivator, and your strength is very strong. Who is it that hurt you so badly?" Ye Han murmured as if he didn't notice the vigilant look on Liu Erlong's face.

To be honest, Ye Han was very curious about Liu Erlong's ability to come to this world.

As for her strength, it is easy to judge.

For the weak, the will of Heaven and Earth in Dou Qi Continent is simply too lazy to pay attention, such as Di Tian and so on...

Ye Han is not very clear about Liu Erlong's specific strength, but at least he is much stronger than Ditian and the others.

But she entered this world with an injury. Who was it that hurt her?

Perhaps this matter has something to do with him. When Liu Erlong saw his true face for the first time, the fear in his eyes was still fresh in Ye Han's memory.

"A **** named Ye." Liu Erlong gritted his teeth.

When it came to that person, Liu Erlong's heart was full of anger, and his hatred was undisguised.

It was the Flanders he killed, and that person looked very similar to the face in front of him.

Both of them are so abominable, they are deeply disgusting.

Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han with an undisguised hatred in his eyes.

When Ye Han heard Liu Erlong's words, he just smiled slightly when he met her resentful eyes, and continued to act as a blind man.

He turned his head and looked at the roasted whole lamb, which was golden and bright and had an attractive aroma. Under the eye of the dark demon, he directly stretched out his hand to a leg of lamb.

"It doesn't matter, those things have passed, I will heal your wounds, and if there is a chance, I will help you get revenge."

While speaking, Ye Han tore off a roasted lamb shank, turned around and came to Liu Erlong's side.

Bends down, gently lifts her up, and hugs her directly into his arms.

The warm sun-like aura from Ye Han made Liu Erlong very uncomfortable.

She looked at Ye Han's handsome face, a strong killing intent flashed in her eyes, but in the end she had to endure it.

"Come on, have something to eat."

Ye Liao put the roast leg of lamb to his mouth and blew, then looked down at the woman in his arms, and said, "Ah! Open your mouth."

Liu Erlong was stunned for a while, and was made very uncomfortable by Ye Han's coaxing tone.

Ye Han was extremely patient at the moment, with a soft voice and a faint smile on his face, and said, "When you're full, you will forget your worries, and your mood will automatically improve. Open your mouth and I'll feed you."

Liu Erlong's eyes flashed slightly, and a blush appeared on his face unconsciously. He grew so big, and it was the first time in his memory that someone fed him so intimately.

Liu Erlong's mother passed away early, and his relationship with his father was not close. Coupled with his stubborn temper, this was the first time he had enjoyed the feeling of being served by others.

Especially since this man had the closest contact with him, and he was screaming from his wife.

Liu Erlong didn't know what her psychology was now, she opened her mouth.

One mouthful, two mouthfuls, three mouthfuls...


Embarrassing, really embarrassing.

Liu Erlong wanted to cry but had no tears. She had already tasted the fragrant barbecue, but... she couldn't bite it!

It's not that the roasted whole lamb is getting old, but her strength is too small.

After many efforts, the greedy worm in her stomach has been aroused, but she can only lick the skin.

At present, the food can be seen, smelled, and just around the corner, but she is unable to enjoy it. Is there anything worse than this?

"Since you can't eat it, I can only enjoy it." Ye Han smiled slightly.

And then directly in front of Liu Erlong, he took a big mouthful.


Liu Erlong looked at Ye Han's gulps and swallowed his saliva involuntarily, a look of longing appeared on his cold and attractive face.

At the same time, a grunting sound came from her flat stomach.

"Yeah! You want to eat it!"

Ye Han's mouth was full of oil. Hearing the voice, he couldn't help looking down at Liu Erlong who was in his arms. A look of confusion and helplessness flashed in his eyes, "But you can't bite! What should I do?"

Ye Han frowned and thought hard.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said, "Yes."

After speaking, under Liu Erlong's bewildered gaze, Ye Han directly put the roast leg of lamb back into his mouth.

"Come open your mouth." Ye Han said in a vague voice.

Liu Erlong looked at a loss, and suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and quickly shook his head and said, "No, I won't eat..."

Without saying a word, her mouth was directly blocked, and then a mouthful of chewed food was sent into her mouth by a slippery tongue.

After everything was done, Ye Han raised his head directly, took a bite of the lamb shank, and ate it beautifully.

"How dare he, how can he, how can he be like this..."

Liu Erlong was completely dumbfounded. He stared at Ye Han like that, his red lips slightly parted, a mouthful of food in his mouth, neither swallowing nor shutting his mouth, unable to say a word.

"Eat quickly! You can rest when you're full. We'll be on our way tomorrow!" Ye Han said. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

At the same time as he spoke, the arm that hugged Liu Erlong reached forward slightly, and patted Liu Erlong's delicate chin lightly.

With the slap of his palm, Liu Erlong subconsciously closed his mouth and made a swallowing motion.

It was only a moment, and Liu Erlong, who had reacted, was in a bad mood.

Being fed in such a shy way made her feel ashamed, but now she directly swallowed the food that others had chewed.

Shame, anger, shame, disgust, all kinds of thoughts rushed into my heart, anger surged, Liu Erlong's temper suddenly came up.


She opened her mouth to scold, and didn't want to swallow her anger any longer.

But just as he opened his mouth, he saw a face magnified in front of him, and then his mouth was filled with food again.

This time, Ye Han held her palm and patted her chin directly, once again helping her to finish swallowing smoothly.

The feeding assistance is done in one go.

"Eat a little more, it's good for your body." Ye Han said while taking another bite of the mutton.

After chewing quickly, he lowered his head directly.

"Uuuu, you..."

Liu Erlong shook his head weakly, seeing the flesh that he wanted to scold after he couldn't resist, but was gagged in his mouth.

At the same time, a wave of heat slowly diffused from her stomach, turned into gentle energy, and began to slowly nourish her riddled body.

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