"Hogg, why didn't you attack the headquarters of the federal ground forces directly? I remember that we have obtained the coordinates of the approximate location."

In the hangar of the Hermes, Amber, who was preparing for the attack, immediately found Hogg and the fleet commander Cliffs, who were in charge of ground combat command, after hearing the ground attack targets and effects of the two light cruisers.

"Cliffs, the original combat plan was to directly attack the approximate area where the headquarters of the federal ground forces was located. You don't know that, do you?"

Faced with Amber's questioning, the two commanders shuddered slightly, and then Hogg answered:

"Boss, it was my decision to change the target of the attack. I did it to maximize the effect of the attack."

The wolf-headed man looked at the expressionless Amber on the other side of the screen, swallowed his saliva and continued:

"The location of the federal army headquarters is relatively far away and independent. If it is attacked, the light cruiser responsible for the attack can no longer adjust the secondary attack target. In addition, we did not obtain it until before the war. Based on the situation of the guard troops near the headquarters, we can only attack the headquarters, which will cause excessive firepower.

So I finally decided to let two light cruisers attack the enemy firepower battalion and attacking troops with similar coordinates, so that the killing effect of this round of orbital strikes can be perfectly exerted, and the pressure on the No. 5 refugee camp can be relieved.

As for the enemy headquarters, the teaching team and the fifth medium-sized synthetic battalion that was divided into small pieces in advance for maneuvering will be "decapitated", which is also the plan proposed by Lieutenant Baninger. "

When hearing the last sentence, Amber's expression changed, and finally turned into a long sigh.

"A battalion of troops to 'behead'. Are you and Baninger idiots or gamblers?"

"Boss, I admit that I have a gambling element, but our side is currently at an absolute disadvantage in terms of paper strength. If we want to win this battle, we can only take risky measures.

As for the issue of troops, only the medium-sized synthetic battalion can be 'invisible' and infiltrated into the Federal Army-controlled area. In addition, the firepower of the heavy power armor of the teaching team was confirmed to be sufficient during the pre-war simulation."

Hogg admitted without hesitation that he had the idea of ​​'taking a gamble', and at the same time roughly described the reasons for doing so, which made Amber hold back some of the words she wanted to say.

After delegating power to Hogg, Cleves and others to be responsible for tactical command and taking the opportunity to cultivate the 'subjective initiative' of the Atlas command level, Amber actually expected that there would be such a day.

The commanders under him are not his 'puppets', and it is impossible for them to ask him for instructions on fighting all day long, so it is normal for them to have their own battle and tactical plans.

Thinking of this, Amber glanced at Cleves again, but did not say anything, because he knew that the fleet commander could not do much in this matter.

Finally, Amber's eyes returned to the wolf-headed man on the screen.

"Well, it's okay for you to take a gamble, but why did Baninger also mess around? If there is any problem with this plan, he will lose his life."

A bad premonition arose in Amber's heart, and since he crossed into this world, his premonition has always been more "sharp".

From another perspective, Amber also knew that the commander-in-chief of the federal ground forces was definitely not a fool. He was able to become a lieutenant general of the army and command this planetary landing war. There are still some real things in him.

For such a person, Amber did not believe that he would have no plan for the attack on the headquarters.

Thinking of this, Amber's anxiety rose again.

"Forget it, I won't say much about the war. I may have to lead the HCP troops to attack later. You two should take good care of the battle later."

At this point, Amber also deliberately glanced at Hogg.

"Especially you, the commander-in-chief of the Hogg Federation Ground Force, you have made a 99% arrangement. The training team and the 5th medium-sized synthetic brigade may have stepped into a trap. Find a way to provide them with the maximum firepower support. If they are in danger, let them withdraw quickly!"

"Yes, Boss!"


Pala IV ground, 5 kilometers west of the Federation Ground Forces Headquarters, the ambush area of ​​the 5th medium-sized synthetic battalion of Atlas.

"Captain, is the area behind your neck itchy?"

The voice of a team member sounded in the communication channel of the training team.

"I'm fine, is there anything wrong with you?"

Banninger responded in the channel, staring at the 'situational awareness information integration window' at the bottom left of the HUD.

The window is constantly refreshing a large amount of information synthesized by integrated sensor data. These sensor information comes from the power armor of the training team, various vehicles of the synthetic battalion, and bionic drones flying at low altitude.

It covers the entire area like an invisible net.

"Eh? Strange, after the operation, I always feel a little itchy at the back of my neck."

"Is it because of the wound healing? And I remember the people in the medical department said that after the processing terminal is implanted, there will be some abnormalities due to the body's rejection, but it is all normal."

Before Baninger spoke, another team member answered this question in the channel.

The "operation" they mentioned is a project similar to "body transformation" that all members of the teaching team have recently carried out, but it is just a micro-processing terminal similar to Amber implanted at the back of the neck.

The purpose of implanting this thing is also very simple, which is to extract the most detailed combat data of the teaching team.

Firstly, it is to use the combat records of the gradually lifted training team as a ‘teaching material’, and secondly, it is also to provide valuable reference data for future ‘virtual reality training’.

When they heard about this project at the time, everyone in the team joked that in the future they might all become the ‘final boss’ that recruits would have to fight in their graduation assessment.

"It makes me itchy. I really want to scratch it."

"When this battle is over, you can go to the equipment research and development center to make suggestions and ask them to build an automatic tickle into the power armor."

There was a burst of laughter in the communication channel, but it was interrupted by an alarm message that suddenly sounded not long after.

Baninger looked at the 'situational awareness information integration window', which showed a huge convoy approaching the ambush area.

"The plan to lure the snake out of the hole was successful, and the other party indeed chose this route. Then the next step is to find a way to kill the snake."

This thought flashed through the mind of this Atlas veteran, and then his attention was attracted by four slender 'beams' flashing across the horizon, followed by explosions, fires, and belated loud noises. attract.

"The orbital strike on the fleet side has also begun, so the pressure on Refugee Camp No. 5 will be much less."

Thinking of this, Baninger turned his attention back to the federal headquarters convoy that was about to enter the ambush area. At the same time, a signal from the Fifth Medium Combined Battalion that "everything is ready" was sent.

"Everyone! Get ready to fight! Fire freely after I open fire, and be sure to kill more enemy units in the first round of attacks!"

While saying this, Baninger also switched the power armor from 'ambush' to 'combat' mode while maintaining optical stealth.

The entire teaching team and the ambushing troops in other directions also entered a state of complete silence.

Soon, the first few armored vehicles and multi-legged tanks passed by the road where everyone was ambushing, and there were also two federal HCPs in the air that flew over after a 'big jump', almost clinging to the treetops.

Baninger did not fire because this was not his target, and these forward units would naturally be dealt with by the troops deployed by the medium combined battalion.

Not long after the federal troops passed by, a mighty convoy appeared on the road. The command cabin vehicle in the middle of the convoy, which was protected by layers of layers, let Baninger know that the target he had been waiting for for a long time had appeared.

When a wheeled armored vehicle at the front of the convoy, equipped with wide-area electronic jamming equipment, entered the nearest bend in front of Baninger, he picked up a handful from the haystack on the ground without any signal characteristics. Traditional .'hand-held recoilless rifle'.

5-round magazine for ammunition, 10-round ammunition reserve, suitable for power armor handheld rapid fire, extremely low cost, just throw it away after shooting

The HUD of the tactical visor quickly switched to a style suitable for recoilless rifles, and a straight preview line appeared in front of Banninger's eyes.

As the preview line gradually turned green in the 'best shooting position', the veteran pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The fatal warhead hit the speeding armored vehicle a moment later. Its fragile side armor was unable to withstand the attack of the 82mm armor-breaking projectile.

The fire caused by the explosion was like a signal. The next moment, this originally quiet ambush point came to life completely.

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