From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 164: : Revisiting the Hometown

"Starting Novel from Douluo Marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow( Find the latest chapter!

Thousands of miles in the sky, vast and boundless.

A big golden sun hangs high, and the white clouds are dotted on it.

"Take care of yourself, don't rush up when you are fighting, the Douluo Continent is not as good as before, do research well, and also, cultivation is the first, don't put the cart before the horse."

Under the sun, Ye Han babbled, like an old mother, and the girls were annoying.

"Okay, okay, don't say it anymore, hurry up and go to your two-person world with your mother!" Qing Xuan said.

As a topic terminator, Qingxuan lived up to his reputation, which directly made Bo Saixi blushed.

"Okay! We're leaving, remember, we have to come back once every six months at most, did you hear that?" Ye Han said.

Mmmmmmm! ~

The three nodded quickly, afraid that he would continue talking.

Ye Han was helpless, patted his son's head, and said, "Say goodbye to sisters!"

"I, I want to see my mother." Ye Chen said.

Hearing this, Ye Han swept away his consciousness and found that Qian Renxue was still asleep, and he didn't know how long it would take to wake up.

He couldn't help but glared at his son and said, "How old are you, you can't live without your mother. When you reach level 100, you can come back by yourself at any time."

Ye Chen's expression darkened, knowing that no one can change the decision of this great devil.

"Big sister, second sister, third sister, goodbye."

Ye Chen said hello obediently, and was thrown into the body space by Ye Han.

"take care of yourself."

Po Saixi waved his hand with tears in his eyes.

"No way!"

Ye Han was speechless.

"What do you know? The three of them are a piece of flesh that fell from me..." Bo Saixi glared at Ye Han.

"Okay, I said something wrong."

Ye Han raised his hand in surrender, pulled Po Saixi, and flew into the air, drifting away.

"Father, mother, goodbye, we will go back to see you, don't worry about us."

The voices of the three daughters were faintly heard.

Ye Han stopped and looked back with Bo Saixi, and the three slim figures of the girls came into view.

"Actually, they said something right."

Ye Han smiled and wiped the tears from Po Saixi's face.


Po Saixi looked at Ye Han with a puzzled face.

"If they're not here, we'll be better off in our own two-person world!" Ye Han said cheaply.

"Fuck you, who wants to live with you in a two-person world?"

Bo Saixi's dignified and gorgeous face turned bright red, and he slapped Ye Han with a light fist in embarrassment.

"I'll take you somewhere."

Ye Han rubbed his chest and flew in one direction with Po Saixi.

"Where to go?" Bo Saixi wondered.

"You'll know when you go." Ye Han smiled mysteriously without explaining.

But in an hour or three, the place arrived.

"This is the entrance to the Slaughter City?" Bo Saixi said in surprise.

"Not bad, but the capital of slaughter is now in my body, come, let's go there." Ye Han said.

He pulled Bo Saixi and walked, and came to the cave where he left the Slaughter City.

"Hey, you scared me back then. In order to avoid you, I stayed here for half a year. Would you like to go in and have a look?" Ye Han recalled.

"Well, I was there at the time. If I hadn't found out that I had a child, that sneaky little thief, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find the grave now." Bo Saixi stretched out his palm, pointed in one direction, and smiled. Looking at Ye Han.

"You, where were you?"

Ye Han's face changed, and his face was full of fear.


Po Saixi nodded and laughed even more.

"Okay you, Bo Saixi, so you still want to murder your husband, let's see how I punish you today." Ye Han's expression changed and he rushed towards Bo Saixi.

Bo Saixi twisted his body, dodged Ye Han's pounce, and rushed directly into the cave not far away.

"How dare you hide."

Ye Han roared and chased Bo Saixi directly.

The road to **** has long since been destroyed, leaving only some lava and broken stone pillars, and the appearance is no longer what it used to be.

What the two of them didn't expect was that the stone that identified their relationship back then was still there.

Ye Han pulled Po Saixi's palm, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Would you like to come here again?" Ye Han looked at the woman with fiery eyes.

"Don't, don't, go back, go back!" Bo Saixi said.

His voice trembled as he spoke, and his tone was not firm.

Ye Han couldn't see the woman's mind. Thinking of Bo Saixi's somewhat sullen personality, he couldn't help but smile. Just like in the past, he directly picked her up, jumped three or two, and instantly landed on the stone.

Stab it! ~

Revisiting the old place, at the place where the dream started, the two of them worked together, playing the lute with one hand and singing a high song.

The clouds are sparse and the rain rests, and we go to Wushan together.

"Are you feeling better?"

Ye Han hugged the beautiful woman in his arms, felt the softness and smoothness of his arms, and smiled at the beautiful and tender face.

Parting is always sad, and he doesn't want Bo Saixi to go back with such a mood.

Whoa! ~

Just as Bo Saixi nodded, there was a loud clatter in the sea of ​​magma that was about to dry up, and a big snake with ten heads and a red body suddenly rushed out.

"You guy, it really spoils the atmosphere."

Ye Han was quite speechless when he saw the ten-headed Lieyang Snake that suddenly appeared, but he was not surprised.

With his current strength, how could the ten-headed Lieyang Snake be able to hide from his perception.

As soon as he came in, Ye Han discovered the existence of this ancient alien beast. At first, he didn't want to pay attention to it, but now that it hit it by himself, Ye Han could only reluctantly put it away.

A palm stretched out, blooming with boundless golden light.

In an instant, that palm rapidly enlarged, and when the ten-headed Fierce Sun Snake was about to burst into fierceness, it directly enveloped its huge body.

The power of time and space circulated, and in an instant, the ten-headed Fiery Sun Snake turned into a small crimson bug.

"Yo hoo! Wife, look, it's quite fierce." Ye Han grabbed the ten fiery sun snakes that were struggling and put them in front of Bo Saixi.

"Okay, don't make trouble, put it away quickly, I want to get dressed." Bo Saixi said.

"Well! Well, my wife is so beautiful, but she can't be seen by a beast."

Ye Han nodded in agreement, and hesitantly took the ten-headed Lieyang Snake into his body space.

Then, he saw a "whose expression are you talking about" on Bo Saixi's face.

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that this little girl was saying that she was not a human being.

This is amazing, you are going to turn the world upside down!

Will this get used to her?

Ye Han turned around...

"No, no, Xiaohan, I was wrong, I'm sorry, husband, husband, I don't dare anymore."

Bo Saixi begged for mercy, his voice sobbing and complaining, making his body go weak.


"Wife, do you have a nickname?" Ye Han asked.

Bo Saixi shook his head slightly, his voice was hoarse, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Then let me get you one, it's called Bobo, how about it?" Ye Han said.

"You, too..."

Bo Saixi said and immediately met Ye Han's threatening eyes.

"My name is Sisi." Bo Saixi said daringly.

She instinctively felt that Bobo was not a good name.

"All right!"

Ye Han nodded and named Bobo, but it was just his bad taste, because Bo Saixi was really too big, and she deserved to be a woman who nursed three babies at one time. It was a bit too much. Fortunately, her height and body shape Not the kind of small jasper type.

Such a hot figure does not appear incongruity on her body, but is so perfect and attractive.

After resting for a while, Ye Han left the ruins of the Slaughter City with Bo Saixi in his arms. This time, the two of them did not stop at all and went straight to the frozen forest.

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