On the bridge of the Federal Equality, looking at the Imperial fleet near the Robert IV in the distance, the orbital strike operations did not stop because of their arrival.

A staff officer on the bridge couldn't help but look at Commodore Duwell at the captain's seat.

"General, the Imperial Fleet still shows no sign of stopping its orbital strike operations."

After hearing his words and looking at the image of the orbital attack ship captured by the optical equipment at the extreme distance, Commodore Duwell snorted coldly.

"Hmph! This just shows that our ground forces are putting pressure on them. Otherwise, how could they not recall those orbital attack ships after discovering us?"

"Then shall we continue the attack?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Of course we must continue to attack!"

Brigadier General Duwell frowned and said loudly:

"I don't care who these imperial orbital attack ships want to support or attack. Even if they are planning to smash holes in the Great Plains, we can't fulfill their wishes!"

With neither side planning to take a step back, the two fleets engaged in the first decent battle in so many days.

The federal task force no longer thought about harassing and running away. Instead, it reached a position 30,000 kilometers away from the orbital attack ship in one breath, deployed an artillery formation, and then began a salvo.

The Imperial Fleet, under the command of Raphael, desperately inserted itself between the federal task force and the orbital attack ship, formed a defensive formation with more than a dozen capital ships as the core, and regarded itself as the orbital attack ship. Human shield.

However, under the attack of directed energy weapons, especially charged particle cannons and high-energy lasers, which are light-speed weapons, this idea of ​​​​making a human shield is actually difficult to realize.

The Federation fleet only needs to complete the aiming and firing, and it can complete the shooting before the Imperial battleship blocks the beam.

When the orbital attack ship is conducting orbital strike operations, it cannot activate the deflection field. Basically, as long as it hits, it will be sunk.

Although the imperial fleet relied on its numerical advantage, it caused a lot of casualties to the federal task force during the confrontation.

But their orbital assault ships weren't much better.

Of the 10 orbital attack ships operating, only one successfully survived to carry out orbital strikes.

And this only lone seedling, just after launching two 'David' tactical orbital strike missiles, was hit by two jets of heavy metal particles that struck at one percent of the speed of light, and the entire hull was immediately broken into three pieces. .

Despite this, the last two missiles successfully fired by the orbital attack ship still roared towards the ground at a speed of Mach 23.

Robert IV Surface, Blue Bay.

The fighting in the urban area has entered a fierce stage under the continued attack of federal forces.

As the encirclement continued to shrink, the fighting between the two sides became more intense. Amber, who led the team to destroy an Imperial HCP, made Lieutenant Colonel Dallas see more of his value, and directly awarded Amber the northeast attack Temporary command authority for the troops.

As a result, the strength of Amber's troops suddenly increased several times.

224 motorized infantry carrying various individual weapons.

25 ‘Mongoose 4’ wheeled armored vehicles and support vehicles of their variants.

18 ‘Lantula modified’ light multi-legged tanks.

2 'Mammoth' heavy multi-legged tanks upgraded with electromagnetic reconnection cannons.

But more force command authority also means heavier offensive tasks.

Originally, Amber's reinforced machine infantry platoon was only responsible for coordinating the main force's attack.

But now, he himself has become the main force, so the offensive pressure is directly on his shoulders.

Fortunately, the electronic virus released by Lilith is powerful enough.

Although the command terminal of the Imperial Force's regiment used various technical means to prevent the spread of the virus along the communication network.

But for units that have been infected with the virus, there is nothing they can do.

Their communication and fire control systems were all affected, and many orbital paratroopers even had to turn off the auxiliary aiming function of their tactical visors and return to their original aiming methods.

Under this circumstance, the troops led by Amber became the fastest advancing among several offensive directions.

Even after Lilith analyzed the information transmission channels of the imperial forces, she found a target that was suspected to be the headquarters of the imperial forces.

What they discovered was the backup headquarters of the Orbital Paratrooper Regiment.

Therefore, Amber's fierce attack immediately attracted an imperial HCP to support the front line.

This HCP is the wingman of the dead Flytrap - the 'Werewolf'.

When the 'Werewolf' drove the Zealot to this front, he immediately felt pressure that he had never felt on other fronts.

"Damn it, where did these guys come from! And that psychic agent?"

The elusive anti-vehicle missiles of the mobile infantry, the ejection of the 120 dual-purpose electrothermal chemical cannon in the curved fire mode, and the extremely threatening two 15-meter electromagnetic reconnection cannons.

The echelon-distributed fire strikes kept HCP's deflection field generator from stopping.

The close-defense laser gun towers on both sides of the main monitor never stopped intercepting anti-vehicle missiles and projectile grenades, so much so that the energy recharge system even issued a 'too high temperature' warning.

After discovering that the ammunition ejected by the federal army's 120mm electrothermal chemical cannon turned out to be a self-forged warhead, the 'Wolfman' gave up the plan of relying on armor to resist, and instead intercepted and evaded honestly.

The streets on the screen of the cockpit all day long are constantly forming ballistic prediction lines and simulated explosion ranges of impact points.

These red translucent hemispheric danger zones are constantly compressing the activity space of the 'werewolf'.

For a moment, he didn't even have a chance to launch a heavy particle cannon or a charged particle cannon to counterattack.

After all, when the deflection field is activated, such high-power directed energy weapons can no longer be used to attack.

The plan to jump up and rush out of the city was abandoned when the warning sound of 'strong electric field detected' and a bright orange-red trajectory streaked through the air.

Several Mammoths deployed by the federal army on the outer positions were just waiting for him to soar into the sky so that they could be used as targets.

This is the anti-HCP hunting tactic deployed by Amber, and it is also the most commonly used tactic when non-HCP units fight against HCP.

Although these steel giants are very powerful on their own, as long as they keep firing alternately to suppress them, they cannot put down their shields and have no chance to turn off the deflection field.

Then it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.

Of course, if you want to ask Amber, how should you respond if a group of HCP attacks?

Then he will only tell you, "If you can fight a group of HCPs on the ground, there will always be another group of HCPs."

As time went by, the northeastern offensive troops under Amber's command were getting closer and closer to the suspected command post.

The increasingly tenacious resistance of the imperial defenders convinced Amber and the others that this was indeed a high-value target.

But at this moment, an early warning came from the rear brigade command post on the communication channel.

The two ground attack missiles have entered the atmosphere and are currently heading towards Blue Bay City at a speed of Mach 23.

"Tsk, what was supposed to come has come."

"Everyone, hide as planned!"

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