From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 193: :battlefield

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far north.

Snow and ice, cold wind howling.

No matter how the outside world changes, the extreme north seems to be isolated from the world, forever.

At this moment, two golden lights cut through the sky and rushed out of the frozen forest.

Suddenly, the flying light stagnates slightly, the light slowly disappears, and the figures of a group of people appear.

The person at the head was a stalwart man in his twenties with long golden hair.

He is Ye Chen.

The former teenager has now grown up, reborn, handsome facial features, with a touch of perseverance, mature and stable.

He is dressed in a golden robe, and his whole person seems to be glowing, and he has a power of his own, like a god.

Not far behind him, was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old blonde woman.

She is wearing a simple and elegant golden palace dress, her delicate facial features are flawless, her slender body is bumpy, exuding a mature charm, and her young and beautiful face has a touch of gentleness that does not match her age.

She was Qian Renxue.

If you only look at her appearance, it is really hard to imagine that she will be Ye Chen's mother. Although she is in her 60s after counting the years of accelerated time, her appearance still remains at the age of 18 or 19. look.

Behind her are four girls, Qingqian, Qingxuan, Qingwu, and Hu Liena.

The faces of the four girls did not change much, but as their strength and age increased, their aura was undoubtedly more terrifying, and their temperament became more prominent.

Especially Hu Liena, with the continuous improvement of her cultivation, her martial spirit demon fox is also constantly changing, and now she is a genuine nine-tailed demon fox. The natural charm is a disaster for the country and the people, and no one can resist it.

At this moment, the six people stopped and looked in the direction of Jialing Pass involuntarily.

The terrifying fluctuations of divine power swept the entire Douluo Star, not to mention the god-level, even the 90th-level Titled Douluo could sense it.

The expressions of the six people changed in unison, and then they disappeared again, three points faster than before, like a meteor streaking across the sky.

Behind them, Bo Saixi, who was wearing a red robe, also paused slightly.

The beautiful young woman in her mid-thirties had a dignified and beautiful face that was unprecedentedly dignified, but without any hesitation, she flew forward again.

Zhu Zhuqing could see Ye Han's thoughts, but how could Bo Saixi not.

Although Ye Han didn't say anything, he definitely hoped that Bibi Dong would succeed.

Part of the reason she left was to make up for the sins she had committed, and part of the reason was Ye Han.

Behind Bo Saixi were Zhu Zhuqing, Shui Binger, Shui Yueer, Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling.

The flight of light stopped for a while, and five slender and slender figures appeared.

Zhu Zhuqing has a hot body, the most slender, and is dressed in leather, with bumps and bumps, cool and stunning, full of queen style, and has a kind of seductive charm.

The beauty of Shui Binger is a hazy beauty.

The girl is wearing a long sky blue dress and has a slender figure. She is neither slender nor too hot. Everything is just right. She has a kind of intellectual beauty in her whole person. The more you look, the more you can find her beauty.

And Shuiyue'er looks a lot more lively and cute.

The little girl's facial features are exquisite, carved in pink and jade, and the whole person looks strange. She also wears a long sky blue dress, with a bumpy figure, giving people a feeling of vitality.

Ning Rongrong was wearing a long white dress, noble and elegant, with a kind of gentleness and tranquility unique to famous nobles.

Ye Lingling is still so indifferent, wearing a long black dress and a black veil, giving people a sense of arrogance and arrogance. In fact, the girl has a soft heart and is as kind as Shui Bing'er.

The wind blew, raising the black veil, and in a glance, you could see a beautiful face that was so beautiful.

I am afraid that any hard-hearted person will feel pity and a desire for protection when they see this face.

The five stopped for a while, and then accelerated as well, rushing in the direction of Jialing Pass.

Frozen forest, core area.

In front of the Ice Crystal Castle, Ye Han couldn't help but frown slightly.

He didn't expect the battle to come so quickly, and the fluctuations were so strong, at least dozens of peak first-level gods must be shot at the same time to create such a terrifying power!

"It seems that the rest is not enough, let's go, let's go and see!" Ye Han sighed, looking a little tired.

After half a year's acceleration, he was really tired. He originally wanted to wait until he recovered. Who knew that the battle would come so quickly that it was unpredictable.


Gu Yuena transformed into her body, turned her head to look at Ye Han, and said, "Come up, I'll take you there, you can also rest on my back during this time."

Ye Han hesitated for a while, but did not refuse.

"Big, big sister, you come too!" Gu Yuena looked at the Snow Emperor, and then said Ai again.

Gu Yuena was arrogant and arrogant, it was too difficult to get her approval.

But Xuedi is special, she can become Ye Han's partner, thanks to Xuedi's help, plus Xuedi's position in Ye Han's heart, as well as Xuedi's cultivation talent, all kinds of factors combined, Gu Yuena chose Bow your head in greeting.


Xue Di looked at Ye Han and couldn't help but hesitate.

"bring it on!"

Ye Han smiled slightly, stretched out his palm to Emperor Xue, and said, "Na'er has a good heart, don't let it go."

"Just a few of you will come later, don't worry."

In the end, Ye Han explained to Xiao Wu, Arou, Brigitte, Ziji and Bai Jingjing, Gu Yuena spread her wings and disappeared instantly.

Gu Yuena, who had fully reached the realm of the **** king, was too fast, like teleportation, relying on the power of space to travel thousands of miles in an instant, but with a cup of tea, she brought Ye Han and Xuedi to Jialing Pass.

There was fighting everywhere in the sky and the ground, blood was floating, and the cruel scene made people dare not look directly.

In the sky, the battle of gods was fierce, and there were god-level powerhouses who were headed by owls and turned into mummified corpses in an instant.

There are also undead knights that have been blasted and shattered in the sky, and will not be able to reappear for a while.

On the earth, the battle between ordinary soul masters and soldiers is even more tragic and desolate.

In particular, the ordinary warriors of the Spirit Although their combat effectiveness is not strong, their spirit and will can be felt and moved.

Someone was full of long knives and blood was pouring out, but at the last moment, the most violent force erupted, using his own body to ruthlessly overthrow a coalition of the two great empires, using the last ounce of strength to protect his comrades. Take a stress off.

Someone was pierced by a spear, and his weapon was also inserted into the heart of the enemy.

If someone's hands are broken, they bite with their mouths, and if their legs are broken, then they hug the enemy's legs with both hands...

The tragic fight is like the Shura field.

Ye Han glanced at him and shook his head involuntarily. No matter which world, human beings are always a restless race. Human beings have been able to pass on to this day, instead of destroying themselves, they have become stronger and stronger. I have to say, this is a miracle .

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