From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 114: : The beautiful woman has an appointment

A head of black hair draped over her shoulders, and her fair skin was crystal clear and moist, as if there was a faint layer of fluorescent light shining.

She looked only twelve or thirteen years old, and her face was still childish, but she was tall, curvy, and bumpy, with a plump and delicate body that did not match her age.

Although she was only wrapped in a black rag, it was difficult to conceal her proud figure.

With bare feet, she stepped on the tattered clothes on the ground, and slowly walked towards the huge white tiger in front of her.

"Do you still want to fight?"

The cold voice is crisp and sweet, but it carries a deep indifference and alienation.

"Zhu Zhuqing, no, it's impossible, the blood of the curse is irreversible, who are you?"

The fierce tiger uttered human words, and made a desperate female voice.

"Nothing is impossible. Just like you, even if Davis dies, you can still become a princess. Nothing is impossible in this world." The girl opened her mouth with a cold voice.

After she finished speaking, she swayed in lotus steps, ignoring the ghostly white tiger in front of her, and walked towards the opposite side.

She has completely let go!

"Bastard, Dai Mubai, what are you doing? Go ahead and kill her!"

Zhu Zhuyun roared wildly in his heart as he looked at the figure that was drifting away.

Bang! ~

The Netherworld White Tiger, which was barely maintained, exploded, and Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuyun both spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"You, Dai Mubai, you are good."

There was a trace of mockery on the corner of Zhu Zhuyun's mouth. He didn't know whether he was mocking himself or Dai Mubai. Then, he closed his eyes and fainted.

The premise of martial arts fusion skills is to communicate with each other and trust each other, which is why most martial arts fusion skills only appear between husbands and wives.

However, right now, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuyun's spirit fusion skills have had a backlash.

The reason is very simple, Dai Mubai's mentality has a problem.

"Zhu and Zhuqing, I didn't know about the divorce back then. You, you are going back with me now. As long as you go back with me, I will definitely persuade the family to accept you as a concubine again and wash away the shame you have encountered."

Dai Mubai, as an assault-type beast spirit master, although his cultivation was inferior to Zhu Zhuyun's, his physical strength was far greater than that of Zhu Zhuyun, so he did not faint immediately, but instead shamelessly launched an attack on Zhu Zhuqing, who had recovered his appearance.

At this moment, Dai Mubai felt his heart beating faster than ever before, and he knew that it was a feeling of heartbeat.

Dai Mubai is no longer an ignorant teenager. He has seen countless girls all year round, but this is the first time that he has just met a girl and has such a strong feeling that he wants to get her at any cost.


An afterimage flashed by.

Then, Dai Mubai's body was like a shrimp, he bowed his body and flew out backwards.


When the cold words came out, Zhu Zhuqing didn't turn his head back, and his steps didn't stop at all.

A phantom figure exactly like Zhu Zhuqing walked slowly from behind and merged into Zhu Zhuqing's body under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The battle is over.

Undoubtedly, this girl with only a black rag all over her body was the focus of the audience.

How unpopular she was just now, how popular she is now.

"It won't bounce back this time!" Ye Han said with a bright smile on his face, rubbing the girl's head.


Nodding lightly, the girl had tears in her eyes.

Then, he threw himself into Ye Han's arms and hugged Ye Han's body tightly.

A thousand words, in the end, turned into a hug.

Ye Han gently stroked the other person's hair, his fingertips inadvertently touched a touch of smooth skin, and his brows wrinkled slightly, so he took out a coat from the storage space and put it lightly on her body.

"I told you a long time ago that you must be a beautiful woman when you recover. How about you? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Ye Han chuckled.

Suddenly, he felt cold all over.

She turned her head and glanced, just in time to meet Bibi Dong's cold eyes.

Like a frightened rabbit, Bibi Dong instantly turned her head and moved, trying to escape.

But because the movement was too big, he inadvertently pulled on the wound, staggered under his feet, and almost fell.

This scene made the surrounding bishops startled, a big question mark appeared on their foreheads, and they couldn't help but bow their heads to peek at each other.

Although the escape at that moment was fake, at this moment, the burning pain from the body was so real that it could not be faked at all.

And the reaction of the few people around made Bibi Dong's beautiful face redden.

Fortunately, these people around you are all shrewd guys. They know what to watch, what not to watch, and what to ask? What not to ask?

After discovering that the Pope almost fell, they lowered their heads, so they didn't see the blushing on Bibi Dong's face. Otherwise, with the IQ of these people, they would definitely be able to guess the reason for the unsteady footsteps of the Pope.

"Tonight, I'll be waiting for you at the same place."

An angry voice sounded in Ye Han's ears.

Ye Han smiled.

Watching the charming back slowly disappear, thoughts flashed through his mind.

Although what happened last night was irritating, Bibi Dong didn't show any fierce resistance, and there was even an act of pandering in the middle, but the condensed killing intent still existed.

But now she wants me to meet me at the same place.

Where is this old place?

Is it the same bath from last night?

If this is the case, the beautiful woman has an appointment, should I go?

Or go?

Or go?

What about going?



Tang Yuehua's teeth grinding sound suddenly sounded.

Ye Han returned to his senses and found that his palm had moved to Zhu Zhuqing's waist at some point, and there was a faint downward trend...

And the little girl's baby face, carved in pink and jade, was already full of blushes before she knew it, and she was so shy that she didn't dare to look at him.

"Cough cough cough."

Ye Han hurriedly coughed twice to resolve the embarrassment, and let go of his hands.

"Let's go! Big brother will take you to buy clothes. Our family Zhuqing is so beautiful, how can she wear such shabby clothes." Ye Han said.

After he finished speaking, he immediately got rid of the lingering images of the Pope in his mind, grabbed Zhu Zhuqing's arm generously, and quickly left the Arena of Souls with six beauties, big and small, amid the cries of ghosts and wolves from the spectators. .

Shopping, especially buying clothes, is an exciting thing for most women, young and old.

When they heard that they were going to buy clothes for Zhu Zhuqing, everyone's eyes lit up.

A bloodbath unfolded vigorously, Ye Han was stunned and speechless when he saw it.

When it was time to check out, it was already very late, Ye Han looked at Tang Yuehua and couldn't help but sigh, soft rice is still delicious.

If he hadn't married a rich wife, he might have to sell himself to pay off his debts today.

"Qingqian, did you buy all those clothes for your teacher?" Ye Han said while holding Qingqian.

As the saying It is short to take people and short to eat people.

Ye Han was bleeding profusely, Qing Qian was too embarrassed to show Ye Han's face again, so he let him hold him.

After hearing Ye Han's words, she nodded and hummed.

"Take me to meet your teacher, okay?" Ye Han said.


Without thinking about it, Qingqian refused.

In the hearts of these little girls, it was because of Ye Han that the teacher disappeared for more than a month. Without seeing them, how could Qingqian dare to bring Ye Han to the teacher.

"Oh fine."

Ye Han was helpless, looking down and disappointed.

Seeing Ye Han's face, Qingqian couldn't help pursing her lips.

To be honest, apart from Ye Han's appearance that made the teacher behave abnormally, he was really good. Not only did he take good care of the three of his sisters, but the aura emanating from him also made them like them very much.

Unfortunately, the teacher seems to "dislike" this person.

"Otherwise, I'll ask the teacher for you to see if she would like to see you. If she doesn't, then I have no choice."

The helpless look on Ye Han's face made the little girl unbearable, so she said something weakly.

"Hey, it's better to be light."

Hearing this, the helpless look on Ye Han's face disappeared in an instant, with a look of joy on his face, he hugged his clear head, took an inch, and directly implemented the long-planned method, nibbling on the girl's delicate face. One bite.

As a result, this moment seemed to stab a hornet's nest, the little girl was stunned, and then her face turned red. The three sisters had a good heart. No matter what they were doing, they all made actions in an instant, and they became one in an instant and turned into one. The black armored Valkyrie is a crazy output to Ye Han.

PS: Old rules, ask for tickets!

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