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Up and down in the four directions is called the universe, from ancient times to the present it is called the universe.

Although the universe has reality, there is no fixed place to seek. Although the universe is growing, I do not know its origin.

The starry sky is vast and boundless.

In the vast universe, even huge planets and huge celestial bodies seem so insignificant, as small as dust, let alone human beings.

But even a small human, the power that burst out is enough to shake the universe, stir the universe, and affect the ancient and modern.

Bibi Dong was dressed in purple armor. She was wearing a sharp armor, and her aura was like a rainbow. Although there was only one person, just as she said, one person can defeat thousands of troops.

She stood on the sun and the moon, standing on the ground, almost completely entering the realm of the king of gods.

In the vast universe, the battle of the gods broke out here. The corpse of the gods was torn apart, and the death was miserable. The blood of the gods disappeared strangely, turned into dead bones, and floated in the universe. After decades, who can remember his former glory.

Fortunately, he is not alone.

In this dark universe, there are far more than one mummy like him.

The detainee sent generals, strong and domineering, forcibly imprisoned the souls of the deceased for his driving. The detainee's combat power was completely determined by Bibi Dong.

The stronger Bibi Dong, the stronger the undead knight.

The only downside is that there are only ten in number.

Bibi Dong tried everything she could, hoping to break through the restrictions, but in the end, she just fiddled with the hundred undead warriors.

There can only be ten generals under the restraint, no matter how high her cultivation level is, she cannot break through. This is a kind of Dao rule in the dark.

Otherwise, with just one move to restrain the spirit and dispatch the generals, Bibi Dong would go against the sky.

The leaders of the top ten undead knights are all in the realm of the first-level gods, and they lead a group of second-level gods and the undead knights of the Dzogchen level.

They are born to kill, and fighting will only excite them. The more intense the fight, the more their fighting instinct will be stimulated.

There is no doubt that all of them are capable of fighting well and belong to the dead in a hundred battles.

However, being able to be selected by the gods and become the successor must have its own advantages.

Even if the gods relax the conditions of inheritance, not all cats and dogs can become true gods. The fact that these people can become gods has already explained some problems.

Although one can't beat the undead knights, there are so many of them! They have brains and they will join forces...

Two hours later, the last leader of the undead knight was defeated by a dozen people.

All the gods stand in the void, blocking the water in Bibi Dongwei.

"Bibi Dong, I have persuaded you to stop in time, do you regret it now?" Wang Long asked loudly.

The huge golden dragon body was bleak, fighting fiercely, and he consumed too much energy.

Now, it's time to end it.

Although Bibi Dong was strong, she never took that crucial step.

At this moment, the gods gathered, the powerful divine body stood on the ground, and the suffocating divine power directly fell on Bibi Dong.

In the dark and deep universe, Bibi Dong was almost at one with the darkness.

Divine power pervaded, and all the undead knights were destroyed, but she was still calm, as if she was not interested in or cared about everything.

"It's a pity, a generation of queens is indeed powerful, but she will inevitably become a cloud of the past." Tang San sighed.

Once a small follower, now his strength has surpassed Wang Long, and he is the first to reach the realm of a half-step **** king.

"Bibi Dong, stop it!" Tang Yuehua said.

After two hours of cultivation, she has also recovered.

"Hold on, haha!"

Facing the many powerful enemies who were eyeing them, Bibi Dong looked indifferent, glanced at everyone, and smiled coldly.

Stab it!

The black long sword is capable of smashing the world, and I am invincible.

Although there is only one person, but there is no fear.

The sharp sword glow devours everything, even more strange and unpredictable than the dark and deep universe.

kill! ~

When the war resumes, the gods join forces, and the powerful destructive energy shakes the time and space, like opening up the world, and it is so powerful that it is despairing.

"Xiao Han, you haven't shot yet?" Xue Di looked at Ye Han and asked.

Gu Yuena also looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"Qian Renxue and Ye Chen didn't make a move? What am I anxious about?" Ye Han asked.

He was calm and unhurried.

Xue Di and Gu Yuena looked at each other with a thoughtful look.

"Don't worry! Bibi Dong must have a backer, don't worry." Ye Han rubbed the heads of the two of them and smiled slightly.

But the next moment he couldn't smile.


The sky collapsed, and the area where Bibi Dong was located was directly smashed into chaos.

Hongmeng has not yet been established, the heaven and the earth are not divided, and there is nothing left except the chaotic energy.

Ye Han's breathing was stagnant, his chest ached slightly, and he didn't respond for a long time.

Bibi Dong is dead?

Joined by the gods, one blow became fly ash?

Completely wiped from the world, leaving no trace.

Not only Ye Han thought that Bibi Dong had a backer, but the gods also thought the same.

However, Bibi Dong was indeed dead, and was beaten to ashes by their combined efforts, leaving not a single hair left.

The sudden change stunned all the gods, and at this moment, the change occurred again.


The shrill screams echoed in the empty universe, and ripples appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a splendid golden light swept across the universe, like an eternity in an instant, with a stab, piercing the sea of ​​consciousness of two first-level Great Perfection and one-hundred-thirtieth-level gods.

A woman about seventeen or eighteen wearing a golden palace dress appeared in the vast universe.

The tall figure, the concave and convex and the graceful body, the splendid golden long hair, the exquisite and flawless beautiful face, so beautiful, so noble, so holy, so desolate, so Pain, so heartbroken.

Crystal tears flowed continuously on the girl's glamorous cheeks, and her mind went blank when she looked at the chaotic land of nothingness.

Because this situation is different from what Bibi Dong just explained.

"Bibi Dong, you liar, didn't you say you could stop it?"

"Didn't you say you have a way?"

"Bastard, you answer me?"


The girl muttered to herself, and another golden streamer streaked across the dark universe.


Ye Chen shouted angrily, his eyes were splitting.

His reaction was slightly slower than Qian Renxue~www.wuxiamtl.com~, but he was not like his mother, who was overwhelmed and dumbfounded.

He turned the fear and anger in his heart into the fiercest murderous aura and poured them all on the enemy.

"Kill kill kill!"

Ye Chen roared, his eyes flushed.

He didn't believe that the teacher was dead. He used anger to cover up his heart, firmed up his thoughts, and vented his uneasiness with the sword in his hand.

One of Wang Long's wings was split off by him, and the dragon's blood was flying...

Ye Chen, who has integrated the godhead of the God of Destruction, is now a half-step god-king. Give him another ten or eight years, and he will definitely become the real god-king.


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