"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

The wind was howling, and the ice was covered with snow.

The vast mountains, shrouded in clouds and mist.

The vegetation here is sparse, there are not many creatures here, there are few people here, this is the extreme north, the core area of ​​​​the frozen forest.

Above the snow-capped wasteland, a mysterious ice castle stands, radiating gorgeous light in the thin sunlight.

Since the return of the Snow Emperor, there has been no more gusty winds and cold currents around this Xuanbing Ancient Castle, and everything seems so calm.

At this moment, one red and one white, two figures came quietly.

The figure in red, 180 cm tall, wrapped in a large red robe, but it couldn't hide that devilish figure.

She has a pretty face, looks about thirty years old, dignified and gorgeous, giving people a strange allure, but her temperament is so noble and elegant that people can't feel blasphemous.

A figure in white, nearly one hundred and ninety centimeters tall, wearing a white robe with wide sleeves, and a tall and straight figure.

He looks less than twenty years old, handsome in appearance, and temperament is dusty.

These two were Bo Saixi and Ye Han who rushed back without stopping.

The breath of the two was not hidden in the slightest, and they were noticed by the people in Xuanbing Castle as soon as they appeared.


The door of Xuan Bing opened slowly, and a large group of beauties of different ages and temperaments filed out and quickly came to the two of them.

Xue Di was about to speak when he saw Ye Han wave his hand and let Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling and Ye Chen out.

The pale pink cherry lips pursed, Xue Di took two deep breaths in a row, she told herself not to be angry, she must maintain a normal heart, and she must save face for her husband.

But the next moment, she realized that her qi-raising efforts were not enough.

She stepped forward, reached out to grab Ye Han's ear, and dragged him directly into the room.


The door of Xuanbing closed suddenly, and the huge force made the snow around the castle tremble violently.

Ye Han's face was stunned, and he didn't know what mistake he had made to make the indifferent fairy wife so angry.

He didn't dare to resist even when he was being dragged, he could only follow.

At this moment, the powerful combat power that is enough to make the King of God lose his voice is actually useless.

The spacious living room is no longer as simple as it used to be. The floor is covered with carpets bought from the human world, and there are several sofas, coffee tables, bright flowers, and some simple decorations. Although the whole room is huge. , but it gained popularity and became a home again.

Xue Di released his palms and sat directly on the sofa, with his legs together, his eyes indifferent, and he looked at Ye Han.

"What's wrong? Who offended our family Xue'er, tell me, I'll vent your anger." Ye Han smiled and sat next to the Snow Emperor, and said with a shy face.

Emperor Xue didn't speak, and looked at Ye Han calmly with a pair of ethereal and clear eyes. He didn't say a word, but it made Ye Han feel cold.

With an embarrassed smile, he moved his buttocks and stood up slowly, like a pupil who made a mistake, those big hands that had nowhere to rest, and those who looked at them wanted to laugh.

Who would have thought that an existence that could kill the King of Death would have such a side.

The corners of Xue Di's mouth were slightly upturned, and he finally stopped staring at death, his cherry lips slightly opened, and a cold voice sounded in Ye Han's ears.

"What happened to those two girls?"

"Hoo! What am I supposed to do?"

Ye Han let out a long sigh of relief, sat back in the position just now, and hugged the Snow Emperor into his arms. ‘

As a result, the surrounding temperature dropped instantly, and Xue Di's emotionless gaze appeared again.

Ye Han hurriedly raised his hands, hehe smiled, to hide his embarrassment, and his **** left the sofa again, but this time he was no longer worried, but explained, "Those two girls are very talented, and they may be useful in the future, so I let me It's not what you think it is."


Snow Emperor is suspicious.

"I can't lie to anyone if I lie to you! You are so smart."

Ye Han licked his face, while flattering, he sat down quietly, and took the Snow Emperor back into his arms.

Xue Di looked at him quietly, this time it was not a death stare, but a scrutiny.

"It's true, of course, there is a certain reason for bringing them back because they are afraid that they will bring some trouble to Xiaoxue and Dong'er when they grow up." Ye Han said.

"Well! I believe you for the time being."

Xue Di nodded.

"What is temporary belief?" Ye Han was dissatisfied.

"You're a woman..."

Xue Di opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Ye Han directly blocked his mouth.

"Wu, huh, don't mess around, they're all still outside!" Xue Di groaned, supporting Ye Han's chest with both hands, preventing him from getting close to him.

"Okay! But do you remember what I said?" Ye Han glanced at the door, but reluctantly let go of the Snow Emperor and said.

"What?" Xue Di's flawless cheeks showed a trace of puzzlement.

"I said I would definitely get you pregnant."

Ye Han was close to Xue Di's ear, with a smirk on his face, while speaking, he lightly bit on the crystal earlobe.

Ah! ~

Xue Di was like an electric shock, his body trembled, and he screamed. His white and transparent cheeks were instantly congested with blood, like a red tomato. He looked so cute that he wanted to hug him for a few bites.

"You, you, you are a bad guy who knows how to bully me."

Xue Di's clear and translucent eyes were watery, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses, with a face of shame and anger, looking at the man who hugged him with a smirk, and had the urge to bite.

It's so embarrassing.

Since this weakness was discovered by him, no matter how hard she used it, in which direction, she would be instantly powerless.

"You scared me with that kind of eyes just now, and you said temporary trust. This should be a lesson for you. How about we evened out now?" Ye Han said.

While speaking, he stuck his head out again and came to Xue Di's ear, as if he would move his mouth if he disagreed.

"Okay, it's even, you, keep away from my ears, it's itchy." Xuedi begged for mercy.

"Itching, let me see where it is itching." Ye Han said.


Xue Di kicked Ye Han's chest, his cheeks flushed, and said, "Why, why are you lifting my skirt?"

"Didn't you say itching?" Ye Han was innocent.

"Go away, I mean itchy ears." Xue Di was ashamed and angry.

Ye Han smiled slightly, but he wasn't fooling around.

He sat on the sofa again, took the Snow Emperor into his arms, and said, "After being driven out of the Frozen Forest by you, I used the third martial spirit to travel through time and space. When I came back, there was a little accident, which led to confusion in my memory. During that time, I met someone, her name is Tang Yuehua..."

Ye Han's clear voice has a hint of magnetism, which is extremely catchy, and it is easy to make people intoxicated.

As time passed, Ye Han told Snow Emperor everything about the future.

In the end, he picked up the beautiful cheek leaning on his arms and said solemnly, "My women, only you, Bing'er, Bo Saixi, Qian Renxue, and... Tang Yuehua, five people. That's it, Xiao Wu's words are at most half, and I don't know what will happen in the future?"

It only took more than a year to leave the Frozen Forest~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He seemed to be romantic and unrestrained, but in fact, there was only one more Tang Yuehua, and it was still in the case of amnesia.

"That's not right! What about Dong'er?" Xue Di pouted.


Ye Han was stunned for a moment, then whispered in Xue Di's ear.

When Xue Di listened to Ye Han's words, his eyes were sometimes surprised, sometimes pity, sometimes nervous, sometimes admired, sometimes angry...

After hearing all the stories about Bibi Dong, Xue Di only said one sentence, "Our soul beasts don't care about this, if you have her in your heart, chase her back."

Hearing this, Ye Han shook his head...

PS: Many people say that the protagonist is a stallion. I will give you some statistics. There are several women at present.

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