Chapter 43 I must.

The Imperial Orbital Paratroopers who were besieging the village were completely stunned by the sudden attack.

From the interference of the drone to the landing of the smoke bombs fired by the mortar, to the charge of the mobile infantry, the whole process took only a few minutes under Amber's "supervision".

After the plasma grenades fired by the mobile infantry through the electromagnetic throwing device exploded in the air, the 120mm mortar shells landed immediately.

Two calibration shells landed not far from the mortar position, stirring up a lot of smoke and dust.

Private Ryan and other mobile infantrymen slowed down their pace a little and crouched down at the same time.

Ten seconds later, the second round of mortars landed after correction.

The high-explosive shells fired by the indirect fire group B hit the bull's eye and landed directly in the mortar position.

The huge power of the 120mm high-explosive shells directly stirred up the mud all over the sky.

The second round followed.

The dust and smoke raised by the explosion had not yet dispersed, and the mobile infantrymen charged again at high speed.

Ryan and several other mobile infantrymen equipped with 40mm grenade launchers continuously tilted their firepower towards the position of the mortar position through the shooting guidance lines displayed in the visor HUD.

At the same time, the roar of the engine in my ears suddenly became louder.

The "Mongoose 4" armored vehicle accompanying the mobile infantrymen also rushed up at high speed, rushing through the gap between the two mobile infantry squads.

Amber naturally would not let the mobile infantry go hard against the "Holy Spirit".

After all, the weapons in their hands, in addition to destroying the external observation components and radar components of the multi-legged tank, are difficult to break the defense of this "mechanical spider".

The 40mm chain gun equipped by the "Mongoose 4" is enough to open the can of the "Holy Spirit".

What's more, at Amber's request, this crew has replaced the 40mm chain gun with depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets.

However, for the crew of the wheeled armored vehicle, this is still a dangerous challenge.

It is true that they can use the depleted uranium armor-piercing shells of the chain gun to shoot the "Holy Spirit" light multi-legged tank into a sieve.

But the 120mm electrothermal chemical gun equipped by the opponent does not even need to be specially loaded with armor-piercing shells. Even an ordinary high-explosive shell can easily shoot the armored vehicle back to its parts state.

So this is a battle similar to a Western cowboy showdown.

For both sides, whoever fires first can survive.

And luck, this time again stood on the side of Amber and his federal soldiers.

Or in Amber's plan, the probability of "Mongoose 4" surviving is close to 90%.

When the commander saw the "Holy Spirit" light multi-legged tank through the gradually dissipating gunpowder in the commander's mirror.

The latter was hurriedly putting away the artillery hoe under the "butt", and while the rear turret was rotating to the left, the 120mm electrothermal chemical gun raised high in the indirect fire mode was also re-converted to the direct fire mode.

The eight bionic mechanical legs on both sides of the vehicle body are trying to turn the vehicle body.

But it may be that the plasma grenade or the 120mm high-explosive bomb has damaged their electromagnetic joints, making the movements of these eight mechanical legs seem a bit slow and clumsy.

The commander of the "Mongoose 4" knew that he had encountered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

For multi-legged tanks, especially those that can switch combat modes.

The more than ten seconds of adjusting the combat mode are their most vulnerable time.

Under the guidance of the commander's "pupil aiming", the turret of the "Mongoose 4" made a "sizzling" sound of the motor and turned, aiming the 40mm chain gun along the commander's line of sight.

When the commander's mirror, the crosshairs representing the 40mm chain gun, were put on the "Holy Spirit" whose side was completely exposed in the middle of the turn.

The commander of the "Mongoose 4" pressed the firing button without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The dull sound of the chain gun firing turned into an orange-yellow "whip" that whipped the body of the "Holy Spirit".

This beautiful silver-white light multi-legged tank instantly had a row of ugly bullet holes on the side of the body.

While the chain gun was firing, the commander's ears were still echoing with Amber's words to him alone:

"Don't worry about the rear body and the unmanned turret, just aim at the front body, there is the crew compartment."

And now, the commander faithfully followed Amber's instructions and fired at the front crew compartment.

For the 40mm chain gun of the "Mongoose 4", the multi-legged tank at a distance of more than 100 meters would not miss the target.

The driver in the front crew compartment of the "Holy Spirit" did not feel any pain at all, and was shot into a ball of blood foam.

The multi-legged tank quickly stopped moving, and the "Mongoose 4" kept the chain gun aiming at this mortar position and went around from the side.

The mobile infantry also did not slow down. After adding two more plasma grenades into the position and sending two nearby team members to make up for the guns, the others continued to advance forward with the wheeled armored vehicles.

The attack on this mortar position was not difficult, and the federal mobile infantry had almost no ability to fight back.

The real problem was the orbital paratroopers on the front battlefield and the "Holy Spirit" in regular combat mode.

Lieutenant Andrew knew almost immediately that the mortar position was completely wiped out.

Not only because of the constant explosions and shootings over there.

Also, in the command mode interface displayed on his visor, the icons representing two mortar teams and the driver of a 'Holy Spirit' light multi-legged tank lost their vital signs one after another in a short period of time.

The encrypted channel of the data link remained operational despite the other party's electronic attack.

This would at least allow him to know the casualties suffered by his team.

Lieutenant Andrew looked in the direction of the mortar position, but large amounts of anti-infrared smoke obscured his sight. Even switching the optical observation component to infrared mode was of no avail.

The opponent's mortars seemed to have continued to fire smoke bombs after completing their fire support.

This wall of smoke that was forced out completely separated the empire's frontal offensive troops from the mortar positions.

The electrothermal chemical cannon on the rear turret of the other Holy Spirit that had already turned around had been aimed for a long time, but in the end it failed to fire.

"No. I have to regroup the troops!"

Andrew knew that the Federation's attack could not have only one direction, especially when the opponent was most likely to be a mechanized unit, and it would definitely use its maneuverability to circle the flanks to form a crossfire.

If this is the case, the troops deployed in the other two directions of the village will be in danger.

As an ambush team, they were just two squads of orbital paratroopers, plus a portable electromagnetic gun assigned to them to enhance their firepower.

Thinking of this, Lieutenant Andrew just planned to ask the communications troops to fire a green flare and use this most primitive method to notify the ambush team to retreat.

As a result, the avatar representing one of the ambush team members on the command interface went dark.


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PS: Today’s second chapter will be updated slightly later

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