From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 166: :Father and son

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Bibi Dong is far more difficult than going to the sky.

If you want to go to heaven, you only need to cultivate to the title Douluo.

However, in order to catch up with Bibi Dong...

Ye Han thought about it, but he felt like a tiger eating the sky and having nowhere to catch it, one head and two big.

The character of that woman is really incomprehensible, too strong, too determined, too ruthless...

"Why, are you afraid of Dong'er?"

Xue Di narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Ye Han with some amusing.

It was the first time she had seen her husband look so hesitant.

The man's desire to conquer made him eager to try, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes, and a little bit of fear, as well as the admiration that could not be concealed.

Seeing this, Emperor Xue already understood that Ye Han had Bibi Dong in his heart.

With a slight sigh, Emperor Xue didn't know whether she and Bing'er's indulgence in the early years was right or wrong, but now that everything has been made, she doesn't know what to do.

Block it?

She knew that Ye Han would definitely listen to her, but would he really be happy?

After thinking about it, she simply didn't care.

"Xiaohan, Bing'er..."

Xue Di changed the subject, but just as he spoke, he suddenly stopped.

"What happened to Bing'er?" Ye Han asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the good relationship between her and Xiao Wu is a bit too much, and she doesn't pay much attention to me now."

Xue Di opened her mouth, her pink cherry lips pursed slightly, and they shimmered in the light, making people want to kiss the fragrance and taste it.

"Our Xue'er has learned to be jealous." Ye Han smiled, and couldn't help but lightly pecked on the alluring red lips.

"Why are you jealous? Don't talk nonsense, I don't." Xue Di Jiao angered.

Ye Han smiled and didn't speak, he hugged her tightly and said, "It's good to have Xiao Wu to take care of Bing'er, so that we can spend more time together in the future, after all, Bing'er is still a child. , It's too intimate, it always feels weird."


Xue Di nodded lightly, squeezed his body into Ye Han's arms, and the two almost merged into one.

Listening to each other's heartbeats, feeling the temperature on each other's bodies, breathing the breath of each other's bodies, a sense of tranquility and reassurance arises spontaneously, as if there is only each other in the whole world, but they don't feel lonely at all, on the contrary. There is a sense of peace and contentment.

Outside Xuanbing Castle.

Gu Yuena's white clothes are flying, her temperament is dusty, and her long hair with texture like silver crystals flutters in the wind.

She is slender, curvy, and dressed in simple white clothes, but she can't hide her **** figure and arrogant temperament.

In a month, Gu Yuena has basically completed the fusion of the energy of the Golden Dragon King, plus the benefits obtained by her and Ye Han's spiritual dual cultivation, at this moment, in addition to not condensing the divine position, it is already a brand new dragon god.

She stood there quietly, giving people a feeling of high mountains and unfathomable depths.

Bo Saixi's red robe was flying, and from time to time she secretly glanced at Gu Yuena, who was standing alone, and secretly guessed her identity.

"Sister, when did you and Brother Ye meet?"

Xiao Wu pulled the Ice Emperor and stood beside Bo Saixi, looking at her curiously.

"When I knew him, he was so tall." Bo Saixi gestured with the palm of his hand on his lower abdomen, and a look of embarrassment appeared on his face.

Back then, when we first met, that guy was a harmless little lady.

At that time, Bo Saixi could not have imagined that after more than ten years, the little Zhengtai of that year would become her man.

Especially when I think of Xiao Zhengtai back then, turning into a real man and pressing her down...

Bo Saixi felt his face blushing and heartbeat, and there was a sense of immorality that an old cow eats tenderly.

Although she knew that Ye Han's real age was many, many times older than herself, she subconsciously ignored it.

"Brother Ye at that time must have been very cute, right?" Xiao Wu said.

She didn't know Po Saisi's inner drama.

"Cute, it's more or less a little villain." Bo Saixi said.

Gu Yuena is an independent party, arrogant and cold, with a look that no one is near, no one knows what she is thinking.

But when Bo Saixi mentioned Ye Han, her ears moved obviously.

Sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er looked at Ning Rongrong and Ye Lingling, hesitated and walked over.

Zhu Zhuqing said hello to Ye Chen, then looked at Xuanbing Castle and stopped talking.

The little girl has a cold personality. If it wasn't for Ye Chen's resemblance to Ye Han, she would never have come forward to say hello.

Ye Chen looked around, a little dizzy.

He clenched his fists tightly, looking at the beauties around him, his dissatisfaction with Ye Han deepened.

"Not only did he abandon his wife and children, but he was also lustful, and he was flirting with flowers everywhere. How could my mother like this kind of person, and the teacher seems to have an affair with him?"

After so many years, Ye Chen had only a vague impression of what happened when he was a child, and he couldn't remember it for a long time.


The closed door of Xuan Bing slowly opened.

Ye Han pulled the Snow Emperor and appeared in front of everyone.

"Xixi, Bing'er, come here." Ye Han waved.

Bo Saixi was stunned for a while, then lowered his head and came to Ye Han's side.

In the past, as the high priest of Seagod Island, she had never seen any kind of big scene, but now, the eyes of more than ten people made her a little unbearable, and she dared not look up.

"What are you shy about? It's all my own people here, let go." Ye Han let go of Xue Di's hand, rubbed Bo Saixi's head, and smiled.

After seeing Ye Han calling her, Bing'er had already jumped to his side, hugged him by one arm, and rubbed her cheek against his arm. Only kittens that find their owners.

"Ye Chen, come here, call Auntie, Erniang, Sanniang." After comforting Bo Saixi, Ye Han's eyes fell on his son, and he said angrily.

Although Ye Chen was reluctant in every possible way, he also understood the reason why people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Ye Han raised his brows and said, "A big gift, although your mother gave your life, but when you and your mother were weakest, it was your aunt and your second mother who took care of your mother and son."

"Xiao Han, don't be like this, we haven't seen you for twelve years, the child has forgotten, and we are estranged from us. It's normal, and it will be fine in the future." Xue Di saw that Ye Han was really angry, and spoke quickly.


Ye Chen didn't appreciate it, he knelt down directly, kowtowed and saluted, then looked at Ye Han and said, "Is it alright?"

It's not that enemies don't get together, this sentence is really a famous saying throughout the ages.

The father and son are like a pair of enemies in the previous life, and no one likes them.

Ye Han gritted his teeth, but he couldn't really slap him to death.

" You are very tough. I hope you can be so good in the future." Ye Han took a deep breath and said.

After everyone got to know each other, Ye Han led a group of people into the castle, leaving only Ye Chen alone.

Deng Deng Deng! ~

The young man stood unsteadily and was pushed by a huge force. He didn't stop until he completely left the "comfort zone" around the castle.

Ye Chen's face changed, and he was so angry that he almost cursed.

He is not stupid, he naturally knows who is responsible.

"Xiao Han, you..." Xue Di looked at Ye Han with some dissatisfaction in his eyes, thinking that he had done a bit too much.

"The only way to be a good person is to eat hard and suffer." Ye Han shook his head, unmoved.

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