"Dear viewers, according to the news we just received, the federal army deployed on Pyra IV brazenly used long-range rockets to attack the No. 5 refugee camp."

In the live broadcast room of the Eye of Truth, the cat girl anchor interrupted the latest news with a serious face.

But even if she didn't say it, the audience who had been watching the live broadcast just now also felt the scene of the long-range rockets "hitting the face" through the first-person perspective of a ground force as the live broadcast screen.

Although these plasma warheads were intercepted by the huge deflection force field covering the camp and detonated in advance under the stimulation of the arc.

But when seeing the huge plasma fireballs densely exploding above their heads, many viewers even had an illusion of high temperature that would burn their hair.

It also made the live broadcast of the Eye of Truth reach its full effect.

Originally, when the Federation was counterattacking with public opinion, some galaxies controlled by opposition parties in the Federation that had not been attacked by the Empire had some voices of "ignoring the overall situation", and local residents also had a certain sympathy for those imperial civilians.

After the live broadcast of the "Eye of Truth" brought out the "little blue man" at the beginning, the autonomous governments of these galaxies began to laugh at the federal government, and the civilians in the galaxies denounced why the elite secret forces of the federation were so "disgraceful".

Later, they almost saw with their own eyes the Hanged Man controlling the "chess pieces" and "puppets" to launch attacks.

Especially in the end, the action of directly attacking his own people in order to achieve the goal made the public opinion on the Internet so strong that the relevant federal departments could not delete it completely.

When the footage of the long-range rocket attacking the refugee camp was broadcast, the public opinion of these opposition galaxies was finally completely detonated.

"Using rockets to clean up the refugee camps, isn't that a bit too much?"

"But the Federation took counterattacks because of the suicide bombing."

"Didn't you watch carefully? The suicide bombing was clearly a play directed by the Federation to stir up trouble! These officials are really shitty, even their own troops have become victims!"

"You believe everything the live broadcast says? Oh, too naive."

"Hey, here comes the 'Emperor of Loneliness'~"

The live broadcast channel of 'Eye of Truth' and major mainstream portals have been overwhelmed by the fierce debate of the 'onlookers' at this moment.

And the opposition party, which has been acting as a 'turtle' and dormant for a long time since the outbreak of the war, finally got the opportunity to fight back, and began to criticize the CIA with the help of public opinion, and at the same time began to attack the ruling party secretly.

It has to be said that the reaction speed of the federal opposition party is extremely fast. The live broadcast of 'Eye of Truth' is still going on here, and they have already made a lot of articles and news to lead the rhythm on the Internet.

The speed is so fast that Lilith, who has been monitoring in the virtual space, showed a little surprise.

"Master, you humans are really efficient when doing these things. It would be great if you could use them in other places."



On the surface of Pyra IV, just as Lieutenant General Van Fleet of the Federal Army ordered the two combined brigades responsible for the siege to concentrate their superior firepower and try every means to break the "turtle shell" of the No. 5 refugee camp, he received an urgent communication from the fleet.

"What? The two light cruisers are lowering their orbital altitude? Can you tell me again what words are printed on the side?" Van Fleet frowned,

". Then we don't have to pretend to be a gentleman anymore?"

At this moment, the Lieutenant General of the Federal Army, who remembered something, suddenly felt like he fell into an ice cave in the coldest days of winter. All the combat objectives and troop command-related things were thrown behind his mind at this moment.

"Quick! The headquarters urgently moved!"

"But General, the various units are now launching attacks. If the headquarters moves now..."

Van Fleet's combat staff didn't know what happened yet. He was about to persuade him, but was rudely interrupted by the Lieutenant General of the Army.

"The headquarters will be moved immediately! Damn, execute the order quickly, don't let me say it again!"

Faced with Van Fleet's roar, the combat staff and the people in the command post did not dare to say anything else and immediately started the emergency evacuation procedure.

Soon, the headquarters guarded by a combined brigade was in motion, and some heavy vehicles were abandoned. Everyone took key equipment and quickly boarded the vehicle, and ran in a certain direction without looking back.

The reason why Van Fleet made this decision was also very simple, that is, he thought Atlas might be going to carry out a "decapitation" attack on the headquarters.

At that time, Atlas's amazing attack on Rubion V not only opened up the situation in the battle, but also made the Federation realize the value of this orbital strike method.

Although the Federation is still in the relevant experiments for the time being, and the fleet has not mastered such ground support "skills", the CIA and military leaders, including the commander-in-chief of the campaign such as Van Fleet, all know that Atlas has such a strike method.

The reason why this news was limited to high-level officials was very simple. The high-level officials of the Federation were worried that the combat troops, especially the ground troops of the Army, would suffer a significant drop in morale due to this orbital strike that was temporarily undefended.

You can't let the infantry on the ground continue to fight knowing that there is a big axe hanging over their heads, right?

A few minutes later, at the same time that a large number of combat vehicles and functional vehicles from the general headquarters began to move, everyone saw four 'flashes' falling from the sky in the distance.

Then there was the sky on the other side of the horizon, which seemed to be burned red, and the loud noise that shook the earth.

"Wait, it seems that the fight is not here?"

A doubt arose in Van Fleet's heart, and then there was an unpleasant premonition, and this premonition successfully became a reality one minute later.

"General General, the firepower battalions of the 72nd and 81st brigades were attacked by enemy orbits. The battalion headquarters has lost contact. Based on the assessment of the footage captured by the drone, the loss may exceed 90%."

The command cabin suddenly became quiet, and everyone wondered if their ears had heard it wrong.

The firepower battalion of the Federal Army's heavy combined brigade generally consists of three self-propelled artillery companies and a long-range rocket company. When launching an attack, they do not cluster together, but are deployed dispersedly in accordance with combat regulations.

But now he was hit by the opponent's orbital attack that he had never seen before? Could it be that Atlas dropped a tactical nuclear bomb?

Unfortunately, the communications staff officer who reported the situation did not revise his statement, but continued.

"In addition, the 81st Brigade is responsible for attacking the two combined battalions of Refugee Camp No. 5. Their battalion headquarters, rearguard units, and firepower companies are also suspected to have been attacked, and contact has been lost."

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Van Fleet also felt a complex emotion in his heart.

He didn't know whether he should be grateful that the general headquarters had not suffered a 'decapitation attack' from the other side, or whether he should feel sorry for the loss of soldiers and a large amount of equipment under his command, especially the important direct firepower.

But he quickly calmed down and said to the communications staff: "Contact the fleet and ask them to find a way to prevent Atlas from continuing such orbital strikes. Although this round did not attack here, it may not be possible next time." "

Van Fleet paused, and after making a quick decision in his mind, he continued:

"In addition, tell the fleet to 'come back without being polite' and request them to conduct an orbital strike on Refugee Camp No. 5! At the same time, simultaneously convey the message to the attacking troops and ask them to avoid the kill zone."

After hearing the last order, although the communications staff hesitated for a moment, he did not dare to say anything else at this juncture and quickly turned around and left.

It was only then that Lieutenant General Van Fleet heaved a sigh of relief when he saw everyone in the command cabin starting to get busy again.

He fell down on the chair while thinking about Atlas's unreasonable play.

He was very confused about why the other party did not attack the headquarters directly when they had such an orbital strike method that could not be intercepted?

Although the result of almost annihilating two firepower battalions and two forward attack battalions in an organic manner was remarkable and alleviated the urgent need of Refugee Camp No. 5, from the perspective of the entire battle, there was no direct attack on the commander-in-chief. The value of the department is greater.

And judging from the current situation of the battle, the opponent's commander is not mediocre. The previous series of command and response were excellent. In theory, there should be no deviation in such a simple measurement of "battle value".

"Unless the other party has other back-ups!"

Van Fleet sat up in shock while dying of illness, almost jumping out of the chair.

"Everyone is ready to fight! The convoy turns around and moves closer to the position of the 66th Brigade."


An explosion came from outside the command cabin, interrupting Van Fleet's order and throwing the entire headquarters convoy into complete chaos.

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