From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 328 Why are you Homo sapiens still fighting?

As soon as the two keywords "Boss" and "woman" came out, Isabel couldn't sit still, not to mention the "bring" in the middle.

Since Isabel didn't know the existence of Lilith for the time being, and didn't know that she was "stolen" by Lilith in the virtual space, she has always regarded herself as the "first wife". After hearing that Amber brought a woman back, she was a little nervous.

But when she and a large group of "good-hearted people" including Captain Tom rushed to the deployment bay on the side that could connect to the outside world, they found that the situation was still a little different from what she thought.

Especially when she saw the other party open the helmet and reveal his appearance.

Isabel didn't know whether she should feel fortunate or uneasy?

Amber brought back a "humanoid creature" that looked like a "female", but she couldn't determine whether it could be called a woman at present. Maybe the physiological characteristics of aliens and humans are reversed?

Of course, there is an even more outrageous possibility, that is, Amber's XP has been greatly updated again.

Isabel shook her head, threw these outrageous ideas behind her, and then floated in front of Amber with Tom and others.

Before they could speak, they heard Amber, who raised the power armor helmet and revealed her face, use her authority to connect to the ship-wide broadcast, and said very seriously:

"From now on, the confidentiality level of this ship, the ATN-141 special mission ship and all the accompanying personnel, has been raised to S+. All the accompanying personnel are not allowed to disclose any information of this operation to anyone in any way."

When Amber's voice sounded, everyone's expression was stern, and then they found that the confidentiality level on their personal terminals was also raised from the previous A+ to S+.

This is the highest confidentiality level within the Atlas Group.

If you are given this confidentiality level, it means that you have been exposed to the core secrets of the group. While the benefits and treatment are improved, personal communications will also be strictly monitored-this is something written in the group's employee code and employment contract.

While everyone was looking at their companions in surprise, Amber's voice continued to sound:

"If anyone, including internal personnel of the group, asks you for the details of the mission, you have only one answer - 'I don't know, I'm not clear, I don't understand'. At the same time, please report to the internal supervision team of the group immediately. The specific confidentiality regulations are implemented in accordance with the group's employee manual.

The broadcast is over, everyone returns to their positions and disbands."

When saying the last sentence, Amber also raised her hand to signal Isabel and Tom to stay and not return to the bridge.

After the "ding ding dong dong" end of the ship-wide broadcast prompt sounded, everyone looked at each other, but still did not gather together again.

After all, according to the requirements of the Atlas Group's extremely thick employee code, if the crew on the warship continues to gather together when their superiors ask them to return to their positions and standby, they will be deducted from the performance of the quarter and the qualification for year-end evaluation

Soon, except for some crew members whose positions were in this deployment bay, everyone else left in twos and threes, and Amber and Saleh were left with only Isabel and Tom who were left behind by him.

"Let the ship enter the jump immediately, we will return." Amber looked at Tom and said, and the latter quickly gave the order to return remotely.

Soon, while the 'Polarized Light' adjusted its course and began to accelerate to prepare for the jump, Amber took the three people to find a meeting room on the ship.

After the 'black box mode' was turned on, he looked at the two people in front of him who were still a little confused about the situation, pointed to Saleh who was following him, and introduced:

"This is Saleh, a Jeram from two million years ago. That is, what we often call a 'pioneer'."

After hearing Amber's introduction, Isabel and Tom always felt that what he said was a joke, but they also knew that Amber would not joke with them at this juncture.

In other words, there was really a living 'pioneer' standing in front of the two.

The atmosphere in the conference room instantly became very subtle, and the two humans who heard the explosive news did not even dare to breathe for a while.

"Don't be too nervous, this person is considered 'one of us' for now."

Amber turned her head and glanced at Saleh, who still maintained a decent smile - since humans and Jeram people are extremely similar in facial features, the meaning of their facial expressions is basically the same.

Then, Amber told the two about what happened in the 'ruins', including encountering the armed forces of the Foundation for the Quest for Truth and fighting, and finally successfully obtaining the predetermined 'target item' and bringing back Saleh, the 'accidental gain'.

"Anyway, this is probably the situation. Regarding the specific confidentiality issues, Tom, you are the captain of the special mission ship, I believe you have a clear idea in your mind.

As for Isabel, you are in charge of intelligence and internal supervision. You should pay more attention to it during this period. In addition to internal supervision, you can't let go of the investigation of the Foundation for the Quest for Truth."

"Understood!" ×2

After the brief communication, Tom quickly left the meeting room, while Isabel stayed for the time being.

"Amber, when you entered the ruins, we received some intelligence from the headquarters about the situation and major events after we came out." Isabel glanced at Salih behind Amber, not knowing whether to say it directly.

"Say, it's okay~ It's just time for this 'pioneer' to understand what human society will be like two million years from now."

"Are you sure?" Isabel looked at Amber suspiciously.

"Tell me, there's nothing you can't say."

"Then I said it." Seeing Amber's firm attitude, Isabel also opened a briefing on her terminal.

“As for our company, our penetration into the Lubion system is still deepening, but we have achieved certain results so far. We have ‘collaborators’ in all levels of the autonomous government.

In addition, Amber, the 'Franklin' you are particularly concerned about has officially entered the internal work of the self-government. His own working ability is indeed good, and with our secret help, it seems that the prospects for his official career are still there. Very bright.

Then the shipyard has packed and transported the two shipyards to the Lubion system. After the reorganization is completed, the production of experimental capital ships can begin. "

Hearing this, Amber nodded. Currently, all subsidiaries under the Atlas Group are advancing according to their assigned tasks.

And Franklin's career as an official did not surprise Amber. After all, a person's fate is not so easy to change.

Although at the cocktail party, when Franklin asked Amber for help, the latter rejected him and said that Atlas would not provide help.

But in fact, Atlas employees operating in the Lubion system secretly helped this 'aspiring young man' pave the way forward according to Amber's instructions, while retaining all evidence.

"Then there's a war between the Federation and the Empire."

While Isabel continued to speak, Saleh suddenly said:

"So you sapiens are still at war?"

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