From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 42 Our soldiers are fighting the enemy

When the ultra-short wave reconnaissance jamming vehicle began to interfere with the empire's drones.

Among the Imperial forces laying siege to the village, two drone operators immediately found themselves losing control of their drones.

The remote control signal and image transmission signal all disappeared. Although the position of the drone can still be roughly observed with the naked eye, it is completely unable to issue commands to it.

Soon, the out-of-control drone flew farther and farther in a certain direction according to the last transmitted command.

The drone operator completely lost track of the drone.

"Sir, someone interfered with our drone!"

After hearing the drone operator's report, the platoon leader of this reinforced Imperial Orbital Paratrooper platoon - Star Dragon Empire Royal Navy Lieutenant Andrew, immediately concluded that it should be a support force from the Federation Army. (Orbital Paratroopers are part of the Royal Marines)

Due to their strength, they are also somewhat stretched for siege operations.

Therefore, in order to concentrate his forces to capture the village, Andrew also did not set up a security team responsible for warning and cover.

Such a risky and radical plan caused them to lose two cruising drones, and the orbital paratrooper platoon directly lost control of the reconnaissance around the attack area.

At the same time, since the other party has the ability to quickly interfere with two drones, it means that they should have high-power electronic jamming equipment.

And it is most likely an electronic interference car.

The federal troops currently surrounded in the village did not find such equipment in their preliminary investigation.

Otherwise, they would not have allowed their drones to conduct surveillance in the sky for so long.

This means that this round of interference can only come from other troops.

According to Lieutenant Andrew's 'experience', this kind of vehicle will definitely not appear alone.

Therefore, 80% of this federal reinforcement is a mechanized unit.

Andrew, who sensed that the situation was not good, was about to issue an order for the frontal attacking troops to shrink and shift into a defensive posture.

It was discovered that the entire platoon's communications were interrupted, and there was only a rustling white noise on the radio.

The tactical visor also jumped out with [Electronic interference detected, communication blocked! ] tips.

This is the orbital paratrooper platoon leader who is following behind the Holy Spirit light multi-legged combat vehicle and slowly advancing amidst the sound of electrothermal chemical cannons.

He immediately started signing in sign language towards the communications soldier 10 meters away on the right.

The latter looked at his platoon leader as soon as the communication was interrupted.

Andrew's sign language was simple, "Notify everyone to move into a defensive posture immediately!"

After receiving the instruction, the communication troop broke away from the attacking team and ran to notify others.

Two roars suddenly sounded behind him, and Andrew turned his head sharply.

I saw that the rear of the attacking team was quickly covered by the smoke emitted by anti-infrared smoke grenades.

According to the combat instructions issued by Amber in advance, the electronic warfare technicians completed the jamming of the drones and waited until the 'H+8' time node.

He immediately operated the vehicle-mounted electronic warfare module, obtained the enemy's communication frequency band through electronic reconnaissance, and started ultra-short wave interference.

In a short period of time, all imperial soldiers using ultra-short wave communications were suppressed.

At the same time, two deflection fire groups have been deployed, according to Amber's markings on the tactical map.

Heading towards the target area, each fired an anti-infrared smoke grenade.

Since it is just firing smoke grenades to cover the infantry attack, it only needs to hit a general area.

So there is no need for calibration.

But after this round of smoke grenades, the next target became the enemy mortar position positioned by the reconnaissance drone.

After quickly adjusting the bracket, reset the angle and orientation of the gun barrel.

The two direct fire teams fired the first 120mm high-explosive shell at the same time at the command of one of the team's bombardiers.

While the anti-infrared smoke grenade fired by the deflection fire team pulled out a large smoke.

Two mobile infantry squads in a triangular attack formation also crossed the attack launch line drawn by Amber at the 'H+8' time point.

At this time, their straight-line distance from the imperial frontal offensive force was 852 meters.

But the targets of these two mobile infantry squads and the 'Mongoose 4' as fire support are not these imperial orbital infantry.

But on the left front, there is a mortar position 438 meters away in a straight line, and the 'Holy Spirit' multi-legged tank in the deflection mode.

After watching the assault team cross the 1-meter-wide 'white line'.

Amber, who was in a state of optical stealth and hiding behind a field ridge, issued the command to "charge" in the command module.

"call out--!"

The sharp sound of the 'simulated charge whistle' came to Private First Class Ryan's ears.

He knew it was the charge order given by the team's commander, Warrant Officer Amber, the psychic agent who rescued them from the ambush.

According to the orders in the battle plan and detailed rules issued to all members of the assault team before the war.

Ryan immediately increased the output power of the exoskeleton, and the speed of the 18 mobile infantry including him suddenly increased.

"Huhu. Command: Combat stimulant injection!"

As Ryan panted while running, he issued instructions through the voice control device.

The injection device built into the medium-sized exoskeleton of the "Sabertooth Tiger Type 2" individual soldier injected 8mg of amphetamine injection into him through intramuscular injection.

The specially prepared injection acted on the cerebral cortex and brainstem reticular structure in a short period of time, giving Ryan a certain mental excitement.

This mental excitement quickly reflected in his body movements.

Ryan, who was already running at high speed, increased his speed again, and at the same time, the distance he ran with each step also increased significantly.

The 18 members of the assault team naturally all acted in accordance with the combat plan and were also injected with combat stimulants.

Completely exceeding the running speed of ordinary people, with the addition of the exoskeleton, they seemed to become a gust of wind, quickly running over a distance of several hundred meters.

Ryan, who was running, saw the structure on the back shoulder of the squad leader 10 meters in front of him unfolding to reveal the electromagnetic projection track inside.

In the projection track, a green ring-shaped plasma grenade printed on the missile body has been loaded.

The soldiers on the Imperial mortar position, as well as the 'Holy Spirit' light multi-legged tank in the direct fire mode, actually realized something was wrong when the communication was interrupted.

Unfortunately, they were still a little late.

"Zi——! Bang!"

Power up, charge, fire!

Four mobile infantry equipped with electromagnetic projection devices instantly threw out the plasma grenades on the rails.

The four little cuties who had set the detonation procedure were quickly ejected into the mid-air of the mortar position.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several bright white and blue fireballs rose from the mortar position.

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