Several large autonomous combine harvesters are parked in an open space about 600 meters southeast of the village.

This was originally the maintenance area for the autonomous agricultural machinery fleet belonging to this village.

It was also a flanking ambush position set up by Lieutenant Andrew.

But now in this so-called position, all the large harvesters have been riddled with holes, and there are large areas of blood, minced meat, internal organ fragments and other human tissues remaining on the outer shells.

These human tissues mixed with equipment fragments originally belonged to the ambush team arranged here.

However, under the attack of two 'Mongoose 4', the ambush team was torn into pieces together with the agricultural machinery they used as cover in less than a minute.

In one of the 'Mongoose 4' wheeled armored vehicles, Major Randall looked at the portable electromagnetic gun through the optical observation equipment with some lingering fear, whose model he could barely identify.

In the battle just now, this portable electromagnetic gun only missed firing.

If the barrage swept out by the chain gun hadn't shattered the electromagnetic gun and the soldiers behind it, Randall believed that the tungsten alloy penetrating rod it fired would have easily penetrated the armored vehicle he was on.

He recalled the battle just now - this was the first time he had 'commanded' a wheeled armored vehicle in combat on the ground.

Of course, this commander is just sitting in the seat listening to the exchange between the two crews, and then feeling the roar of the 40mm chain gun when firing.

Amber's original intention was actually to put a major in the car so that the two crews could feel their own importance.

The specific tactical details are still left up to the crew.

After the two 'Mongoose 4' separated from the assault team, they immediately pounced towards the southeast of the village as planned.

After a brief exchange, the two commanders chose to rely on the street trees planted in the driveway near the village as cover, and quickly approached the Imperial ambush group marked on the tactical map.

But the Imperial orbital paratroopers in these ambush groups are obviously not for nothing.

After the communication was interrupted, they quickly realized that they were under electronic attack and began to alert their surroundings.

The sound of the wheeled armored vehicle racing at full speed was captured by them on the battlefield filled with bullets.

So when the commander of one of the 'Mongoose 4' saw this ambush position through the commander's mirror.

The first thing I saw were the orbital paratroopers who had pointed their guns at this side, and the portable electromagnetic gun that had just adjusted its direction and was being charged for the final time.

The commander of the 'Mongoose 4' pressed the fire button almost subconsciously, tilting the 40mm high-explosive bomb onto the head of the portable electromagnetic gun.

The commander of the other 'Mongoose 4' was startled by the sudden fire.

But when the spike-type ammunition fired by the Gauss rifles in the hands of the imperial soldiers on the position 'ding-dong-dang' struck a spark on the front armor of the armored vehicle.

He also reacted immediately and pressed the fire button, beginning to attack the most threatening enemy - an orbital paratrooper equipped with a portable anti-vehicle missile.

After the orbital paratrooper and the portable anti-vehicle missile that had deployed the launch port cover were completely torn apart by the high-explosive shell of the chain gun.

This imperial ambush team lost its last anti-vehicle means.

The remaining people hid in the gaps between the combine harvesters, hoping that these big guys could block the chain gun attack.

Unfortunately, the commanders of the two Mongoose 4s switched their ammunition to depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles very synchronously after losing the target in the commander's sight glass.

Then he pressed the fire button again.

On the other side, the communication relay vehicle staying in the preparation area finally contacted the federal troops in the village.

After the signal trooper connected Amber to the channel, the latter quickly figured out the identity of the federal force surrounded in the village.

This is a team that is a mixture of motorized infantry and logistics support troops.

After the empire launched the attack, the military supplies warehouse where the logistics support troops were located was lucky enough to escape the first round of orbital strikes.

Before the arrival of the second round of orbital strikes, all active transport vehicles in the warehouse were activated. After loading ammunition, food, medicine and other supplies and equipment, they began tactical maneuvers and tried to contact surrounding friendly forces.

As a result, because the target of the convoy was too large, they were quickly chased by the imperial troops who "smelled the smell".

Just like a pack of wolves surrounding a herd of sheep, this huge convoy of materials was forced to break into pieces and break out individually.

The team that Amber and the others discovered was a motorized infantry platoon that had been broken up during the breakout.

After regrouping, both sides retreated to the village, where they were once again surrounded by Imperial forces.

After relying on buildings to repel several attacks by the Empire's orbital paratroopers, these federal soldiers originally thought it was 'nothing more than that'.

But when the artillery fire came, they were quickly blown away and cried for their parents, and they scattered and hid in the building.

Although among the transport trucks that drove into the village, one of them carried the weapons, equipment and ammunition needed by two mortar teams.

However, they were suppressed by the imperial troops who fired first, and they did not have the courage to fight back against the artillery fire.

They didn't even dare to rush into armored vehicles and use vehicle-mounted weapons to resist the attack of imperial troops.

Later, after all the personnel were dispersed and blocked in the building by artillery fire, and the enemy troops outside the village continued to approach, the temporary commander of this unit


This undoubtedly demoralized the federal soldiers in the village and plunged them into despair.

So the support from Amber and his men seemed like a miracle to them.

This also made them approve Amber's temporary command application without hesitation when Amber reported her identity and asked these soldiers to cooperate in the battle.

"Temporary networking is successful! Information has been synchronized through the data link!"

"The unit is being reorganized, please wait."

Soon, Amber's command interface refreshed the information of the troops in the village:

5 transport vehicles, carrying food, drinking water, ammunition, fuel, metal hydrogen battery packs and a small amount of superconducting battery packs, as well as weapons and equipment for two mortar teams.

3 "Mongoose 4" wheeled armored vehicles, all of which are standard personnel transport types.

10 transport soldiers and 24 mobile infantry (18 combatants, 6 crew members).

"This number of people can obviously rely on the terrain advantage of the village to defend"

Looking at the troops newly added to the command network, Amber could only sigh that the temporary commander of this unit was too outrageous, and he ran away directly when he encountered a little problem.

"MD, how did this guy become an officer?!"

However, he quickly focused his attention on the five transport vehicles loaded with supplies.

Although Amber and his team's support was like a rope thrown down a well for this unit.

But for Amber, the supplies in this convoy also relieved the urgent needs of him and his troops.

At least in the short term, they will not encounter a shortage of ammunition and other supplies.

This also strengthened Amber's determination to rescue this federal force.

Sorry, something delayed me today.

Tomorrow I will update at normal time~

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