From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 323 The dusty past two million years ago

Saleh heard Amber's question. Although she was still under the other party's 'suppression', she couldn't help rolling her eyes at this moment.

“You really know how to ask questions.”

"No, I just feel weird." Amber shook her head.

"You are civilized. Sorry, what should I call you?"

"Jerram, we call ourselves Jerram people."

"Okay, you Jerram people killed us humans millions of years ago, and then disappeared completely for unknown reasons, but why did you leave you alone?

We humans have actually explored many ruins of your civilization, but we have never found any other survivors, so your sudden appearance seems very strange."

"It's very simple." Saleh sighed, as if he had completely let go of any baggage in his heart.

She raised her head, looked at Amber's helmet seriously, and said:

"Because to us Jerram people, I am a traitor, a holy mother, and a sinner who opposes the 'Time and Space Expedition', so my people left me in this universe. This can be regarded as an eternal exile."

Amber's eyes suddenly widened under his power armor helmet. He didn't expect that this Jerram man would reveal new information in just one sentence.

"Traitor? Holy Mother? And what is going on with this 'time and space expedition'? Please tell me carefully."

Hearing Amber's question, Saleh had no intention of hiding anything. Anyway, now that he has separated from the group and is left alone here, what's more, isn't he a 'traitor'?

Since they have already ‘betrayed’ their own race, why not follow through to the end?

"As I just said, you 'Homo sapiens' once had a highly developed civilization, but after being discovered by us Jerram people, you were attacked by us.

All the colonies were destroyed and genocide was carried out by us. The last remaining planet was also completely beaten back to its most primitive state during the battle, and all technical data were destroyed by us.

Originally, your ancestors, the last batch of 'Homo sapiens', were also going to be completely 'eradicated' by us Jelam people. But at that time, besides me, some Jelam people were actually very opposed to this approach. We Feeling that such genocide is a wrong act that could upset the balance of the entire universe

Those of us, also known as conservatives, soon came into conflict with the radicals. "

Saleh said with some sigh and looked around.

“This think tank was the last bastion of our conservatives, but as you can see, it eventually fell and the last conservatives were publicly executed by them.

And as the highest-ranking person among the last surviving conservatives, I was also ‘exiled’ by them in this universe as an eternal punishment.

However, although we failed, this 'civil war' still disrupted the timetable of the 'time and space expedition'. Therefore, in order to continue the implementation of the 'time and space expedition', the radicals in power had to give up and completely eliminate you.' Homo sapiens' intention. "

Saleh's words contained a huge amount of information, and the direct communication method of 'divine communication' using spiritual energy allowed Amber to clearly understand everything she said.

"Why do you Jeram people conduct this 'time and space expedition'? What exactly does it refer to?"

Amber asked him what he was most curious about about Saleh's words.

"Why carry out a 'time and space expedition'? Haha"

A mixed smile appeared on Saleh's face, and the soft foot-like tentacles on the back of her head curled and straightened repeatedly, indicating the complicated emotions in her heart.

"If we don't carry out the 'time and space expedition', we Jerlam people will face the crisis of genocide. For some reasons, our entire group is forced to embark on the 'time and space expedition' path, and this road is in our way. It seems there is no end in sight.”

After hearing Saleh's answer, Amber understood why this Jerram man was 'exiled'. This guy was indeed a little too outrageous.

When faced with the crisis of 'racial survival', expressing the 'Mother's Heart'. For the Jerram people, that is indeed considered a traitor and a 'traitor'.

But from the perspective of human beings or other civilizations, the existence of these ‘Madonnas’ is actually a good thing.

Because of their existence, differences have arisen within the Jerram Civilization. If, as Saleh described, two factions have even emerged within the Jerram Civilization, then no matter what the proportion of 'conservatives' is, It represents that this 'Mother's Heart' has become something similar to a 'trend of thought'.

And once this ‘trend of thought’ appears, it will never be extinguished by a few ‘big purges’

"Then what? You haven't said what exactly the 'time and space expedition' refers to?"

"'Time Crusade' is"


A loud noise and vibrations from the ground interrupted Saleh's words.

At the same time, the voice of the assistant AI sounded in Saleh's mind, and Amber, who was undergoing mental intrusion, also heard the assistant's broadcast.

"Warning, the think tank is under attack!"

"Activating various defense units."

"Warning, kinetic shield unit failed to activate"

"Warning, psychic shield unit failed to activate"

"Warning, automatic defense unit failure, error code XXX0916650"


A series of warning messages were reported by the assistant AI, which made Saleh feel dizzy.

At this moment, she had already guessed that it was the Puppet Master's group who had just escaped and was launching an attack on the think tank.

Under normal circumstances, Saleh might be relatively calm, but when she heard that none of the defense units were useful, she was still a little panicked.

Amber on the other side was speechless for a while. With this Forerunner facility from head to toe, is it really only this low-temperature dormancy area that is intact?

"Why did this group of 'Homo sapiens' attack here? You are not in the same group, right?"

Saleh asked Amber with some confusion. She had been sleeping for two million years and didn't know what the outside world was like now.

"You're right, they are indeed not on the same side as me."

Amber nodded and said, and his expression became a little subtle after thinking about the organization Quest for Truth Foundation.

"As for the identities of these people, you can understand them as an organization that specializes in digging your graves. No, I mean an organization that specializes in 'archeology' of your civilization."

"Curious about us Jerram people? No wonder I found a familiar psychic technology on the leader. In that case, why are they attacking here? As a living forerunner, I should not be captured by them. Research?"

"You are quite self-aware. If they could have captured you alive, they would have captured you alive. Doesn't that mean you don't have the ability?"

Amber spread his hands and continued:

"Although I don't know much about this organization, I probably know how they deal with such uncontrollable 'Forerunner relics'."

"any solution?"

"If you can't get it, destroy it."


Saleh found that she didn't know what to say for a while, but she still realized that if she wanted to survive now, she might have to put her hope in the male 'Homo sapiens' in front of her.

"So what can you do now?"

"Yes, there is, but I can't guarantee whether it will work."

Amber released her grip on Saleh, then looked at her and said:

"Would you like to visit the world two million years from now?"

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