From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 115: : Let the Pope dove

The bright moon hangs high.

The moonlight poured down like water, soft and cold.

In the quiet courtyard, a tall figure dressed in white with a blue nose and a swollen face sat on a stone bench, enjoying the service of the beauties around him in pain and happiness.

The ice-cold medicinal liquid is applied little by little on the swollen skin, and the sour taste can only be understood by experiencing it.

"Those little guys are really ruthless."

Muttering voices with dissatisfaction and grief came from the man's mouth.

"You deserve it, it's not bad for the little girl to hold you, but you still go to your relatives' house, who won't they beat you?" The woman chuckled while applying the medicine.

A head of silver-white hair fell, the woman leaned over, the collar on her chest was slightly opened, revealing the beautiful scenery inside.

"What are you talking about! Didn't I see them cute, so I couldn't hold back? Besides, I was careless.

The man said with dissatisfaction while admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him.

These two are none other than Ye Han and Tang Yuehua.

To be honest, Ye Han didn't expect that the three little guys' martial soul fusion skills were so powerful. In order to extinguish the anger of the little girls, he originally thought that relying on his own physique, it should be no problem to bear it a few times.

Who knows, it was only after a few blows that he was beaten like this.

Now that he thinks about it, he feels a little ashamed.

"Okay, with your physique, you should be able to recover soon."

Tang Yuehua turned around, bent down and put the things in her hands on the table behind her.

Ye Han's eyes lit up at that moment's amorous feelings, and he suddenly bullied him and hugged the woman into his arms.

"Your body should recover, right?" Ye Han laughed in the woman's ear.

"You're going to die, and you want to bully others?"

Tang Yuehua turned her head, a blush appeared on her dignified pretty face.

Thousands of charming and charming, a man with a fiery gaze.

Eyes met, Ye Han felt hit by an electric current, his heart swayed, and his Adam's apple couldn't help rolling.

Although they were already an old husband and wife, the soft side of this woman could always tug at his heartstrings inadvertently, making him want to bully her involuntarily.

"Don't, go back to the house, here..."

"It doesn't matter, I have already set up the barrier. As long as you don't get close, no one will find out. If you get close, with my mental power, I will definitely be able to find the other party first."

The man was very confident, but he didn't know it at all. Not far away, a figure trembled slightly, watching everything here.

Knowing that Ye Han was beaten, Bo Saixi reprimanded the three daughters severely, and demanded that the three of them must apologize to Ye Han tomorrow.

When he was out of sight of his three daughters, Po Saisi almost died of laughter.

However, when she arrived here and saw the scene in front of her, she was in a bad mood.

The towering chest rose and fell violently, and her lungs were about to explode.

Worrying about his injury in vain, I came to visit in a hurry, who knows...

at the same time.

The Pope's Palace, the Pope's bedroom.

Dressed in a plain white dress, the woman with a frail figure sat in front of the dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror, in a daze.

Bibi Dong, who had not put on makeup for decades, did not hesitate to make an exception, picked up the brush again, and painted herself with light makeup.

Without Fendai, she is already stunning in the world, but at this time, she is undoubtedly even more breathtakingly beautiful.

She tried her best to soften her face, and even to achieve her goal, she showed a faint smile to herself in the mirror.

It was not until she was sure that her acting skills passed the test that she slowly got up, walked out the window, and waited silently.

Then, the poor Pope found out that she... was put on a pigeon.

"Bastard, my mother will kill you."

Looking at the white fish belly on the horizon, His Excellency Pope clenched his fists and let out a roar of incompetence.


The old lady is all set, you **** dare not come.

Bibi Dong was furious, her body trembled slightly, and her chest rose and fell rapidly.

Her state at this time is almost exactly the same as that of Po Saixi.

Ye Han had no idea how terrifying the two beings he had inadvertently offended.


The door opened, Ye Han stretched his back, and suddenly there was a surprise in his mouth. He wondered if he was too tired last night and had hallucinations. He felt a red light flashing from his eyes.

But if you look closely, you can't find anything.

Shaking his head and thinking no more, Ye Han took Tang Yuehua out of the room.

At this time, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten a very important appointment.

However, there is nothing to regret. That woman is beautiful, but it always makes him a little uneasy. It may not be a bad thing that he didn't go to the appointment last night.

The Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition, the finals, the fifth round, the rules are the same as the rules of the promotion competition, it belongs to the individual competition, each team can send a player to challenge one by one, until one side loses, and then according to the winner Points to choose the first place.

In the end, the two losing teams will have a team duel, and the one who wins can challenge for the first place and compete for the championship this year.

In this round, Ye Han released the Silver Dragon King, who was cultivating health in the small world within his body, to let her see with her own eyes what the hope and future of the soul beast clan she chose were like.

In this battle, he did his part to step into the ring.

It's a pity that after he released his martial spirit, he saw the seven spirit rings, and everyone didn't fight, so he simply chose to admit defeat.

Fighting alone, no one is sure to defeat Ye Han, so they left the chance in the team competition.

"I'll admit defeat this round, but don't be too proud, we'll see you in the team competition."

Finally, a blonde girl appeared. She looked seventeen or eighteen years old. She had a beautiful face and had an unusual temptation. When she was young, her long and narrow phoenix eyes blinked, giving people a feeling of charm to all beings.

"Little fox, I noticed that you looked at me in a wrong way, do we know each other?" Ye Han suddenly stepped forward, and when she had just finished the harsh words and had no time to leave, he hugged her, half a smile but not a smile. road.

In the past few days, besides the woman on the high platform, the girl who has paid special attention to him is the current girl.

However, Ye Han didn't have the slightest impression of Now, if there is someone who can figure out all the opportunities, how could Ye Han let it go.

"You, you, you let me go."

The girl's pupils shrank, and she quickly exclaimed, she didn't expect Ye Han to do this suddenly.

"There is no problem with letting go of you, but you have to tell me how we met, and what kind of grievances do we have between us?" Ye Han said.

While speaking, the strength in his hands tightened, making the girl's body stick tightly to her.

"You, me, you really don't remember me?"

The girl's body was soft, she leaned back, trying to keep the distance between the two of them, and said with a panicked expression.


At this moment, a cold and majestic voice resounded throughout the audience.

The formidable coercion was like a substance, and it pressed **** Ye Han.

"Okay, okay, listen to you, I'll let her go, okay?"

Ye Han sent a voice transmission to Gaotai, then let go of the girl in his arms, saying, "If you want to meet me in the finals, you have to work hard, come on! Ollie!"

The girl got out of the clutches, quickly pulled away, glared at Ye Han angrily, Miao Man swayed, and then turned around and walked off the battlefield.

"Ye Han! I won't let you go."

Although I have said this no less than ten times, I still feel that I can't express my inner firmness before I leave.

The girl is indeed very persistent. After Ye Han froze her back then, she always wanted to provoke revenge. Although she never succeeded, she still worked tirelessly and worked hard for her dream.

In the past few years, Ye Han has suddenly disappeared, and the girl is still a little unaccustomed to it. Unexpectedly, she will meet him again in this competition.

PS: Old rules, ask for tickets!

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