From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 3 Spy (Please read it! Please collect it!)


"I'm a spy of the Star Dragon Empire???"

Amber was a little unable to react to the sudden change.

His expression even became dull for a moment.

Fortunately, the closed medical examination room was now plunged into darkness.

So in the eyes of the female imperial spy who has undergone retinal modification and has a certain level of low-light vision.

Amber, the imperial spy codenamed 'Baby Bird', acted very calmly during this tense 'connection'.

"Very good. It seems that the quality of the newly trained personnel in the Royal Naval Intelligence Department is getting higher and higher."

On the other side, Amber was still trying to calm herself down when she heard the female voice just now continue to say in her ear:

"The hospital's backup power supply has been activated, but it will be given priority to the ICU, so we still have .30 seconds."

"To make a long story short, the Royal Navy's Expeditionary Battle Group will launch a raid in three days, and what we have to do is destroy the base's communications center at the same time as the raid begins."

"The personnel deployed here before did not have strong frontal combat effectiveness. They could only help create a response similar to the current short circuit."

"The heavily guarded communications center needs psykers like you to break through."

The female spy spoke very quickly because the time for this round of communication was really limited, and she had to complete the mission deployment in this short 30 seconds.

"Our people have made relevant arrangements in advance. Three days later, at night, there will be widespread allergies in the communication center."

"At that time, I will go to the communications center on the grounds of looking for allergens."

"You take the opportunity to join me, attack the core communication control room, and cut off the connection between this planet and the outside world."

"For the empire..."

30 seconds is neither long nor short.


As the Star Dragon Empire female spy finished speaking, the hospital restored global power supply.

The lights in the medical examination room turned back on, and various electronic instruments began to buzz again.

The sudden light turned on, causing Amber to squint her eyes subconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, the female imperial spy...

No, it should be said that the federal female military doctor has sat back on the chair.

The high heels on her feet were still shaking.

It's like it's never moved.

She was looking at the lights that came back on with a puzzled look on her face, and she was still complaining about the base's engineering troops.

The slightly lazy voice was completely different from the cold female voice in the darkness before.

Amber's eyes swept across the towering peaks of the female military doctor, but his focus was more on the other party's nameplate.

Varla Margaret, junior medical officer in the Union Army, with the rank of Captain.

Medical captains, as is common in the federal army, are generally responsible for division-level medical work.

The beauty in front of her and the medical battalion under her were responsible for the war preparation medical work of Yasin Base.

"Such a key position is actually a spy of the Star Dragon Empire"

"The deployment of the Imperial Naval Intelligence Department is obviously not limited to this one, not even just on this planet."

"No wonder that at the beginning of the war, many important planets and deep space nodes in the Federation were lost inexplicably."

Amber couldn't help but sigh, the federal border area was really penetrated like a sieve, and at the same time she moved her gaze upward.

But he happened to meet the female military doctor's angry expression with a hint of shyness.

Obviously, in the eyes of the other party, his gaze was still a bit rude.

“Good acting~”

Amber silently commented in her heart.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, because Captain Margaret's temperament is really fascinating.

Putting a decent smile on her face, Amber sincerely apologized to the other party.

"Hum, this time, just pretend that you haven't recovered your sanity after a long deep space voyage."

The anger on the female military doctor's face dissipated slightly, and at the same time, she used her cat-like lazy voice to 'threaten':

"I won't be polite next time, Warrant Officer Amber."

As if she suddenly thought of something, the female military doctor suddenly had a playful smile on her face and stood up from the chair at the same time.

"Okay, lie down to the instrument, Warrant Officer~"

That tone sounded like a Persian cat suddenly discovered an interesting toy.

"This crazy woman."

Ten minutes later, Amber came out of the medical examination room and left quickly under the confused eyes of other medical staff in the hospital.

If anyone could take off the full-coverage visor on his head right now.

You can definitely see a slightly 'angry' expression on Warrant Officer Amber's face.

Whether it's Amber, the former player, or Amber, the current psychic agent.

Although one of them has read countless films and the other has undergone professional training, he can be as calm as an old monk entering concentration when facing female sex.

But I couldn’t bear to just wear a pair of underpants and lie on the medical examination equipment while being judged by others.

Of course, this sentiment didn't last long.

After all, the impact of the secret meeting just now on Amber was quite big.

"So the spy I wanted to find before was myself?"

Amberton felt a headache.

With the code name: Nestling, Royal Naval Intelligence Division and other keywords were captured by Amber.

Another part of memory was unlocked in his mind.

These memories have filled in many gaps in previously vague memories.

For example, his true identity is actually a war orphan.

There is no way to find out the biological parents, let alone whether they are from the Empire or the Federation.

However, when he showed his talent as a psychic in his early childhood, he was discovered by the empire's intelligence agency.

After training and brainwashing, he and other "students of the same generation" were sent to the federal territory through various channels and obtained legal status.

In the end, he became a psychic agent determined to "dedicate his life" to the Federation.

"Fortunately, it seems that the empire's brainwashing has been lifted after 'soul penetration'?"

Amber felt it carefully and found that she didn't seem to have any "loyalty to the empire" stamp of thought on her body.

And whether it’s a federation or an empire.

Amber doesn't have any psychological connection that can be called 'belonging' right now. ,

More, it should be a kind of "take it as it comes, let it go" mood.

So he was actually somewhat resistant to the task of risking his life to destroy the communication center.

"Why don't you find an opportunity to report these imperial spies?"

"No. Then wouldn't I be exposed too? And as a deep spy like me who has been lurking in the Federation since I was a child, the plague gods from the Security Bureau will never let me go."

"Damn it, my identity is a bit embarrassing now."

"Gee, I can't think of a way to break the situation for a while. Let's act accordingly."

Just thinking about it all the way, Amber arrived at the officer's apartment.

Following the guidance of the soldiers on duty, I quickly found my own private room.

He needed to clean himself up and head to the officers' mess.

Because after entering the base and completing the networking, his personal terminal received a new message from the base control AI.

The second-in-command at Yassin Base—Lieutenant Colonel Dallas.

I want to have lunch with these new young officers.

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