From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 4 Psychic Power (Please read it! Please collect it!)

In Amber's memory, the second-in-command at Yassin Base was regarded as one of the few outstanding soldiers on Robert IV.

In the original history, he also led the federal guerrillas to fight guerrillas on the planet for more than half a year.

Finally, he ran out of ammunition and food and died in the last siege of the Imperial Army.

"Lieutenant Colonel Dallas."

With this somewhat familiar name in her mouth, Amber walked into her officer's private room.

Compared with the multi-person dormitories of the Federal Military Academy.

The conditions in the officer's single room at Yassin Base are much better in all aspects.

Not to mention the small long-distance sleeping compartment on the destroyer.

As one of the most important military bases on Robert IV.

The layout and various facilities of the Yasin base are built in accordance with the highest standards in the "Federal Army Tactical Base Construction Specifications".

Whether it is various defense facilities or supporting buildings, a lot of money and time have been spent on building them.

Under such high-standard construction requirements, the officer establishment has been in a state of shortage, which has also left many officer apartments empty at the base.

And Amber happened to not have to wait for allocation.

As a 'psionic agent', he is directly affiliated with the tactical support team under the Combat Intelligence Center.

So I was assigned a single room directly here.

The single room of more than 30 square meters is an integrated guest bedroom, with a single bathroom embedded in the corner.

Two boxes full of personal luggage were neatly placed in front of the bed.

The luggage that arrived with the ship did not go through multiple transshipments with them.

Instead, when the destroyer passed over the Yassin base, it was airdropped directly from orbit and landed in the open space near the base.

In fact, for Federation military bases on various planets.

Most of the materials transported through outer space complete the 'last leg' in this fast way.

Amber stepped forward and opened one of the boxes.

Among a large number of electronic equipment and plastic steel training weapons, there lay quietly a black sphere with a surface as smooth as a mirror.

Looking at this familiar sphere, Amber thought, and an invisible energy started to operate inside her body.

As this energy was stimulated, Amber's eyes gradually emitted a blue light.

At the same time, a blue lightning flashed between Amber's finger and the black sphere.

The next second, the sphere that was originally lying among a pile of debris slowly floated up and moved towards Amber's position. Finally, it stopped above his open palm and slowly rotated.

Soon, the black mirror sphere stopped rotating, and some structure inside it projected a number 3 on the surface of the sphere.

"Level 3 psychic power?"

"It's a bit low. But it does meet the minimum standard of a psychic agent."

Amber closed her eyes and felt the energy constantly flowing through her body.

This was the first time he truly felt the existence of psychic energy in reality.

Although the activation method is as inexplicable as in the game, the feeling of spiritual energy filling the whole body cannot be simulated in the game.

Psionics, a spiritual energy originating from the mind.

This energy is closely related to the user's brain and can achieve the effect of changing the material world after training.

High-level psychic awakeners can also release psychic storms, and even directly use psychic energy to 'charge' battleships in emergencies.

The 'retrieval from the air' that Amber is currently using is the signature operation of a level 3 psychic awakener.

Among the total 12 levels of psychic awakeners, level 3 is just above the level of ordinary people.

But it also surpasses 99% of humans in this world.

After all, compared to those elves in the Thousand Star Empire who grew up playing with psychic powers.

Human beings' attainments in "unscientific energy" such as spiritual energy are not much different from those of primary school students.

Even the black sphere that Amber is playing with is a psychic training detection ball imported by the Federation from the Thousand Stars Empire and specially provided for use by psychic agents.

This black ball made of psychic concentrate can not only detect the user's psychic level, but can also assist in stimulating psychic energy during long-term use and training.

So don't be surprised if you see a man or woman playing with a ball in a Union military academy.

They are 100% psychic agent trainees trained in military academies.

After mobilizing her psychic powers and playing with the black ball for a while, Amber also had a general understanding of her own psychic powers.

The current psychic level of my body is level 3, but in fact it is infinitely close to level 4.

In addition to the trick of 'retrieving objects from the air', Amber can also activate psychic vision and perform operations similar to 'wall positioning'.

When wearing special equipment, it can even achieve optical and infrared double stealth.

At the same time, this body has also completed the primary physical transformation of a psychic agent at the Federal Military Academy.

Not only does it strengthen the bones and muscles of the whole body through the [fullerene lattice] and [fibroid muscle protein complex], giving it strength and speed far beyond ordinary people.

The 'reactive nerve enhancement surgery' was also completed, using superconducting fibers to replace nerve dendrites, changing the bioelectrical conduction of nerve cells into anti-interference electrical conduction.

Various reaction capabilities have been conservatively increased by 300%.

In the armored personnel carrier and hospital before, maybe because she had just adapted to this body, Amber did not feel that her various indicators had improved.

And just after activating the spiritual energy, the body's adaptation became perfect.

If we experience the short circuit in the medical examination room again.

Amber felt that with her current indicators, she could take off Margaret's high heels and inspect them carefully before the lights came on, and then put them back on her toes without being discovered.

"You have abilities beyond ordinary people, why do you think of doing things like this that only LSPs can do!"

Amber secretly complained about her LSP soul, then went to the bathroom to clean up briefly before heading to the restaurant for dinner.

After all, if you want to dine with the second-in-command at Yassin Base, it’s better to arrive early.

A full-coverage visor used for tactical reconnaissance and suppression of stray psychic energy, it can be said to be an inseparable piece of equipment for psychic agents.

So much so that the phalanx of psychic agents at the graduation ceremony was called the phalanx of braised eggs by other phalanxes.

But Amber finally put down the visor, and she still had to eat in a while.

After taking a final look at herself and confirming that nothing was wrong, Amber walked to the door and prepared to leave the apartment.

But the personal terminal on his wrist rang at this moment.

He raised his left hand, and a message flashed across the screen of the terminal.

[Warrant Officer Amber, please go to Major Mars' office immediately. ]

Amber frowned when she saw this message.

Major Mars, Director of the Combat Intelligence Center.

He is also his immediate boss.

"Why did you come to me in such a hurry for lunch? It's really..."

After thinking about it, Amber put the visor back on her head - another major function of this one-way transparent visor is to cover her face and expression.

Due to its inhibitory effect on escaping psychic energy, ordinary officers do not have the right to have it removed by psychic agents.

Therefore, psychic agents will wear them when meeting with their superiors.

Soon, Amber quickly found Major Mars' office based on the terminal navigation.

This middle-aged officer with a somewhat gloomy expression tapped his fingers lightly when he saw Amber walking in.

The next moment, Amber immediately sensed that additional protective boards and signal shielding layers were rising in the wall mezzanine around the office.

Generally speaking, only secret meetings and conversations that are not convenient for the public take place in such circumstances.

"What is this for? There aren't any hidden rules, right?"

Amber, who has an amazing brain supplement ability, instantly dispersed her thoughts.

But then, the first words that Major Mars spoke directly shattered his divergent thoughts.

"Warrant Officer Amber, what did the Imperial spy in the hospital say to you?"

Amber: Huh?

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