In addition to two 9-man mobile infantry squads and two indirect fire groups, the three armored vehicles also carried Amber and Major Randall. (In addition to the driver and the commander, the crew compartment of the Mongoose 4 can accommodate 8 people, with 3 people on each side and 2 people in the middle) Amber formed an assault group with herself, the mobile infantry and a "Mongoose 4" to be responsible for the frontal attack. Major Randall was the temporary commander of the support group. He will maneuver from the left side of the battlefield with the other two empty "Mongoose 4s" according to the path set by Amber. In addition to attacking the imperial infantry on the left side of the village, the support group also needs to provide lateral fire support to the front battlefield. In theory, the support group should not only have vehicle combat, but also should have accompanying infantry to support. However, due to the serious shortage of this mobile infantry platoon, Amber really did not have any extra people. And he had to ensure the intensity of the frontal attack first, so he could only let Major Randall "follow his own luck". In response, the major raised his two middle fingers.

As for Isabel, she stayed in the communication relay vehicle at the rear, responsible for commanding electronic warfare and ensuring normal communication between the troops.

At the same time, they had to contact the federal troops in the village as soon as possible to prepare them to launch a counterattack.

Although these two unarmed vehicles stayed in the preparation area and did not participate in the attack, their situation was actually equally dangerous.

Because all the combatants had been taken away, Amber couldn't even get together the security team responsible for the rear guard.

If they ran into the imperial troops, there was no other means of confrontation except running away and "blacking" the opponent.

In fact, Amber was a little unfamiliar with commanding a mechanized infantry platoon.

After all, before coming to this world, he was already the main fleet commander of his guild.

Most of the time, he was busy commanding large-scale fleet battles.

So whether it was individual combat or ground combat command, it had been a while since they had been in contact.

But as the convoy began to move, Amber found that the dusty memories of ground combat command in his mind began to slowly emerge.

A familiar yet strange feeling returned to him.

"Attention all crews, turn on the combat encryption communication mode!"

"Assault team, arrive at the attack area in 2 minutes, be ready to get off the vehicle while moving!"

"Car No. 4, turn on the air radar, search for enemy drones, and prepare for wide-area electronic interference!"

A series of orders were issued by Amber, and at this moment he had completely integrated into the identity of the mechanized infantry platoon leader.

As the distance continued to get closer, the drivers and commanders of the five armored vehicles could already see the "attack area" and "attack launch line" demarcated by Amber in their tactical eyepieces.

This does not refer to any reference object, but a large white circle and a white horizontal line that actually appeared on the ground.

Based on the AR module integrated into the tactical eyepiece, Amber drew the area mark and line mark on the tactical map.

Not only will it be transmitted to the tactical map of each person in the subordinate unit through the data link, but it will also appear very intuitively in their tactical eyepieces and tactical visors.

Just like now.

After three standard Mongoose 4 wheeled armored vehicles drove into the big circle drawn by Amber.

They slowed down and opened the tailgate at the same time.

One after another, the mobile infantry jumped off the vehicle quietly.

And quickly dispersed into battle formations behind the left and right sides of the armored vehicle.

Then, two indirect fire groups carrying 120mm mortars also jumped off the vehicle.

In their tactical eyepieces, a path indicator line was guiding them to the mortar position set by Amber.

Finally, it was Amber.

After jumping off the vehicle, he directly turned on the optical stealth, and then rushed forward in a sprint state.

At the same time, in addition to a Mongoose 4 that provided fire support to the assault team and continued to accompany the infantry.

The other two armored vehicles, under Randall's command, turned to the left and quickly left in a column.

In most people's impressions, psychic agents are similar to special forces.

Tasks such as infiltration, destruction, and killing key targets behind enemy lines are what they do.

But in fact, psychic agents are often active on the frontline battlefield.

In addition to conducting close reconnaissance for ground forces and assisting ground forces in attack and defense.

They can often use their special abilities to open a breakthrough in the stalemate stage of the war.

Single soldiers fighting HCP is not a legend in this world.

Just as Amber was sprinting, the electronic warfare technician on the ultra-short wave reconnaissance jammer sent a message:

"Sir, small reconnaissance drones were found, number 2, and they are circling and reconnaissance!"

The air radar captured two slow small targets. After visual confirmation by the optical lens, they were determined to be single-soldier drones released by the imperial forces.

In fact, according to the standard reconnaissance process, the air search should have started long ago.

But at this stage, a large part of the integrated warning systems of military drones can warn of radar scanning.

In addition, small, slow and low targets are actually difficult for air radars to detect.

So in order not to alert the enemy, Amber finally decided to adopt the tactic of "delaying radar startup".

Amber looked at the tactical map and saw that the two small triangles representing the two mobile infantry squads were about to cross the 'attack initiation line'.

The two fire teams also arrived at the location marked as a mortar position inside the 'offensive area'.

Four mobile infantrymen should be nervously assembling a 120mm mortar at this moment.

According to the current progress, at the "H+8" time point agreed by Amber, the mobile infantry will cross the 'offensive launch line' and start the assault.

The two direct fire groups will also complete the artillery installation work and begin preparations for calibration.

After confirming that everything was progressing according to the combat plan, Amber also issued instructions to the electronic warfare technicians.

"Start interfering and destroy their eyes."

"Roger that, sir!"

The electronic warfare technician immediately took over the operation of the electronic warfare module from the vehicle-mounted automatic management system.

At the same time, the mast antenna is also raised high.

The control band used by military drones is mainly microwave, whether it is the Empire or the Federation.

The line-of-sight link of small short-range UAVs generally uses VHF, UHF, L or S band.

The ultra-short wave reconnaissance and interference vehicle that entered electronic warfare mode quickly locked onto the waveband used by the two small drones.

Although the Empire's military small drones use frequency hopping technology, their data links use frequency hopping technology to prevent interference.

But this kind of small drone is only so big, and the data link module that can be stuffed into it is not very high in terms of power or computing power.

Therefore, when facing professional electronic warfare ground vehicles, it is difficult to guarantee survival, not to mention the ability to fight back.

The ultra-short wave reconnaissance and jamming vehicle quickly obtained the lowest and highest hopping frequencies of the frequency hopping communication systems of the two drones through electronic reconnaissance.

Then, the electronic warfare technicians started full-bandwidth blocking and jamming.

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