Major Randall, the senior officer in the Confederate Navy.

The first impression I had on Amber was that of a 'middle-aged veteran' who is personable but always talks nonsense.

Especially the navy uniform on his body that was stained with blood and oil, but still managed to keep it straight.

This further deepens Amber’s stereotype.

Coupled with the romantic affairs of Federation naval officers that spread in many galaxies.

And the jingle "the navy, the army, the soil, and the air force are all two hundred and fifty" is widely circulated.

Amber has always had a bad impression of these 'Navy Stallions'.

But in the current situation, he could only believe Major Randall's words for the time being.

"If the space elevator cannot be used in a short time.

Then the imperial army's troop delivery speed will be greatly reduced, and it may even disrupt their original deployment. "

Amber opened the entire Robert IV ground battlefield situation map on the screen of the on-board command terminal.

It uses red and blue colors to show the battlefield situation of the Federal Army and the Imperial Army.

However, due to the current communication blockage, it is impossible to connect to the brigade and camp level backbone network.

As a result, the update time of this situation map has been delayed by more than 6 hours.

"Warrant Officer Amber, are you saying that the situation on the surface of the planet may not be as bad as shown in this picture?"

After hearing Amber's words, Major Randall also came to the screen.

With a background in the navy, he was actually not very familiar with the situational maps of the ground battlefield.

But this did not affect it. He could see from the picture that the empire's airborne troops were "flowering more" on the Robert IV.

"No, the situation is still very bad."

Amber shook her head and continued:

"At least the initial orbital nuclear strike successfully annihilated a large number of our effective forces."

"However, the suspension of the space elevator will at least give us a chance to survive."

"Major, you should know how huge the space elevator is."

Hearing Amber's question, Randall nodded.

Lansford Military Port, as the last part of the space elevator extension (except for the counterweight area), is also the last stop of this high-speed transportation track.

The command center at Lansford Military Port also has the highest control authority over the space elevator.

This is why Major Randall was able to 'lock' the space elevator.

Therefore, Major Randall is still very clear about the carrying capacity of this 'heaven and earth artery'.

There are a total of 12 cars on the space elevator, each with a carrying capacity of 480 tons.

In other words, in theory, 5,760 tons of materials, personnel, and equipment can be transported during a single raising or lowering of a full load.

Under normal circumstances, the space elevator car on Robert 4 can run at a round trip speed per hour.

In other words, just by transferring materials from the space port to the ground, 138,240 tons of materials can be transferred every day.

Of course, this is just a theoretical number.

In fact, it is necessary to include the time for loading and unloading materials and equipment maintenance.

But no matter what, the daily carrying capacity of 100,000 tons is completely achievable.

"I understand what you mean. If the space elevator cannot be used, the Imperial Army will not be able to quickly deploy heavy troops to the ground."

"That's right~" Amber snapped her fingers.

"A lot of heavy equipment cannot be dropped through the airdrop pod, and the aerospace strategic transport aircraft is completely incomparable to the space elevator in terms of carrying capacity and attendance rate."

"So as long as the lock of the space elevator is not broken, the imperial forces we face in a short period of time should be composed of a large number of infantry + a small number of HCP and a smaller number of other armored units."

Thinking of this, Amber herself couldn't help but sigh in her heart that the world line had really changed.

If you are in the core communication room, you will not be able to send out rescue messages through the terminal of the penetrating communication device.

In Lansford Harbor, Major Randall, who is tired of running for his life, will forget to lock the space ladder just like the plot in the previous life.

As a result, the Imperial Army can quickly deploy heavy troops through this 'highway' that reaches directly to the ground.

But now, Amber at least doesn't have to worry about encountering a large number of continental combat troops on the way to escape.


Major Randall suddenly thought of something.

"Since you sent out a request for help, at least other planets in the galaxy and the deep space cruise fleet should already know about this situation, right?"

"I know what you want to say."

Amber shook her head.

"But based on the information obtained by the Combat Intelligence Center, I can only regretfully tell you."

"This empire's invasion is aimed at the entire galaxy. In other words, the other three immigrant planets in the galaxy are also currently being attacked by other fleets of the empire."

"As for the deep space cruise fleet, it should be temporarily evacuated to the edge of the galaxy,"

Of course, this information was not obtained by the Combat Intelligence Center, but was detailed information Amber saw in the War History Museum in her previous life.

With the level of the federal intelligence department, it would be thankful to be able to figure out that the Star Dragon Empire was attacking them.

However, Randall obviously didn't know this, and he secretly thought, 'The combat intelligence center's information collection capabilities are quite strong. ’

"But no matter what, the request for help has been sent out. As long as we hold on, we can wait for the support of the main fleet?"

The major continued to ask, after all, this matter was a matter of life and death.

"Major Randall, are you too optimistic about the efficiency of the federal high-level officials?"

"Warrant Officer Amber, what you said is too stupid."

During the subsequent rapid maneuvers, Amber and the others were lucky enough not to encounter other imperial troops.

After all, the planet's surface is such a large area, and the Empire's orbital paratroopers are mainly attacking key military bases.

So from a macro perspective, their distribution is not dense, and there are a lot of gaps on the front.

With the help of ultra-short wave reconnaissance jamming vehicles and drones, Amber and the others avoided several Imperial forces they encountered.

One of the teams even had two airdropped HCPs.

This is also one of the characteristics of light synthetic troops.

Although the frontal combat effectiveness of these wheeled armored vehicles is not very strong.

However, their flexibility and high concealment make them definitely good at running.

By performing path analysis on these bypassed Imperial forces.

Amber estimated that these guys were going to 'encircle and intercept' the breakout force led by Lieutenant Colonel Dallas.

After briefly connecting to the edge network and backbone network, the updated battlefield situation map also confirmed Amber's inference.

They are now almost 150 kilometers away from the main force breaking through in a straight line.

It is already at the edge of the military Internet's reception range.

This is why I have been unable to connect to the military network before.

In addition to signal interference from the atmosphere, excessive physical distance is also one of the reasons.

After updating the latest situation map, Amber originally planned to discuss future arrangements with Randall.

After all, this guy's military rank is listed here. Although it is not a military branch, you still have to ask politely.

Who knows, the major actually spread his hands.

"Warrant Officer Amber, it's up to you to decide this matter."

The smile on Randall's face gave Amber a hint of "showing off".

"Professional people should be allowed to do professional things. On the battlefield, command authority is not determined solely by military rank."

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