"How feasible is your plan?"

"I don't know. And many details have not been perfected yet. In fact, it cannot be used directly."

Amber had no intention of hiding the issue of this combat plan.

Now that Randall asked, he answered truthfully.

"What should we do?"

"What should I do? These are not issues for me to consider. Let the tactical staff around Lieutenant Colonel Dallas have a headache."

"Wait a minute. Are you going to send the plan to Lieutenant Colonel Dallas?" Amber's answer made Randall stop joking.

"Do you think they will adopt it? No, whether they will accept this plan is a question."

"You're right~"

After encrypting the battle plan, Amber turned to look at Randall, who was full of doubts.

"But if in this plan, the information about the space elevator comes from Major Randall in Port Lansford."

Amber pointed at Randall and then at herself.

"As for the specific implementation of the plan, the words from Warrant Officer Amber of the Combat Intelligence Center, I believe it will attract their attention to some extent."

"As a warrant officer, you are quite dignified. You are placed with me, a lieutenant colonel."

Randall curled his lips speechlessly, and he didn't know what to say about Amber's thoughts.

"Don't worry, Major." Amber turned around and made the final touches.

"At this point in time, I guess not many people are like me and still have the time to prepare a battle plan."

When the convoy traveled a certain distance again, the communication relay vehicle finally reconnected to the brigade and camp-level backbone network.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Amber immediately asked the Signal Corps to send the encrypted combat plan document through encrypted transmission.

The ‘recipient’ was naturally Lieutenant Colonel Dallas’s breakout unit.

In their larger team, there are naturally more communication relay vehicles that can receive this information from other troops.

Soon, Amber marked the battle plan as 'important', 'urgent', and 'top secret'.

After checking, it was confirmed that it did not contain viruses.

was sent to the command vehicle where Lieutenant Colonel Dallas was located.

Amber's guess was not wrong.

At this stage, other federal soldiers and officers are busy breaking out and running away, and they have no leisure time to make any combat plans.

Therefore, this extremely conspicuous document was immediately discovered by the communications troops.

Regarding the presented combat plan, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas felt that it was quite sudden.

He also didn't expect that at this juncture, there would be someone who could take the trouble to do this.

He looked at the signature of the combat report and saw the somewhat familiar name 'Amber'.

Lieutenant Colonel Dallas immediately recalled this Warrant Officer of the Combat Intelligence Center. He had actually seen it.

And when he continued to see the second signature, it was Major Randall from the Navy.

Mr. Lieutenant Colonel was really curious.

"An Army Warrant Officer and a Navy Major. How did these two get together?"

At this moment, Lieutenant Colonel Dallas's breakout force had just broken through an Imperial Army blockade and was enjoying a rare moment of peace.

So he opened this combat report with great interest.

As a result, everyone looked more and more serious.

Although at first, he was shocked by Amber's whimsical ideas.

He almost cursed in the command car.

However, as he read more carefully, he discovered that this seemingly impossible plan actually seemed to be feasible?

"Did the good boy really find a way for him?"

A smile appeared on Lieutenant Colonel Dallas' face, and he distributed the battle plan to several other combat staff officers in the team.

Then he left two sentences:

"Refine and add details, and then conduct a feasibility assessment after improving the plan."

"I'll give you 5 hours. I want to see your revised first draft after 5 hours."

When several combat staff officers finally calmed down and took a rest in another command vehicle.

The documents and messages sent by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas made the combat staff, whose faces looked like pandas, howl in succession.

Amber, who successfully sent out the battle plan without knowing his name, had already made several staff officers under Lieutenant Colonel Dallas hate him.

He was currently busy looking at the latest updated battlefield situation map.

The reason why Robert 4 became an agricultural planet.

Mainly because of its land area, which occupies 35% of the planet's surface.

Moreover, the distribution is relatively concentrated, and the entire planet is divided into two continents and some islands.

The continents that are mostly in the northern hemisphere are called Northern Continents, while the smaller continents in the south are called Southern Continents.

Very simple and crude naming method.

These two continents are also dominated by great plains, which are suitable for large-scale ‘industrial’ cultivation.

The military bases of the various "existence forces" of the Federal Army are located near various transportation hubs on these two continents.

At present, around these key nodes, the "Northern Continent" where Amber is located has become a pot of porridge.

The situation between ourselves and the enemy is intertwined. We are among you, and you are among us.

Sometimes, just looking at the situation map of a part of the area, you can't even tell who is surrounding whom.

In this complicated situation between the enemy and ourselves, Amber quickly found the target of his actions.

Less than 20 kilometers away from the convoy, a motorized infantry platoon was requesting support from nearby friendly units.

Amber found out after overlapping the battlefield situation map and the terrain map in the command terminal.

This motorized infantry platoon should be guarding a village next to a large area of ​​automated farmland.

Eighty percent of them are under siege by imperial troops.

After quickly weighing the pros and cons, Amber finally decided to support this motorized infantry platoon.

He actually has selfish motives.

After making a strategic maneuver plan toward the equator, Amber thought about how to expand his team.

After all, if the plan succeeds, all the troops will merge near the space elevator.

In a chaotic situation, it is naturally impossible to split the team and reorganize it, so whoever has the troops has the right to speak.

Even if we don't talk about these distant targets, the number of mobile infantry under Amber's current command is still too small.

And he also brought the wounded.

In many cases, Amber actually didn't dare to let them go and fight freely.

I'm afraid that if these 'masters' don't pay attention, they will be swept away by the enemy's chain cannon.

While the convoy was moving, Vehicle No. 2 completed another drone ejection.

At the same time, the reconnaissance drone that was ejected from the No. 3 vehicle and had been flying for an hour and a half was recovered.

Looking out the window, the mobile infantrymen clumsily set up a recycling net in an open space.

Then the drone hit the recovery net at low speed, folded the wings again and stored it.

Amber guessed that these mobile infantrymen rarely conduct training on the deployment and deployment of drones.

Except for the assault training before the annual assessment at the end of the year, they may not have used these tactical equipment much.

"The rookies are pecking each other, it's a yes"

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