From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 5 Double Agent (Please read it! Please collect it!)

It's like being poured ice water on your head in the middle of winter.

Amber woke up instantly.

Fortunately, his extremely strong body control ability allowed him to restrain his body's urge to 'shake up'.

He never imagined that he and Margaret had just completed their connection.

In the blink of an eye, the federal intelligence chief on the Robert 4 was informed.

"Major Mars, you mean"

Amber spoke stiffly, he really didn't know how to answer this question.

But in the face of the middle-aged officer's inquiry, remaining silent would cause even bigger problems.

"Don't worry, Warrant Officer Amber."

This middle-aged officer with a gloomy expression actually managed a smile on his face at this moment.

"I have initiated the highest level of indoor lockdown. No third person will know about the conversation in this room now."

Major Mars paused, then pointed to the chair opposite the desk and continued:

"Don't be nervous. Sit down and say that since you can take over, it means that the empire has not noticed the problem yet and still maintains trust in you."

As soon as these words came out, Amber immediately understood.

Has he actually been instigated by the Federation to become a double agent?

It was at this moment that the last remaining fuzzy memories in Amber's mind finally became clear.

After enrolling in the First Federal Military Academy, his identity was exposed for unknown reasons.

It can be said that he suffered a lot in the interrogation room of the Security Bureau, and was even "brainwashed" by the federation through some method.

In the end, he was successfully instigated by the Federal Security Service and became a federal double agent who was ostensibly an undercover agent of the empire.

"No wonder I can't feel the stamp of thought in my mind. Was it because I was dismissed by the Federation?"

The renewed memory allowed Amber to completely clarify her life experience.

But no matter what, this change was beyond his expectation.

On the way to Mars' office, he ran through countless possible scenarios in his mind.

But I didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

Amber felt like a player who was participating in a spy thriller but didn't get his own script.

The identity is all guessing, and the story is all making up.

After steadying her breathing and calming herself down quickly, Amber pulled out the chair in front of Mars' desk and sat down.

As mentioned before, as a player in her previous life, Amber actually had no sense of belonging to either the Federation or the Star Dragon Empire.

Although in the game, he was born into the Star Dragon Empire.

But this is purely just to appreciate the dragon girl of the empire up close.

Although they are both human beings, it is said that the founding family of the Star Dragon Empire has the blood of the cosmic creature ‘Star Dragon’.

Their appearance is no different from humans, but some parts of their bodies will have the characteristics of 'dragon scales'.

Above both ears, 'dragon horns' will grow.

Therefore, the royal members of the Star Dragon Empire have always called themselves the ‘sons of the dragon’.

Moreover, the Star Dragon Empire's technology in genetic modification and optimization is very advanced.

After generations of genetic optimization projects, the people of the empire are basically genetically optimized ‘perfect humans’.

In this case, the Star Dragon Empire can be said to have extremely good average appearance.

In the core star area, all the people you see walking on the street are handsome men and beautiful women.

Occasionally, you will see nobles with 'dragon horns' growing on their heads.

Therefore, a large number of LSP players flocked to the Star Dragon Empire camp under the banner of "I want to ride the Dragon Girl".

That's too far.

No matter what, these two camps are actually not good birds. They have many internal problems that are difficult to recover from.

Not to mention, not long after the war broke out, the Star Dragon Empire would be destroyed due to the rebellion launched by the regent.

The whereabouts of the entire royal family are unknown, and the huge empire has been split into multiple countries by several nobles.

Because the Federation lost this powerful enemy, internal corruption problems rapidly intensified.

A large number of colonial planets have rebelled, and their national power has plummeted.

The galaxy, which was originally balanced by two major forces, has therefore fallen into the "Dark Age" where multiple forces are constantly fighting.

Therefore, it is very unwise to tie oneself to the two big ships that are about to sink, the Federation or the Star Dragon Empire.

Amber doesn't want to get involved in future cosmic wars at all.

In the game, players are all set to be clones. If they die, they can be replaced by clones.

That's why he dared to stand on the bridge of the flagship of the main formation of the 'Pink Rabbit' Guild, and live and die with his battleship.

But it's no longer a game. After losing her biggest support of 'rebirth', Amber doesn't want to take risks.

As for the understanding of the major forces, the development of the cosmic situation, there are also many secrets hidden on the planet and the locations of the deep space forerunner ruins.

Let him have the confidence to make another windfall while ensuring the growth of his own strength.

Then, he can go to the Thousand Stars Empire to become an ‘angel investor’.

Although these elves of the Thousand Star Empire are as noble and elegant as in human mythology.

But in their pursuit of wealth, they are no different from humans.

If everything goes well, he will be able to spend the rest of his life happily surrounded by elves and alien beast-eared girls.

But now, Amber has to make a dangerous decision.

The intelligence chief in front of me is not an idiot.

So it was impossible for him to tell Mars that the imperial female spy didn't say anything to him, and the two parties simply talked to each other.

Finally, after considering the stakes, Amber spoke.

"The empire's expeditionary strike group will launch a surprise attack on Robert IV in three days."

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Major Mars' face disappeared.

The body that had been leaning on the back of the chair immediately sat up straight.

"How credible is this news?"

"I personally think the credibility is relatively high, Mr. Major."

Amber licked her dry lips. Under the cover of the mask, this action would not be seen by the intelligence chief on the opposite side.

"Because the Empire's spies lurking on Robert IV are ready to cooperate with the Empire's orbital paratroopers."

Regarding Margaret's news, Amber did not tell all the information, but retained the intelligence that the imperial spies planned to sabotage the communication center.

God knows how many Imperial spies have infiltrated this base.

If an imperial spy detects something unusual, or finds that his or her actions are blocked, he or she may make a desperate move.

So this was the best solution he could think of in a short period of time.

It not only informed the Federation that the Empire was about to launch an attack, but also did not interfere with the sabotage operations of the Imperial spies.

Everyone has a bright future.

After hearing Amber's words, Major Mars was silent for a moment.

The whole person also became extremely serious, and even the gloomy temperament on his body became much restrained.

"They actually chose Army Day, these imperial sons of bitches."

"This information is very important. I must report this to Commander Adam immediately."

Major Mars stood up, causing Amber to stand up from her chair involuntarily.

He stepped forward and patted Amber on the shoulder, leading him towards the door of the office.

"Don't leak today's conversation. I think you know the rules, Warrant Officer Amber."

Amber nodded.

The blockade of the office was over, and the door opened automatically after sensing the approach of the two people.

"Hurry and go to the officers' mess. Doesn't Lieutenant Colonel Dallas still have to welcome newcomers like you?"

The intelligence chief who walked out of the office seemed to have changed his face and put on a smile.

But in Amber's opinion, this smile looked uglier than crying.

"Then I'll take my leave now, Mr. Major."

Major Mars nodded and said nothing. After watching Amber's figure disappear around the corner of the corridor, he put away his smile.

Then turned and walked in the other direction.

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