From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 6 The Calm Before the Storm (Please read it! Please collect it!)

Amber, who walked all the way to the officers' mess, felt that her mind was still a little confused.

From the time the soul traveled to the present, in just a few hours, the whole person felt like riding a roller coaster.

One wave comes after another.

'Fling', double agents, imperial raids.

This series of events made him feel a little unprepared.

Under the guidance of the staff, Amber found the private room specially arranged for them.

Several young federal officers had already taken their seats in advance.

They were chatting and stopped for a moment when they saw Amber walking in.

Then, as if they didn't see him at all, they continued chatting.

Amber was already used to this situation, so he found a chair and sat down.

Looking at the young officers who were obviously keeping a distance from him, their thoughts had already followed this 'social phenomenon' to the horizon.

Yes, the 'ostracism' or 'isolation' of spiritually awakened people has become a social phenomenon.

Whether in the Federation or the Star Dragon Empire, psychic awakeners are actually in a somewhat awkward position.

On the one hand, while ordinary people are afraid of them, they also envy the power of spiritually awakened people, which makes them unable to regard spiritually awakened people as the same kind.

But on the other hand, in all aspects of human society, especially in the military field, the abilities of psychic awakeners give them a pivotal position.

This allows psychic awakeners like Amber to receive additional benefits from the government.

It also makes ordinary people increasingly jealous of psychics.

In addition, from time to time, there are social news stories of young children awakening psychic powers and harming their families, or people with out-of-control psychic awakenings attacking civilians.

This makes the general public's prejudice against spiritually awakened people even deeper.

"If I can't afford to offend him, can I still afford to hide?"

Under the general public's thinking, psychic awakeners are gradually being isolated and excluded, both in society and in the military.

In particular, it is not uncommon for psychic agents or psychic commandos in the military to clash with ordinary soldiers and cause casualties.

However, Amber has never cared about this kind of thing. Instead, he feels that this isolation has helped him avoid a lot of unnecessary social interactions.

After a while, the young officers who arrived in the same batch came to the restaurant one after another.

However, when everyone chose their seats, they subconsciously stayed away from Amber's position.

After finally taking their seats, there were exactly two empty spots on Amber's left and right sides.

He sat alone in the middle, very eye-catching.

"Wow! I don't want to see this happen again."

These were the first words spoken by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas, the second-in-command at Yassin Base, after meeting Amber and the others.

Although he said it with a smile, it still shocked the young officers present.

The macho lieutenant colonel, who had a scar at the corner of his eye and was as strong as a bull, sat down next to Amber and patted him on the shoulder.

"Take off your visor, kid."

Lieutenant Colonel Dallas' voice had a gentleness that was inconsistent with his appearance.

"This is the federal army, and everyone is a federal soldier. I don't want the social atmosphere to affect the army."

"In the future, you may often have to cooperate in combat operations. If you maintain this communication method, how can we, the commanders, trust you in entrusting combat missions to you?"

The lieutenant colonel's words seemed to have a magical power, slowly relaxing the tense nerves of the young officers at the dinner table.

What's more, this is the second person in charge of the Yasin base, the real boss.

These young officers listened to what he said as orders.

So they all turned their attention to Amber.

Regarding this psychic agent who always wears a tactical visor, these young officers are actually curious about what kind of person he is under the visor.

Amber didn't have any ideas, and taking off his mask had no effect on him.

Anyway, I have to take it off when I’m going to eat.

As the nerve bundle behind the visor was disconnected from Amber's neck interface, a 'pop' sound of pressure relief was heard.

Amber slowly took off his tactical visor.

Revealing a face that was as finely carved as a classical sculpture.

Several young girls at the table couldn't help but let out a soft cry after seeing Amber's true appearance.

In the officers' mess, several female officers passing by inadvertently glanced here and slowed down involuntarily.

Even the male officers at the dinner table, including Lieutenant Colonel Dallas, were stunned for a moment after seeing Amber's true appearance.

Amber had already been mentally prepared for the crowd's reaction.

After all, when he looked in the mirror in the bathroom before, he was stunned by how handsome he was.

A proper ‘modelling face’.

If a woman comes to the 3D area, she might have to fight with Tifa about who is the real ‘Jerusalem’.

Meanwhile, the Yassin base commander's office.

Commander Adam, who was forced to withdraw from an inter-galactic meeting because of the urgent information reported by Major Mars, was looking at the former with an impatient expression.

"Mars, I hope the information you tell us is of some value, otherwise I will ask the guards to stuff your head into the brow's ass." (Bro: a native species on Robert 4, Ecology (similar to a domestic pig).

"Believe me, Commander Adam. If it wasn't an urgent military situation, I would never bother you."

Major Mars seemed to be used to Commander Adam's vulgar words.

Colonel Adam, who is secretly called the "Pig Commander" by his soldiers, can be said to be a very standard "eating and waiting to die" type officer in the federal army.

What he thinks about all day long is not improving the combat effectiveness of his soldiers, but studying his smuggling fleet.

Major Mars even knew that the so-called inter-system meeting that had just been interrupted was nothing more than a spoils-sharing meeting between Commander Adam and several smuggling leaders.

However, he still maintained the courtesy towards his superiors and continued without changing his expression:

"Sir, before I report, I hope you can activate the highest level of lockdown in this office."


Commander Adam frowned with some dissatisfaction, and then gently turned the ring on his ring finger.

Two seconds later, this office had become one of the most confidential areas in Yassin Base.

"You can talk now."

Commander Adam's words were filled with resentment. It was obvious that Major Mars' interruption caused him to lose a lot of profits.

"The Empire is very likely to launch a surprise attack on Robert IV in three days."

The moment he said this, Major Mars saw an expression called 'serious' on Commander Adam's face for the first time.

"Major, how did you learn this information?"

In fact, everyone doesn’t need to focus on the appearance of the protagonist.

I write this mainly because the author himself looks sorry for human beings. He can only fall asleep alone every day holding the pillow of the AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missile.

So when I was writing the book, I just said that the main character YY is a handsome guy. If you don’t like it, just ignore it~

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