When the 'Polarized Light' returned to Peony, where the Atlas Group's headquarters is located, nearly two months had passed.

The main reason was that Amber, under the guidance of Saleh, took the opportunity to visit another 'Forerunner Ruins' - think tank numbered 172.

In this think tank, Amber obtained three basic technologies in one go.

One is the basic data storage and processing technology of the Jerram people. Although this technology cannot allow small data storage devices to store more things, it can greatly improve the performance of large electronic devices common in current human society.

According to Saleh, if she is allowed to participate in experiments and try to combine this technology with current human electronic equipment, it should be able to improve performance by at least 1320%.

"So how did you come up with a number like '1320%' that contains zeros and whole numbers?"

"mental arithmetic."

Saleh has a decent smile and possesses a convincing power. By the way, in the past two months, Isabel and this Jerram man from two million years ago have become good friends.

Although Saleh did not understand the current human language before, after establishing a spiritual channel with Amber, Saleh showed a terrifying language learning ability. After only two days, he was able to happily chat with Isabel.

And if this first technology can really, as Saleh said, drastically improve the performance of all large electronic devices currently in use by humans, many things will change.

The most obvious one is the server array in the 'A. Bawa Ku' asteroid base. Amber can no longer imagine how powerful Lilith's computing power will become after the performance of this server array is increased by 1320%.

According to Lilith's own speculation, it is even possible to conduct some very large virtual experiments and completely simulate the real world in the virtual space.

If it comes true, Atlas's technological research and development capabilities will make a qualitative leap. Many dangerous experiments that need to be carried out under extreme conditions can be run several times in the virtual space before doing it for real.

In addition to this 'basic data storage and processing technology', the other two technologies are the smelting technology of a new type of alloy and the basic data of the 'field uniform' that Saleh wore before.

The former may directly replace the existing armor plate technology, while the latter will allow workers operating in space to obtain more flexible but safer "universal clothing inside and outside the cabin."

When Amber returned to the Tower of Babel with the five technologies she harvested this time and presented them in front of the entire R\u0026D team and the capital ship design team who were communicating through remote meetings, everyone was stunned.

Because every technology here is a big "explosion point" if taken alone, but Amber brought back five of them at once. At the same time, they all have complete technical information and blueprints. As long as the front If the technology is sufficient, we can basically start application experiments

"Boss, did you go there to purchase goods? If there is such a good thing next time, please bring us with you." Orns murmured as he looked at the documents projected in front of him.

"If I take you with me, I almost won't be able to come back."

Amber waved her hand, interrupting the other party's fantasy.

"Anyway, the gains from this trip are all here. It's up to you how to carry out application research and development~" Amber said while looking at the battleship research and development team.

"Project 12 - Super Heavy Battleship. In addition to the main gun, this thing should now have all the technologies required for other key subsystems, right?"

"Yes, Boss!" Seeing Amber asking them, the leader of the battleship design team immediately replied:

"In fact, we have been optimizing the overall design during this period. Except for the 'sky and earth delivery channel' and the main gun of the battleship that you need, other subsystems actually have very mature technologies, so it is not too troublesome to conquer, because the project The main feature of 12 is that it’s big. As long as you’re willing to invest in the cost, you can definitely build the entire frame.”

The design team leader who had taken out Project 12 in a rage after being provoked by Amber, organized the words in his mind and continued:

"Now that the 'long-distance pointing magnetic field control technology' is now available, the next step is to conduct experiments on this technology to ensure that we can fully master it, and then find a way to integrate it into the overall design of the ship."

The leader of the design team quickly described the current progress of Project 12. Except for the main gun that has not yet been released, in fact, all other technologies required for this super-heavy battleship are already in place.

If Amber agrees to reserve the installation space for the main gun and start construction of the first experimental ship directly, as long as there are no major problems with the development progress of the 'long-distance pointing magnetic field control technology', then the experimental ship will be ready in less than half a year. It can be finished.

Yes, ship construction is relatively fast these days.

Different from traditional ships sailing in the Hebo Ocean, the construction process of space ships is a completely different system.

Various types of shipyards deployed in outer space are not so much 'shipyards' as some kind of large-scale 'printing devices'.

Taking the current mainstream shipbuilding companies in the Federation and the Star Dragon Empire as an example, the construction cycle of destroyers, frigates and small civilian ships only takes more than a month from the start of construction to 'launching'.

Light cruisers and medium-sized civilian ships only last two to three months.

Although capital ships and super-large cargo ships are large in size and have more complex systems, the shipyards used to manufacture them are also upgraded large or even giant shipyards, so they can generally be completed within four months.

This is also the reason why since the beginning of the war between the Federation and the Empire, there has not been a large shortage of fleets due to too many damaged ships.

As long as both parties are willing to invest money, major shipbuilding companies will start work 24 hours a day to build the ship as quickly as possible. After the general mobilization, the construction speed will even continue to shorten.

In addition to Project 12, the Project 08 battleship, which was specially prepared for the Rubian system government and is also the main product of Atlas Shipbuilding Industry, has also completed the final design.

Although the design of this battleship does not have any big highlights, the design parameters are only on par with the current main battleships of the Federation and the Empire.

Therefore, the sales department of ‘Ajian Heavy Industries’ has been racking its brains recently to think about the ‘selling points’ of this warship so as to deceive other sellers in the future.

However, after Amber came back with new alloy smelting technology and data storage and processing technology, this problem was immediately solved.

"The performance of the ship's central processing unit is increased by 1320%!"

You see, isn’t the ‘selling point’ here?

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