From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 194: : Swallowing the Devil

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Humans have never been a peaceful race in any world from ancient times to the present.

Throughout history, the development of human beings is a **** history of war.

Starting from tribes, every country, every nation, which can be passed down to this day, which one has not experienced the baptism of war.

The winner is the king and the loser is Kou. Some people will be remembered by history and turned into a legend that will be passed down forever, but more will disappear and never be seen.

In the sky and the ground, fighting is taking place everywhere, blood is splashing everywhere, stumps are flying everywhere, and life is falling everywhere.

Undoubtedly, the most intense is the location of the purple figure in the sky.

Ten undead knights of the first-level gods, the great perfection level, led a group of knights across the battlefield, like a group of killing gods.

They are rampant, the people and horses are united, and they are like dragons, attacking from left to right, bursting with extreme power.

But still, there is no weak person who can reach this state in a short period of time.

Twenty-three one-hundred-thirtieth-level, first-level gods are consummate, and if this power explodes completely on Douluo Star, it is very likely to blow Douluo Star.

Fortunately, they are in the sky.

The terrifying wave of destruction swept through, and with the advantage of numbers, the two empires coalition forces quickly controlled the situation.

The battlefield was completely divided, and the purple figure was separated.

"Bibi Dong, it's too late to surrender now."

A dazzling golden dragon waving its wide golden wings, and its huge dragon eyes overlooked the purple figure in front of him.


Bibi Dong is not even clamoring for Wang Long.

The woman is wearing armor and is sharp, standing on the back of a magic dragon made of demonic energy, facing the gods alone. The face under the armor is calm as water, and the ancient well has no waves.

In this campaign, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent, this is her only belief.

The Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art works, swallowing the sky and devouring the earth.

She took the sword alone and went forward.

The cracks between heaven and earth are criss-crossed and terrifying.

The first-level gods that burst out with all their strength are too powerful. If it weren't for the special life planet, it would have collapsed long ago and could not bear their power at all.

But even so, tsunamis and earthquakes occurred in many places.

brush! ~

With a movement, Bibi Dong took the lead in soaring into the sky, breaking through the atmosphere and flying into outer space.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another figure followed closely and followed directly.

Everyone knew very well that as long as Bibi Dong didn't die, the Spirit Empire would not perish.

"Na'er, don't worry, go there."

Gu Yuena waved her silver wings with golden lines and wanted to catch up as soon as possible, but was stopped by Ye Han.

In Ye Han's sight, seven or eight new worlds are slowly disappearing.


With a slam, the speed of those worlds' recluse stopped instantly.

Gu Yuena is very well-behaved, and she is more obedient to Ye Han's words, never refuting.

Surrounded by the power of space, with a slender body, the giant dragon with golden lines on its silver scales spreads its wings to cover the sky, but no one can find it.

Gu Yuena brought Ye Han and Xue Di to those small worlds in an instant.

There was a hint of excitement in Ye Han's eyes. Creating the world in his body was time-consuming and laborious. He also needed a huge amount of divine power to support it. It was too difficult.

Well now, if you don't pick up ready-made ones, that's a fool.

Inextinguishable Yuanshen burst out with all his strength. He picked five suitable worlds and directly trained them into the five internal organs.

Today, he is no longer what he used to be. He was not a slaughtering capital in the past, and he almost killed himself.

Today's Ye Han, if it was his heyday, refining these five worlds would be effortless. Even if his energy and spirit were weakened, refining these five worlds would not be difficult.

Glancing at the sky, several streams of light flashed across his eyes.

Qian Renxue, Ye Chen, and others rushed over one after another.

With their strength, there would be no problems for a while, Ye Han paid attention to the battlefield with a wisp of divine sense, and then began to refine the five small worlds with all his strength.

The five small worlds were born in the collision of extremes, and they were born in the midst of destruction. They contained the understanding of the rules of those creatures and carried a strong power of creation.

The power of creation is the root that nurtures all life. These small worlds born of the heart contain extremely strong power of creation.

As time passed, the five small worlds were successively refined by Ye Han, and his state was directly restored by more than half under the nourishment of the power of creation.

The confinement eyes quietly opened, and Ye Han reached into the void with his palms and grabbed those few small worlds that had just disappeared.

He opened his mouth and inhaled, and the rich power of creation was directly inhaled into his abdomen, turning it into rolling energy, nourishing the whole body.

And those small worlds that he absorbed the power of creation collapsed, as if they had never appeared in this world.

The nourishment of several small worlds made Ye Han recover instantly.

"Go, go to the battlefield."

Glancing at the swept Spirit Empire army, Ye Han got up and pulled the Snow Emperor away from Gu Yuena's back.

The reason why Gu Yuena was used as a mount was really helpless. Now that her strength was restored, it was naturally inappropriate.

She is also his wife now.

Gu Yuena turned into a human figure, looking at Ye Han, her purple eyes were full of emotion.

It's different, it's really different. If it was before, Ye Han would not have been so considerate to her at all. Before he knew it, he had already started to think about her, and he had begun to take into account her feelings...

With the two of them, Ye Han moved, and in an instant, the stars moved, and they came to the pitch-black space.

The quiet, cold, and dark outer space is extraordinarily lively today.

The collision of rules burst into dazzling fire, like gorgeous fireworks, the sound of the avenue roared, shaking the ancient and modern future, disrupting the order of time and space, chaos repeated, the world reopened, and the terrifying battle fluctuations were even more terrifying than the battle of the dragon gods.

Because the battle of the Dragon God took place in the God Realm, where the order of heaven and earth is stable, it is much stronger than the Douluo Star Region.

Swallowing the Heavens is powerful and domineering, swallowing the sky and eating the earth, it is definitely the strongest auxiliary practice, there is no one.

The endurance of this exercise is too With the improvement of Bibi Dong's strength, the power of this exercise is gradually showing.

In the fierce confrontation, in the life-and-death struggle, in the **** battle, the weakness and discomfort that Bibi Dong had just fought with Tang Yuehua had long since recovered.

Her face was calm, her aura was like a rainbow, and she became stronger and stronger as she fought, and vaguely, the half foot that had already stepped out had a tendency to completely set foot in the realm of the God King.

At this point, everyone saw that something was wrong.

In case, once she really takes that step, no one in this world can stop her, and by then, I am afraid that everyone will die.

These people were born into famous families, brought their families along with them, and were followed by a large group of people behind them.

Now, I can only grit my teeth and fight.

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