From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 116: : Re-entry into the Pope's palace

On the viewing stage.

The Pope snorted coldly, and just like her disciple, turned around and left, not wanting to watch the next game.

And this also saved her from embarrassment.

Because, Spirit Hall, Spirit Academy lost, was swept out by the Seven Monsters, and lost the qualification to compete for the championship.

"Little girl, tell me everything about me, how about I help you get revenge?"

Ye Han was haunted, and at some point, he touched the lost blonde girl.

"You, you really don't remember, or did you pretend to entertain me on purpose?"

The girl stared at Ye Han with her red eyes, her cheeks bulging, and there was some confusion and hatred in her eyes.

Not to mention, this look is quite cute!

"Ye Han, stay away from Nana for me. Don't think that you are a great soul saint. I will defeat you one day."

Just when Ye Han was about to speak, a very angry voice came from behind him.

Ye Han looked back and saw two young men walking side by side, each with more or less tints on their bodies, but the red-haired one had a fierce expression and was staring at him fiercely.

There is no doubt that the sudden sound was his.

This person is called Yan, and the one next to him is called Xie Yue, the elder brother of the blonde girl. Ye Han knows these people, but they are not from the original memory, but from the competition field.

"Brother, Yan, how is your injury?"

The girl got up and looked at her brother and the red-haired youth with some worry in her eyes.

"It's just a skin injury. It's fine to rest for a few days. It's nothing serious."

Xie Yue smiled lightly, then looked at Ye Han with a complex look in her eyes, and said, "I didn't expect us to meet again."

He Xieyue was also an out-and-out genius in Spirit Hall's Spirit Academy, but Ye Han's appearance not only prevented the Holy Son of Spirit Hall from seclusion and disappeared, but also made these geniuses feel ashamed.

He suddenly disappeared two years ago, which made the younger generation of Spirit Hall's Spirit Academy involuntarily relieved, but who would have thought that he would actually participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition as a student.

"You know me too? Am I famous before? By the way, do you know what my relationship is with the Pope?"

Ye Han wondered, feeling that he might have been a great person before, otherwise, how could he be so famous and be favored by the Pope.

"Bold thief, you can't find death, how dare you speak lightly of His Majesty the Pope." Yan's eyes widened and he shouted loudly.

At this moment, even Xie Yue and the blond girl looked at Ye Han with bad looks.

"Okay, it's my blunder, if that's the case, then I'll take my leave. By the way, boy, your anger is not good for your health, and you have bad breath. I'm a kind person by nature, and I'll give you a free gift today. fire."

Realizing that he couldn't ask anything useful, Ye Han stopped wasting time, his body gradually faded, and then disappeared in front of the three of them without a trace.

Yan turned into an ice sculpture.

The blonde girl stretched out her palm and opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but unfortunately, Ye Han has already left.


"Na'er, are you sure, you really don't want to go in?"

In the hotel, Ye Han wrapped an arm around Gu Yuena's shoulder and discussed it.

"My name is Gu Yuena, Na'er is not what you can call it. Also, what the **** is your little world, do you think I don't know? Why is half of the soul power I absorbed inexplicably lost? Shouldn't you? Can you give me an explanation?" Gu Yuena shook off Ye Han's palm and asked with a cold face.

"Isn't it called Na'er to be close? As for what the **** could be in my little world? That's entirely your own problem, okay? Don't you think about how long you've been seriously injured? You're just recovering now, and it's definitely impossible to reach your peak state. The absorption of soul power is slower than before, is this normal?" Ye Han spread out his palms with an innocent look on his face.

"Ha ha!"

Gu Yuena smiled. Although her smile was a little weird, it was still so beautiful.

If it wasn't for her spiritual power that had already surpassed the limits of the world of Douluo Continent, I'm afraid she would have been fooled by this **** in front of her.

"Of course, what good will it do for me if I lie to you?" Ye Han said righteously.

"Oh! Then why do I think you are about to break through? Remember that I just entered..."

Gu Yuena's clear and translucent purple eyes blinked slightly, and she looked at Ye Han with a smile that was not a smile.

"I, can't I be talented? Che, believe it or not, pull it down, if you want to go in in the future, my brother won't serve you."

Ye Han shook his hand and walked away, his old face turning slightly red.

Thinking that Ye Xun's face has also been tempered, but in the face of Gu Yuena's multiple offensives that seem ignorant, wise, coquettish, and cute, they can only end up being ko.

"Alas! It's a pity, if I get her in, it won't take ten days and a half months, but five or six days, and I'll be able to break through to the first level."

With a helpless sigh, Ye Han felt that the old man in the small world was so fooled. At least he hadn't noticed any abnormality in absorbing soul power until now. He practiced hard every day and provided Ye Han with a lot of soul power support.

"By the way, I let you out, shouldn't you take the opportunity to escape?"

Ye Han was really elusive. It was only a moment, and he appeared beside Gu Yuena again, with a serious look.

"Humph! I am the co-owner of the dignified soul and beast, how could I deceive you as a little scorpion." When Gu Yuena heard this, Liu Mei couldn't help frowning slightly, and said in a cold voice.

"Hey, that's fine."

Ye Han smiled cheaply, and his figure disappeared instantly.

This time, he never appeared again.

Gu Yuena's tense body loosened slightly, and she looked around, a trace of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, but she finally sighed.

Although she didn't want to admit, she also knew that she couldn't beat him.

That is a monster, and it is impossible to judge it with common sense. Obviously, the realm of cultivation is not worth mentioning, but the combat power is a bit outrageous.

In this world, being weak is the original sin, and it doesn't make any sense.

As a soul beast, Gu Yuena understands this even more.

People are knives, I am fish.

Ye Han didn't do anything more drastic to her. For the time being, she had already accepted her fate and didn't plan to resist.


Ye Han bid farewell to everyone, and had a rare leisure time, wandering around Wuhun City alone.

At dusk, he stopped in front of a small courtyard.

"Ye Mansion! This is... my home!"

Ye Han muttered to himself, pushed open the door and entered.

Seeing the plants and trees in the yard, Ye Han couldn't help flashing pictures in his mind.

"Xue'er, Bing'er, Bibi Dong, who is the other person?" Ye Han frowned slightly, wandering around here for a long time, but he never remembered who the last person was.

The night is quiet.

Ye Han went back and said hello to Tang Yuehua, then drifted away.

This time, Bo Saixi finally had a long memory. He didn't look for Ye Han again, and he didn't pay attention to his movements. As a result, he also missed an opportunity to know the secret between him and Bibi Dong, laying a foreshadowing for the future.

Ye Han was familiar with the road, and directly touched the Pope's palace.

Last night, Bibi Dong personally invited Ye Han to keep his appointment, but if he wanted to come today, he wouldn't come. In addition, it was already dead of night, so Bibi Dong was completely unprepared for this.

At this moment, a figure appeared beside her like a ghost.

PS: Why are there fewer and fewer recommended tickets? Brothers, rolling around for tickets!

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