Although Randall did not intervene in the command at all, it was a good thing for Amber.

But he still hoped to have a tactical staff to cooperate with his command.

Unfortunately, Amber looked through the members in the communication channel and did not find a suitable one.

Not to mention Major Randall, this guy directly rejected Amber's request for him to assist in the command on the grounds that he "did not understand your army's operations."

Isabel was not very good either. She was okay as a spy and military doctor, but marching and fighting were not her strong points.

As for the group of screaming mobile infantry under her?

Amber admitted that these soldiers had various shortcomings during this period of contact.

But at least they could obey orders and fight wherever they were directed.

There would be no problem in fighting a favorable battle.

But you have to pull one person out of them and ask him how to command a mobile infantry platoon to attack a small town.

This person would only answer loudly with a voice full of energy:

"Fight from point A to point B, sir!"

Amber covered her forehead helplessly. No, it should be the tactical visor.

"God, please give me a tactical advisor!" Of course, this wish cannot be realized in a short time. So Amber, who recognized the reality, finally accepted her fate. As the convoy rushed to the last path point marked before, Amber's brain began to work at full speed. Although speeding in the wilderness without paved roads made Amber sitting in the car feel extremely bumpy. But this did not affect his thinking. After combining the news from Major Randall, the enemy and us situation map of the current battlefield, and the size of the Imperial Fleet in his memory. Amber made a bold decision. Capture the space elevator. This decision was originally considered ridiculous by Amber himself. After careful consideration, he felt more and more feasible. In the memory of the previous life, why did the federal army on Robert IV fight so badly? Why did the remnants of the federal army who survived and switched to guerrilla warfare only last for half a year? The federal garrison was bad, which was indeed an important reason. But it is undeniable that after the tactical nuclear strike of the Imperial orbital attack ship. The Federation Army lost almost 80% of its technical weapons and heavy equipment.

The Star Dragon Empire's landing forces relied on airdrops, aerospace transport aircraft, and the most important space elevator.

They received reinforcements and supplies continuously.

And they could also deploy armored brigade combat teams (ABCT) in an organized manner.

In such a situation where the enemy's combat power was extremely different.

Even if you let Amber, who was "all-seeing and omnipotent", go up, he couldn't take a bunch of light infantry to fight the armored forces.

By the way, thanks to the vast territory and industrial manufacturing capabilities.

Both the Federation and the Star Dragon Empire equipped the most basic conventional infantry units with medium exoskeletons.

Just like the standard rifles of the old era, everyone had one.

So the infantry units of this era are still called "light infantry".

But in fact they are not light at all.

Take the Federation as an example.

A standard mobile infantryman should be equipped with a "Sabertooth Tiger Type 2" medium exoskeleton driven by a gas turbine and a metal hydrogen battery pack.

On this basis, in addition to the protection provided by the exoskeleton, additional silicon carbide armor plates will be installed in the vital parts.

In terms of armament, generally an 8mm Gauss rifle will be mounted on the right arm rail.

The conventional choice for the left arm rail is a 20mm automatic shotgun or a 40mm automatic grenade launcher.

Both weapons can use a variety of ammunition to cope with different tasks.

There are also a small number of soldiers who choose rocket-powered combat spikes.

When fully armed and fully loaded with ammunition and supplies.

The actions of these soldiers will not be restricted, and they can even run faster and jump higher with the support of the powerful power of the gas turbine.

But even if the infantrymen are armed to the teeth.

They still can't confront the real armored forces head-on.

In front of multi-legged tanks, main battle tanks and HCPs, mobile infantry are as fragile as children.

So in Amber's view, the defeat of the Federation in Robert IV in the previous life was still "excusable".

But back to now, the situation has changed a bit.

The Federation Army is still the same Federation Army, which suffered heavy losses in the orbital strike, and its main combat force is light infantry.

But the Imperial Army is no longer the Imperial Army in Amber's memory.

Without the important transportation capacity of the space elevator, the Empire's landing force can no longer deploy ABCT as quickly as in the previous life.

At this moment, the main combat force of the Imperial Army on the ground of Robert IV is also the orbital paratrooper force mainly composed of light infantry.

Although they can obtain support from airdropped light multi-legged tanks and HCP.

But compared with the previous life, their combat effectiveness has been weakened too much.

This degree of weakening makes Amber feel that it is not a bad idea to fight.

At the same time, there are two reasons for choosing the space elevator as the target of attack.

First, the remnants of the current Federation Army have no combat targets and are fighting on their own.

Although everyone knows that they need to break out, they don't know in which direction to break out and by what means to break out.

If the space elevator is used as the target, at least the remnants of the Federation can be assembled and move toward the equator.

Thereby avoiding fighting on their own and being divided, surrounded and eliminated by the Imperial forces.

Due to this fleet battle in orbit, the federal garrison fleet was completely wiped out.

In addition to some of the debris falling into the atmosphere and burning up, there are tens of millions of tons of debris floating in Robert 4's outer space orbit.

These debris not only damaged a large number of Federal Army satellites, but also greatly reduced the efficiency of the Empire's deployment of tactical reconnaissance satellites.

In the later stage of the ground battle, the few tactical reconnaissance satellites actually did not detect the movements of the remaining federal soldiers.

Instead, they were discovered first by the ground troops who were constantly pursuing them.

The debris surrounding the orbit not only interferes with satellite reconnaissance and communications, but also affects the attack efficiency of the orbital attack ship.

These orbital attack ships must carefully plan their entry and exit from orbit after receiving a request for fire support from ground forces.

Second, whether it is the actions of the imperial troops in memory, or a series of actions of the imperial troops in this life.

All prove that the Imperial forces do not want to destroy the space elevator.

They would rather keep the space elevator intact and then control it.

After all, this ‘heaven and earth artery’ has an astonishing carrying capacity and can play a huge role in the post-war reconstruction process.

And for facilities of this level, although the empire also masters a full set of construction technologies.

However, the construction cycle, which often takes 5 to 10 years, brings high time costs.

This also makes their bottom line: "If you can occupy it, don't destroy it."

So when Federation forces gather near the space elevator, the Empire's orbital attack fleet will take action.

Whether it is the 'Tungus' tactical hydrogen bomb or the 'David' tactical ground-attack missile, it is easy to damage the space elevator.

And this giant 'building' relies on centrifugal force to tighten thousands of carbon nanotubes.

Once damaged, the entire balance of forces is disrupted.

The consequences would be serious.

As more and more details were completed in Amber's mind.

An extremely large-scale strategic maneuver plan was recorded in the command module of the personal terminal by Amber.

After the physical connection between the personal terminal and the vehicle-mounted terminal, Amber can use the computing power of the vehicle-mounted equipment to enhance the functions of the command module.

"I can do this alone"

Amber let out a breath after clicking Save. This round of brainstorming made him feel a little bit mentally exhausted.

"It seems that you have made a huge battle plan?"

While Amber was 'working hard', Major Randall, who had not made any noise to disturb her, came over after seeing Amber finally resting.

Although he couldn't understand the details of the army's operations, he could still see things at the macro level.

"Running all the way to the equator. I have to say this is a really bold idea."

Randall did not make a direct comment, but continued to ask:

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