"Thank you and your troops for responding to our call for assistance!"

Randall looked at Amber walking over and was about to step forward to thank her.

Then he saw the commander in front of him, who was wearing a mask and could not see his face clearly, and stretched out his hand to him.

"Name, position, unit. By the way, please give me your officer ID."

Randall was stunned for a moment. He had been in the sky for a long time, and he really didn't expect Amber to come up and fix it after landing.

Before he could say anything, he heard Amber continue:

"Don't misunderstand that in special times, verifying one's identity is a step that cannot be skipped."

After hearing Amber's words, Randall also responded to express his understanding.

He took out an electronic card from the inner pocket of his clothes and handed it to Amber, then stood upright and saluted.

"Confederate Navy, Port Lansford Combat Command Center, Major Randall."

After Amber got it in her hand, she turned it over and looked at it for a while, then handed it to the communications soldier who had been following her.

This communications soldier, who had almost become Amber's "orderly", inserted his electronic military ID into a small terminal and collected Randall's face, pupils, fingerprints, and blood information.

It was finally confirmed that the middle-aged officer in front of him was indeed Major Randall himself.

After receiving the "confirmed" reply from the communications soldier, Amber seemed to be relieved and returned the greeting.

"Federal Army, Tactical Support Group under the Yasin Base Combat Intelligence Center, Warrant Officer Amber."

"Tactical Support Team. It seems you are a psychic agent."

After hearing Amber's unit and looking at his equipment, Randall quickly guessed Amber's identity.

Although his military rank was much higher than Amber's, Randall still expressed his respect for a psyker.

Especially now that you need to rely on the other person.

"Anyway, I still want to thank you again for your rescue." Randall smiled kindly, "I originally thought it might really be over this time."

"It is the duty of every federal soldier to respond to calls for assistance from friendly forces."

Amber is quite familiar with how to deal with this kind of scene, and she always says nice things.

"But we can't take it lightly now, Major Randall." Amber sighed, "The situation on the ground may be far worse than you think."

After spending a minute or two, he explained the situation on the surface of the planet to the lieutenant commander of the Federation Navy in front of him.

The expression on Major Randall's face was indeed not as optimistic as before.

But despite this, he still did not hide his admiration for Amber.

"You psychic agents are indeed ruthless. In this situation, you were able to break out of the Yassin base and save a group of teammates."

"It's just a little effort, but it's you, Major. I'm curious about what you've been through."

Amber took out a personal energy bar from his pocket and handed it to the major in front of him.

When the signal soldier collected blood just now, he found that this guy had hypoglycemia.

"Um, thank you. I'm indeed a little hungry."

Randall was stunned for a moment, but quickly took the energy bar, then immediately tore open the package and started chewing.

Although this kind of food that purely accumulates calories does not taste very good.

But Randall still ate it with gusto.

"It seems you are really hungry."

"Forget it, I was supposed to have the late night snack arranged by the canteen last night."

Randall tried hard to swallow the food in his mouth, and then continued:

"As a result, the imperial fleet completed the jump with the help of a disguised induction beacon and suddenly launched an attack."

When the team started again and ran a certain distance.

Randall, who was sitting in the communication relay car with Amber, still talked endlessly about his 'exciting experience'.

Originally, Amber would have preferred to sit in a car with Isabel, so that she could at least entertain her eyes.

As a result, Tom, who had undergone emergency surgery, needed follow-up treatment.

Isabel got on the No. 2 car where the wounded and medical soldiers were, and continued the treatment on the road.

Therefore, in addition to the communications soldiers, the person riding in the same car with Amber became Randall, a rough gentleman.

"After encountering the Imperial Space Commandos that had broken into the space port, those of us who were evacuating were almost wiped out."

"In the end, only I, the injured Tom, and another comrade survived."

"I originally wanted to go directly to the escape platform, but at this time I found through the terminal that the airport had received a message from Yassin Base."

"And the content is to warn everyone that Robert IV is being invaded by the Empire and requests all nearby military units to come for support."

Having said this, Randall turned his head and looked at Amber:

"I guess this message was sent by you. The time and content are correct. Did you send it to all units in the Robert galaxy and surrounding galaxies through the group sending mode of penetrating communication?"

"From your description, it's probably me."

Amber raised his eyebrows. The situation was so urgent that he really didn't pay attention to which unit it was sent to.

"Then what I do next can be said to be all caused by your message."

"What's the matter?" Randall's words aroused Amber's interest.

He was really curious about the impact of what he did.

Randall leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, as if he remembered something funny.

"Originally I was in a hurry to escape, but your message reminded me that I can't just let the airport and space elevator fall in vain."

"So I went and locked the space elevator."


Amber sat up suddenly, "Why don't you listen to what you are saying?!"

"Hahahaha! Don't get excited Warrant Officer Amber. Don't worry, I'm not joking."

Major Randall seemed to be in a good mood at this time. He took off his 'dog tag' from his neck with a smile on his face.

Amber then discovered that there was a finger-long black rectangle hanging on the side of the dog tag.

"This is the physical key." Major Randall held it between two fingers.

"It has only one function, which is to access the control terminal and then start or lock the space elevator."

"There is one such control terminal at Port Lansford and one at the ground control station."

Amber frowned. He had never heard about the Robert IV space elevator being locked in his previous life.

"Is it because of my actions that the world line has changed?" He couldn't help but think.

After thinking for a moment, Amber looked up at Randall.

"Comrade Major, are you sure that after locking the space elevator with the key, people from the empire will not be able to use it?"

I noticed the other person's look of 'why don't you believe me'.

Amber shrugged and added:

"It's not that I don't believe you, but it's a bit too sensational to be able to lock the space elevator with this key."

"This large-scale invasion by the empire will definitely bring a large number of technical personnel. I am very worried that they will use brute force to crack it."

"Relax, Warrant Officer Amber"

In response to Amber's concerns, Major Randall reached out and patted his shoulder.

This is the first time Amber has had this action done by others in these days.

"I can assure you that even if the empire connects 10 top-notch supercomputers at the same time to brute force crack, it will take at least ten years."

"What if they transfer 100 supercomputers?"

"You're just looking for trouble, right? Why don't you think you're just a loser in the street?"

Major Randall couldn't help laughing, and the entire communications relay car was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

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