From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 94 Harvest and Giant Ground Effect Aircraft

Generally speaking, after the warhead for orbital strike enters the atmosphere, it is basically difficult to intercept except for the irradiation of high-power directed energy weapons.

At present, whether it is the Federation or the Empire, the terminal defense against orbital strikes basically relies on the irradiation of charged particle cannons and high-energy laser beams.

Obviously, the temporary 83rd synthetic brigade in this state cannot intercept.

In other words, they originally did not have the ability to intercept orbital strike warheads.

Although there is a relatively complete air defense battalion under the synthetic brigade, the accompanying high-energy laser air defense vehicles they are equipped with are mainly used to attack targets such as cruise missiles, drones, and HCPs that hover in the air. .

If you ask them to hit warheads that enter the atmosphere, it's still a bit over the top.

Lasers that can intercept these things are basically large, fixed road-based lasers, and the mirror size is even larger than these anti-aircraft vehicles.

So at the beginning, Amber did not consider the possibility that these orbital strike missiles could be intercepted.

His plan was simple, pray.

Praying these thermobaric bombs don't fall right on their heads.

And being able to survive on the battlefield requires more or less luck.

Under Amber's order, the troops participating in the offensive in the northeast hid in the basements of nearby buildings. Vehicles and multi-legged chariots drove underground if they could.

If there is really no way to hide like the Mammoth, the only option is to park outside and let the crew evade on their own.

The infantry who hid in surrounding buildings and underground, under Amber's order, turned on the fully enclosed mode of the exoskeleton and combat uniforms, and began to pressurize.

In this case, as long as it is not in the ultra-high temperature killing zone near the center of the explosion, it should be able to withstand it more or less.

After all, these exoskeletons were originally designed with the infantry having to withstand the extreme environment of orbital strikes and attacks, so some efforts have been made in terms of explosion protection and shock wave protection.

As for ordinary people in the city, they can only admit that they are unlucky and rely on their own abilities.

The warhead dropped at twenty-three times the speed of sound did not keep Amber and the others waiting for long.

Soon, hiding in the basement, they heard two dull loud noises coming from the outer city.

At the same time, the basement where he was hiding began to tremble.

A warning about 'oxygen content in the surrounding environment has dropped' began to appear on the tactical visor.

But lady luck was on Amber's side in the end.

The orbital attack ship responsible for launching these two orbital strike bombs had no time to correct the trajectory and impact point when it was attacked. It just set the target area roughly as Blue Bay City and then launched the missiles.

Therefore, these two warheads did not fall on Amber's heads, and did not even have much impact on the federal offensive forces.

One of them landed in the urban area where the attack had been completed, instantly killing a large number of civilians hiding in their homes.

The other one landed just in time near the target of Amber's attack - the backup headquarters of the Imperial Orbital Paratrooper Regiment.

The 'Werewolf' that had just retreated to this area was directly swallowed by the explosive fireball, and the entire HCP was twisted into a pile of scrap metal under the overpressure and shock wave.

When everything returned to calm, Amber waited for a while longer but did not wait for the subsequent orbital strike to arrive.

He sent two motorized infantrymen out to investigate the situation, and he contacted the brigade command post in the rear.

After receiving the news that "no follow-up orbital strike has been detected yet", Amber actually wondered for a while. The movement of the imperial fleet's orbital strike was indeed a bit strange.

Naturally, he didn't know that in order to drop these two orbital strike bombs, the imperial fleet even lost ten orbital attack ships. It was really a huge loss.

Soon, the mobile infantry who went out to investigate the situation also sent back the news that 'everything is normal'.

After thinking for a moment, Amber ordered the attack to continue.

After the area where the backup command headquarters was located was hit by an orbit, the Imperial troops here could be said to have suffered heavy losses.

Because they were too close to the center of the explosion, the high temperature generated instantly exceeded the upper limit of the exoskeleton's adaptive thermostatic system.

A large number of soldiers were trapped inside their exoskeletons, suffocated into cans.

The battle after that entered garbage time.

The position near the backup headquarters of the Imperial Orbital Parachute Regiment was quickly completely captured by Amber, and he led his troops to support the main attack.

As Lilith continued to carry out virus implantation and electronic warfare attacks, although a lot of motorized infantry were sacrificed and nearly half of the light multi-legged combat vehicles were lost, they still attacked the last position with unstoppable force and fought with friendly forces. The convergence completed the siege.

Facing the two HCPs guarding the last position, Amber reused the tactics he had just used. His units continued to attack alternately as if ammunition was free.

After receiving Amber's advice, the surrounding friendly forces quickly followed suit.

Under such a saturation attack, the shields of the two HCPs that were struggling to support themselves in the line of fire were finally shattered, and the deflection field generator was overloaded and paralyzed due to being powered on for a long time.

In the end, they were beaten into two piles of scrap metal by the salvoes of electromagnetic reconnection cannons from several Mammoths.

After the last support point of combat power fell, the defeat of the imperial forces was determined. Without any surrender, the federal offensive forces completely wiped out the defenders.

When Amber led several mobile infantrymen and rushed into the regiment headquarters located by Lilith to capture a few people alive, they saw only destroyed equipment and instruments, as well as Captain Phillips and several other officers who committed suicide.

The battle to clear the remaining enemies in the city did not take too much effort. Under the dual lock of the virus spread by Lilith in advance and street surveillance, most of the remaining soldiers were quickly found and annihilated.

The remaining small number of enemies hid deeper and would not show up for a while.

But neither Amber nor Lieutenant Colonel Dallas wanted to play hide-and-seek with these remaining soldiers at this time.

Because the nearby imperial troops who received a request for support were already rushing here, they had to hurry up to collect all the equipment they could use and then go to the port to evacuate.

Although most of the electronic equipment was destroyed by the imperial troops themselves to prevent leaks.

But under the guidance of Lilith, Amber and his team still found three small airdrop pods that had not been destroyed in time.

According to the information obtained after the invasion, Lilith told Amber that there were three small attack drone groups called "bee swarms" inside.

Obviously, before the orbital strike, these imperial troops were planning to release these drones, but they were interrupted by Lilith's virus attack.

"Lilith, are you sure you can break the restrictions of these things?"

Looking at these three airdrop pods, Amber admitted that he was indeed a little jealous, but the premise was that he could break the restrictions above.

"No problem, Master! As long as you spend more time, you will definitely be able to break it! This thing will definitely come in handy in the Master's future battles!"

Since Lilith was so confident, Amber didn't say much, and found a few mobile infantrymen to prepare to use large trucks to transport the three airdrop pods to the port.

The temporary 83rd Composite Brigade will assemble there and then board the three giant ground effect vehicles with a carrying capacity of up to 5,000 tons docked at the port.

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