From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 329 Fight, I want to see a river of blood!

Saleh spoke in Jeram, so Isabel couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but she stopped temporarily after hearing the other party speak.

"Please help me apologize to this lady. I couldn't control myself for a moment and interrupted when she was talking."

Saleh said to Amber, and at the same time he bowed slightly to Isabel, and tapped his finger between his eyebrows. In the eyes of the Jerram people, this action meant to express apology.

"Amber, what did she say?"

"Saleh said to apologize to you. I shouldn't have interrupted you when you were talking."

"So polite"

Isabel's favorable impression of Saleh suddenly increased a lot, and the defensiveness she had had from the beginning also weakened a lot.

"You go on first."

"Then I'll continue"

After doing many such reports, Isabel has become very familiar with it and knows what is the key point and what can be temporarily skipped.

Soon, she gave a general explanation of the war situation between the Federation and the Star Dragon Empire for more than a month.

After severely damaging the Empire's Celestial Fortress battle group in the 'Battle of the Millen System', the Federation Navy, which was fighting on its own territory and therefore replenishing its forces faster, took the lead in launching a counterattack.

The Celestial Fortress battle group led by Duke Hastings and Duke Artesia also continued to 'turn to the rear' to preserve its strength just as Amber remembered.

It's just that it's not as fast as the plot of the previous game, and it feels like it's tempting the federal fleet to pursue it in depth.

Although this 'lure' was quite crude and not even covered up, under the pressure from the rear and public opinion, the federal fleet, which was eager to regain lost ground, could only continue to follow up.

At present, the empire's expeditionary force has basically vomited out most of the occupied systems, which means that Duke and Duke William's entire previous year was in vain.

But the Federation is not much better. The seemingly easy pursuit operations have caused various fleets to suffer losses - they are often ambushed by celestial fortresses when completing the jump.

It was difficult for the entire fleet to perform emergency evasive maneuvers at the moment when they had just escaped from the jump, but the Duke of Hastings seized the opportunity and made a big fuss out of this small 'opportunity'.

The long-range detection capability of the gravitational wave radar, coupled with the ultra-long range of the 'Focusing Rainbow', left the Celestial Fortress in an almost 'innocuous' state, consuming the effective strength of the federal navy.

If you chase me, I'll hit you once. After the fight, I'll run away.

If you don't chase me, I'll just sit back and wait.

But even so, the war finally reached the territory of the Star Dragon Empire last week.

After breaking through the last interceptor fleet blocking the front, the 4th main fleet of the Federation Navy successfully entered the empire's border system.

This move greatly encouraged the Federal Navy, which suffered heavy losses in continuous pursuit operations and had a certain decline in morale.

But no one thought that this was just a sign that the war would become more intense.

When a steady stream of federal naval fleets enter the star systems within the empire, the new problem facing these fleet commanders is the occupation of valuable planets in the star systems.

The problems faced by the Star Dragon Empire more than a year ago were now faced by the Federation Navy.

You must know that the Star Dragon Empire has also carried out general mobilization, but Duke Hastings and the others have basically received no support recently.

So where did these mobilized troops go?

The answer lies in these border galaxies, on planets armed as 'hedgehogs'.

A large number of newly formed ground troops were gradually deployed to these planets in an organized manner during the time that Duke Hastings and Duke Artesia were dragged out.

Various noble fleets that responded to the call for general mobilization also entered the border areas one after another during this period.

The federal fleet, which had always maintained an absolute strength advantage within the territory, gradually began to reduce its strength advantage after gradually transforming into a 'cross-border' operation.


If the federal navy, which is constantly receiving support from new fleets from the rear, does not find it extremely difficult to face the fleets that the empire has assembled one after another.

So facing those planets armed as hedgehogs, the commanders of each fleet felt like they had no idea what to do.

It can be said that both the Federation and the Star Dragon Empire have discovered their respective gaps in large-scale planetary landing battles.

If you want to completely wipe out and occupy a planet without resorting to saturation orbital bombing or 'burning glass', you can only invest a large number of ground troops in combat.

However, both sides did not actually invest a lot of research in this area before the war. The largest aerospace transportation vehicle is the aerospace transport aircraft carried by transport ships - after all, you can't expect to completely occupy the space elevator every time.

Although this kind of transport aircraft has a large load, the number of personnel, equipment, and materials that cannot support the ground troops is even greater, especially for heavy troops, which is an astronomical figure.

Using air and space transport aircraft alone, it may take nearly a thousand sorties at a time to fully deliver a heavy-duty brigade to the ground.

Not to mention how to load so many air and space transport aircraft, just the scene of this huge air and space transport fleet forcefully landing against the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower is a nightmare for the commander of the landing operation.

Orbital drop capsules with smaller targets and faster speeds will suffer a huge loss rate when dropped, not to mention aerospace transport aircraft with larger targets and slower speeds.

But when the war has reached this point, both sides, which have entered a state of general mobilization, cannot stop. No matter it is the Federation or the Star Dragon Empire, they can only bite the bullet and continue the fight.

Although the progress of this war at this point in time is similar to the plot Amber is familiar with, the intensity of the battle is quite different.

On the same front, the amount of troops invested was far greater than what Amber remembered, and the battle between the two sides around a galaxy or a planet was extremely fierce.


"Two million years ago, when we first met you Homo sapiens, you were in a civil war. I didn't expect that after I slept for such a long time, you were still in a civil war when I woke up."

After Isabel left with an uneasy look on her face, Saleh found a chair to sit down in a relaxed manner and commented sharply on the briefing just now.

Although she could not directly understand the current human language, with the ability to communicate with Amber's mind, she still listened to the entire briefing as if listening to a simultaneous interpretation.

"I'm really sorry that you came here to see this." Amber curled her lips angrily, but for some reason, when Saleh said this, he did feel a little shameless?

"Aren't you Jelam people also having a civil war? Are you divided into conservatives and radicals?"

"No, this is different." Saleh sat up straight and said seriously:

"This cannot be called a 'civil war'. It's just that our ethnic group has differences on how to determine the future, so we choose to use 'violence' as a method that can effectively resolve differences."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes."

While Amber began to 'debate' with Saleh, she distracted her mind and began to think about her next actions.

The Federation and the Star Dragon Empire are now completely at war with each other. This war will not end until neither side surrenders.

But for Atlas, who is good at making war fortune, this is naturally a good thing. A large number of businesses, including the 'communication business cooperation' with the Prince Regent, can be quickly launched.

Amber believes that as the battle becomes more intense, the advantages of quantum entanglement communication will be infinitely magnified, and Norton II will only be more eager to roll out this technology.

There is also the Rubian Galaxy Autonomous Government, who will also be more attentive to the 'Fleet Reconstruction Plan'.

"The tide has turned, Amber."

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