The target selection of the teaching team was communicated before the war.

Because the recoilless guns in their hands, even if they use armor-piercing shells, it is difficult to threaten heavy armored units such as main battle tanks, heavy multi-legged tanks or HCPs.

So in the target selection of the first round of attack launched by the recoilless guns, they gave up attacking these heavy units, and instead picked armored vehicles and infantrymen who got off the vehicles.

Especially communication node vehicles, command vehicles, ultra-short wave reconnaissance jammers, and field radars in marching mode, which are high-value targets that look expensive.

Soon, more than 20 82mm recoilless guns and several single-soldier anti-vehicle missile launchers were violently output at the front of the convoy that was in a panic due to the attack.

The recoilless guns upgraded to the magazine feeding method have greatly improved the firing rate, and the first 5-round magazine of armor-piercing shells and armor-piercing shells was also emptied.

Under Van Fleet's order, the attacked convoy began to find a way to turn around, and some infantrymen on the armored vehicles also jumped off the vehicles to prepare for a counterattack on the spot.

At this time, the members of the training team also replaced the second magazine filled with programmed high-explosive bombs, and then aimed at the federal infantry hiding behind the armored vehicles.

When the programmed high-explosive bombs, which were set by the members of the training team at a certain detonation distance, flew over the armored vehicles and exploded above the heads of the federal soldiers, and countless prefabricated fragments were stuck on their tactical visors.

Intelligent programmed ammunition gave the ancient weapon, the recoilless gun, a "second spring" in this cruel and absurd battlefield.

At the same moment, the chaotic convoy caused the federal soldiers to have loopholes in the protection of the command container vehicle. A wheeled tank that turned around in advance gave Baninger a once-in-a-lifetime shooting opportunity.

"Cover me!"

He shouted, ignoring the federal armored units that had begun to counterattack the ambush positions on both sides, and quickly set up the small electromagnetic reconnection gun on his shoulder that was originally folded behind his back.

On the track that was unfolded with a "click", blue and white electric light began to flash, and this feature immediately attracted the attention of the federal troops.

A wheeled assault gun equipped with a 105mm electrothermal chemical gun quickly adjusted the turret direction and pointed it at Baninger, who was a little "dazzling" on the battlefield.

At the moment it fired, another heavy power armor of the teaching team rushed to the beam between it and Baninger.

The single-person deflection force field activated at maximum power, although it tried its best to twist away a tail-stabilized armor-piercing projectile, the huge kinetic energy still knocked the power armor back several meters.

"Captain! Now!"

In the roar of the team members, in the hail of bullets, Baninger calmly issued the order to shoot at the moment the auxiliary aiming was completed.

The long-accumulated electrical energy was converted into the kinetic energy of a tungsten alloy high-speed penetration rod under the action of the acceleration track of the magnetic field, and flew through the battle zone with the momentum of tearing everything apart, accurately hitting the command cabin vehicle in the middle of the convoy.

The tungsten alloy rod with huge kinetic energy directly tore open most of the car body, and the extremely high temperature of the rod body also directly caused the remaining part of the container car to light up with fire.

But the scene of such a hit did not make Baninger and other members of the teaching team excited, but instead made the former show a solemn expression on his face.

Because they zoomed in through the lens of the power armor sensor and saw the empty internal structure of the "command container car".

"Fuck! This TM seems to be a bait!"


The conference room of the Federal Ministry of Defense building was filled with smoke.

After the conflict between the federal army and Atlas on Pella IV broke out, the senior officials of the Central Intelligence Agency came here and watched the "live broadcast" with President Brandon and Defense Minister Miller and others.

"So now we can only watch the public live broadcast of Atlas to know the battle between our army and Atlas on Pella IV?"

Brandon put out the almost burned cigarette butt in the ashtray and looked at the people in the conference room with a bad expression on his face.

"Really, from the first day of my administration, I never thought I would encounter such an absurd situation. If the directors in the film and television industry were asked to make movies according to this script, some people would say it was too outrageous."

"Mr. President, the relevant departments are already trying to crack this remote communication technology, and it may take some time."

CIA Director Bernard said. As the head of the intelligence department, this technology that can communicate across galaxies in real time is equally important to the intelligence department.

"Time. Time. What we lack most now is time!"

Brandon knocked on the table, with a hint of anger in his tone.

"I said the same thing when I reported last time, but it's been so long and there's no progress at all."

Because of the recent stalemate in the war, Brandon's temper was much worse than before the war, but he quickly adjusted his mood. After all, this meeting was not the right time to get angry.

He calmed down again and exhaled a breath of turbid air, then raised his head and asked:

"Can anyone tell me how this "farce" with Atlas will end? Don't say we can't even deal with a private enterprise."

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other. Finally, it was Director Bernard who spoke up.

"Mr. President, in the absence of real-time inter-galactic communication, we are unable to direct operations in real time.

However, before the start of this operation, the CIA and the military have made a lot of plans. As long as the various forces in the Pyla galaxy act in accordance with the plans, I believe everything is still under our control. "

"That means we can only sit in this conference room and watch, right?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Brandon smiled and shook his head, lying on the back of the chair as if he was deflated, as if he had become sluggish in an instant.

"Okay. Then who can tell me what's going to happen next in this 'big drama'?"


"Are you sure that the Federation's orbital attack ship detachment has begun to take action?"

"Yes, Boss, the reconnaissance ship has just observed them breaking away from the main force and starting to lower their orbit. Judging from their actions, they should be entering an attack orbit."

On a virtual screen in the HCP cockpit, Cliffs, who had put on a space suit, said with a solemn expression.

Amber, who was sitting in the cockpit assisting the self-inspection of the aircraft, also stopped what she was doing and let Lilith take over.

"It seems that our orbital strike has made the Federation anxious. Have the two light cruisers withdrawn?"

"The orbital altitude has been raised, and it has completed the rendezvous with the escort detachment and is currently returning to the formation position."

Cliffs glanced at the screen on the side and continued:

"Boss, now that the federal fleet is aware of our orbital strike methods, it will definitely be on guard. If we want to carry out ground strikes again, we may need the entire fleet to provide cover."

"I know, so the fleet will temporarily suspend its ground attack and enter a defensive state to prepare for the attack of the federal fleet."

Amber said calmly, while controlling the HCP, which had completed the self-examination during this period, and walked towards the lifting platform.

"What about the Federation's orbital assault ships? The ground troops won't be able to withstand the tactical thermobaric bombs they launch!"

"It doesn't matter, I will take action."

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