From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 92 Lilith’s special virus (5300 words will kill you)

The anti-vehicle missile launched by Amber did not give the imperial soldiers much time to react.

They only had time to lie down near their bunker before the missiles landed at the same time.

But for them, the good news is that this kind of shaped warhead missile is not very good in terms of killing effect or killing distance when used to attack scattered infantry.

Except for the two orbital paratroopers closest to the impact point, no one else even suffered any damage.

But the bad news is that Amber launched this anti-vehicle missile not to cause direct damage.

The moment these imperial soldiers stopped shooting, he turned off the deflection field, and then removed the 12mm Gauss machine gun from the gun rack.

"Master, super aiming, deployed!"

With Lilith's assistance, these soldiers lying behind bunkers and obstacles were marked out one by one.

Amber raised the muzzle of the gun, and the firing indicator line on the mask's HUD immediately moved accordingly.

The common obstacles and bunkers on the streets are nothing more than small civilian vehicles, flower beds, green belts, trash cans, and a few mobile bunkers carried by infantrymen.

But these things are not much stronger than a piece of paper in front of the 12mm Gauss machine gun.

Under the control of her modified body and reaction nerves, Amber fired rapidly in the marked target direction like a cheat.

The only thing that limits his attack speed is the capacitor recharging speed of the Gauss machine gun itself.

Each shot penetrated the rod at high speed, like the death-killing scythe of the God of Death, easily penetrating the obstacles and tearing apart the torsos of these hiding Imperial soldiers.

Anyone who dared to lean out from behind the bunker to fight back was also marked as a 'threat target' in Lilith's battlefield surveillance, and was then prioritized and exploded by Amber's 'one frame pull'.

Amber's sprint speed didn't even decay much in the process.

The mobile infantrymen who were blasting and advancing in the building looked at Amber through the window as if he was a 'god descending from heaven'. It only took a few seconds to destroy the temporary defense of these infantrymen.

Although in their knowledge, they all know that Warrant Officer Amber is a very powerful psyker.

But this was actually the first time they intuitively watched Amber wearing an exoskeleton conduct a frontal assault.

"Warrant Officer is so strong!"

"Yes. Is this really something humans can do?"

The mobile infantry couldn't help but sigh, and then accelerated the demolition operations at hand.

When the countdown on the visor's HUD reached 20 seconds, Amber had already eliminated the remaining imperial soldiers and rushed to a position less than 10 meters away from the zealots.

In fact, when he attacked the imperial infantry just now, the fanatics had already discovered his existence.

But at that time, the HCP was attacking with a charged particle cannon. All the Flytrap wanted to do was wait until the shot was fired before supporting the infantry here.

But who would have thought that after just a short delay, the dozen or so imperial soldiers on his right would have been wiped out.

At this time, 'Flytrap' had already noticed something was wrong.

As he turned to look at Amber, who was approaching, the Zealot's main monitor also turned around. Without thinking, he locked Amber with his pupils and irradiated it with a close-range laser gun.

But the next moment, he saw that when two high-energy laser beams were irradiated on the target, they were directly refracted by a layer of light blue transparent force field and swept to the buildings on both sides.

At the same time, the combat assistance AI also issued a timely warning.

"Warning! Level 4 psychic fluctuations have been detected, please be careful!"

"Psychic?! Is this a psychic agent?"

While 'Flytrap' was shocked, Amber, who activated the psychic shield to refract the high-energy laser beam, also accelerated her sprint.

Facing this high-speed approaching target, the 'Flytrap' subconsciously raised the Gauss rifle held by the robotic arm and swept it over.

But just as the crosshair was set on Amber, an 8-bit style pixel villain suddenly popped up on the screen.

This villain, who looks like a Q version of a psychic agent, has his hands crossed in front of him and flashes continuously.

Although the Flytrap kept trying to fire, it was always rejected by the weapons unit.

"What's going on?! Invaded by a virus? Soraka, check yourself immediately!"

Sensing something bad, 'Flytrap' immediately asked his combat assistant AI to conduct a self-check, only to find that a virus he had never seen before had invaded the HCP's host computer through the laser communication link.

Before Flytrap tried to attack Amber with a Gauss rifle, the virus had maintained its disguise and continued to penetrate deeply.

It was only just now that it was finally exposed.

After being discovered, this never-before-seen virus no longer concealed itself and directly launched an attack on the entire HCP system.

Under this situation, 'Flytrap' had to let the combat auxiliary AI allocate a large amount of computing power to deal with this mysterious virus.

For this reason, he could only lower the body's posture compensation and AI-assisted aiming.

"Master! The implanted virus was discovered, but it also forced the opponent to allocate a lot of computing power to fight. Please seize this opportunity!"

In fact, without Lilith's reminder, Amber, who was sprinting, had already noticed that the empire fanatic's movements had slowed down.

After allocating computing power to fight against Lilith's special virus, HCP's AI auxiliary functions have been greatly restricted. The body posture and weapon aiming that were originally easily maintained now need to be compensated by the basic skills of the pilot.

Taking this opportunity, Amber directly launched three anti-vehicle missiles.

The Flytrap, which has lost its AI-assisted aiming, does not have the ability to physically identify and detonate missiles.

He could only hope that the interception effect of the close-range defense laser gun tower was powerful enough, and that the deflection force field could block the metal jet attacks of these missiles.

The anti-vehicle missiles flew in front of the fanatics almost in the blink of an eye. Two of them were successfully detonated by the laser gun tower, and the last one hit the deflection force field and exploded.

The situation at this time was already extremely bad for the 'Flytrap'. The virus invading the body was a type that had never been seen before, and it continued to evolve as it continued to attack.

The offensive and defensive battle between the combat-assisted AI and the virus, from the initial confrontation of isolation and blockade, has now been barely able to support itself.

The response speed of each unit of HCP is also constantly slowing down, and there may be a risk of system-wide downtime at any time.

The most outrageous thing is that the psyker, with the help of the anti-vehicle missile attack just now, has very boldly passed through himself, and is about to attack the weak point behind him.

‘Flytrap’ twisted its body to control the direction of the HCP. While hiding its weaknesses, it also took off the shield hanging on the shoulder armor and swept directly towards it.

The shield is not a weapon, so it will not be restricted by the fire control system.

As a result, 'Flytrap' saw this psyker jump up with quick reaction, and even used the force to kick again the moment the shield swept across his feet.

At the same time, two tail flames suddenly appeared from behind, pushing him straight up.

At a certain moment, the Flytrap also saw the jet points of these two tail flames.

It was obviously a disposable propulsion device temporarily modified by using some kind of individual missile with the warhead removed.

At the same time, the triple grenade launcher attached to the leg also emitted a burst of fire.

Just when the Flytrap waved his shield to block the grenade, he was about to swat this annoying psyker out of the air like a fly.

The omnidirectional warning device suddenly issued a warning of 'missile incoming from behind'.

And this alarm was obviously a beat too late.

Because before the 'Flytrap' even had time to conduct tactical evasion, it felt the shock of three explosions coming from behind.

My own plasma propulsion array was hit!

The alarm device, which was still working, belatedly displayed the alarm direction picture on the screen in a small window.

'Flytrap' glanced at the scene in the window and saw several 'sneaky' federal mobile infantry throwing down their disposable launchers and hiding inside the second-floor window of the building next to them.

Immediately afterwards, the onboard AI, which was fighting the virus, took the time to send an even more ominous message.

The subcritical reactor and the back superconducting battery stack used for energy storage were damaged, and the body's energy output decreased.

This means that he will no longer be able to use high-energy-consuming weapons and equipment such as heavy particle cannons, charged particle cannons, and deflection fields.

At this juncture, 'Flytrap' knew it was time to withdraw.

When the virus launched its attack, he had already sent out a 'request for support' signal, and his wingman was already on the way.

Therefore, his best choice now is to retreat in the direction of his teammates before the body's energy supply is completely lost.

In this way, we might be able to preserve the body and see if there is any possibility of repair.

Thinking of this, the 'Flytrap' could no longer control the Imperial soldiers around it who had not completely retreated, and immediately adjusted its posture to prepare to rush in the direction of the 'Werewolf'.

But at this moment, 'Flytrap' spotted the figure of the psyker flashing past his head.

And then ‘Boom! ’ sound fell on top of the HCP.


'Flytrap' only had time to pass this thought before he saw a flash of blue light from the weapon in the hand of the psyker on his 'shoulder'.

The next second, 'Warning, main monitor damaged!' popped up on the cockpit screen. 'Information.

The screen in the cockpit also began to malfunction. Although the aircraft quickly restored the image through other sensors, the composite sensing unit integrated in the main monitor was still unusable.

'Flytrap' subconsciously raised its hand, and the fanatic's robotic arm also moved and swept over the body under the mapping of the on-board operating system.

Amber immediately lowered his body, and while avoiding the sweeping mechanical arm, he placed the melee combat spike mounted on his left arm directly above the plasma propulsion array.


With the flash of fire, it was essentially the fighting spike of a shaped armor-piercing projectile. The metal jet erupted directly penetrated the thruster and even stirred into the superconducting battery pack for energy storage behind the thruster.

Amber's tactical visor immediately popped up 'Warning! High energy reaction detected! ’ warning.

The superconducting battery pack's 'queen' warning also appeared on the screen in front of 'Flytrap'.

"It's over!"

The same idea came into their minds almost at the same time.

Amber didn't even think about it, and she kicked her legs hard and jumped out directly. At the same time, the disposable propulsion devices on both sides of the backpack, which were modified by the mechanical soldiers, also sprayed out the last round of tail flames.

The 'Flytrap' in the cockpit of the fanatic also subconsciously disconnected the mapping of the control operating system to the body.

Then he held the emergency ejection lever under the driver's seat with both hands and pulled it hard.

As a result, the words 'Ejection failed! ' popped up on the screen.


As the 'Flytrap' cursed the last swear word, the screen of the entire cockpit went out, and the body sank uncontrollably.

Then, the superconducting battery pack that failed to handle the emergency exploded.

Under the control of the fanatic's most basic safety device, a gorgeous 'Aurora' sprayed out from the emergency diversion port perpendicular to the back of the body.

This high-temperature plasma without magnetic field constraints swept across the street like a fire hose, and finally hit the confused 'Mammoth'.

Fortunately, the Mammoth heavy multi-legged chariot, which also detected the high-energy reaction, automatically activated the deflection force field with its adaptive defense system, easily blocking the plasma that did not reach the "weapon-grade power".

It also saved the mobile infantry behind it from being melted by the high-temperature plasma.

However, the Venus Flytrap was not so lucky.

Although the safety device did not allow the plasma flow generated by the explosion of the superconducting battery to burn through the cockpit, the high temperature generated by the explosion was still transmitted to the cockpit.

Under normal circumstances, the emergency temperature control device in the cockpit could not guarantee that the Venus Flytrap would not be burned by the high temperature, but at least it could save his life.

Unfortunately, under the attack of Lilith's special virus before, the emergency thermostat also failed.

The cockpit of the fanatic was heated to an extremely terrifying degree in just a few seconds, and the Venus Flytrap became a "familiar" in the high temperature before it even had time to struggle.

And Amber also rolled to the ground at this time.

But he did not stop at all, and rolled and crawled directly into a building on the side of the street.

Several orange-red lines of fire swept over almost close to his figure, smashing the outer wall of the building into pieces.

‘Flytrap’s’ wingman ‘Werewolf’ arrived.

Through some laser communication relays scattered on the roof of the building, he was on guard near the backup command post and actually kept in touch with the captain’s plane.

He even opened a small window to observe the real-time picture of the captain’s plane at the same time.

So he also saw Amber, the culprit who destroyed the captain’s plane.

Angry and terrified, he rushed into the street of the battle and swept over with a Gauss rifle from a distance.

But the other two ‘Mammoths’ equipped with electromagnetic reconnection guns also rushed to this street at the same time.

Under their suppression, in order to prevent himself from being destroyed, ‘Werewolf’ could only retreat angrily.

For the imperial defenders in the Blue Bay city area, the four HCPs are very important battle nodes.

In many cases, these steel giants can easily make up for their own firepower disadvantages on a front line, and even put pressure on the federal offensive forces.

But it was also because these four HCPs were too important, so the Empire's defense line in the city could not hold up after only one was lost.

Although the wide-area electronic suppression of the temporary 83rd Combined Brigade was interrupted with the efforts of "Saber" and "Sulfur".

The surviving troops in the city finally got in touch again and began to fight and retreat according to the command of the headquarters.

The commander Phillips also took advantage of this window period to send an urgent message for help to the fleet above and the surrounding troops.

But this was not enough to reverse the situation. The federal troops attacked in four directions, making the only three remaining HCPs the fire captains.

They kept supporting the troops that sent out help and helped them temporarily repel the offensive of the federal troops.

But as soon as they left, these lines that lost support would be attacked more fiercely and then forced to retreat.

Under Lilith's monitoring, the movements of the imperial troops in the city were basically under Amber's control.

And he kept informing the friendly forces of some key information to assist their attack.

But even so, Amber was still not satisfied with the speed of the front line.

After the electronic interference was temporarily interrupted, Amber knew that the defenders here had definitely sent out a signal for help.

Orbital strikes may fall from overhead at any time, so the battle process must be accelerated.

"Lilith, has the virus been recompiled?"

"It has been completed, Master! Based on the process of invading the fanatics just now, I have made adjustments and optimizations. This time I can definitely overturn their system!"

"Well done. But you should be more civilized in your speech in the future, and don't say "overturn" all the time."

While communicating with Lilith in her mind, Amber also took over a single-soldier terminal collected from the corpses of the imperial soldiers from the mobile infantry beside her.

Although this terminal has been locked due to the death of the original owner, it is equivalent to not being locked for Amber who knows the backdoor.

Amber pulled out a data cable with a universal interface from the wrist of the combat uniform and connected it to the terminal, and quickly completed the cracking and re-entered the system.

"Lilith, it's up to you next."

"Understood! Master!"

The sudden re-launch of the single-soldier terminal caused the command system of the Imperial garrison to issue a warning.

After all, according to the combat data sent back before, this Imperial orbital paratrooper had been judged to be in a state of "death in action".

As we all know, "people will die if they are killed", and there is no way to revive them after they die.

So there is obviously something fishy about the terminal of this dead soldier being reconnected to the combat network.

The combat staff of the backup command immediately determined that the terminal should have been cracked, so they kicked it out of the combat network and added it to the blacklist to prevent it from being connected again.

But what he didn't know was that in just a short while, Lilith's special virus 2.0 had quietly spread along the combat network.

At the same time, the Marquis of Ascania and the tactical staff on the Sword of Dawn also received the report of "the large-scale attack of the federal forces on Blue Bay".

Although the David tactical ground-to-ground missiles equipped by the orbital attack ship are very likely to cause friendly damage if used to attack cities in street fighting.

However, considering that this was a rare opportunity to wipe out the assembled federal forces, the Marquis finally issued an order to launch an orbital strike on Blue Bay.

Just as the several orbital attack ships that received the attack order began to lower their orbits and enter the attack position.

Through the reconnaissance ships quietly in the universe, it was discovered that the federal task force that had begun to dispatch orbital attack ships was coming again.

After hearing the message "Enemy fleet discovered!" reported by the tactical information coordinator, the Marquis of Ascania, who had been harassed by the federal fleet for some time, finally burst into swear words.

"****, I don't care! Don't recall the attack ships, just bomb them! Other warships, do your best to intercept the federal fleet!"

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