To be honest, Saleh almost agreed subconsciously when he heard Amber's proposal.

As a Jerram who was abandoned by his tribe in this universe, it is not an exaggeration to say that Saleh is the loneliest person in the world.

And from her heart of "equal love" for all intelligent creatures and civilizations, she is still very interested in what happened to this universe and what it has become after two million years.

However, at the moment when he was about to nod, the Jerram man still came to his senses.

Because she still understands the truth that freedom in this situation also comes at a price.

Although it was said that she could only leave this 'sad place' and go to the vast world outside the think tank, she felt that she should be able to agree to most of the conditions.

But she still needed to confirm first, in case the 'Homo sapiens' in front of her had any special habits.

"What about the world two million years from now? Your proposal really makes me excited, but I guess there must be some additional conditions, right?"

"That's right, you are still pretty good."

Amber smiled. Regarding the 'living fossil'-like existence in front of him, if you say he doesn't want to abduct him, that must be a lie.

Especially since the other party was once a member of the mysterious Forerunner civilization, neither her secrets nor her role in the subsequent 'archaeological excavation' of other Forerunner relics could be easily measured.

But at the same time, one must not forget the other party's identity as a high-level psyker. After all, according to her description, the Forerunner civilization is extremely hostile to humans and all intelligent creatures.

With such an identity, Amber can't guarantee that the other party won't suddenly wake up and become an enemy of humans in the future.

And judging from Saleh's self-report, although she is not a combatant, her spiritual power level is not low. At her peak state, she also has eight levels of spiritual power - this strength, if she is a full-time combatant, she can already release spiritual power. A lightning storm is possible

So if she recovers later, it will be really difficult to deal with her without any restraints.

So if you want to take it away, you must add a layer of insurance.

What a coincidence is that Amber really knows several ways to 'get insurance'.

"I can take you out without restricting your freedom too much, but the premise is that you must open your heart and let me put 'mental shackles' on you now."

Hearing the word 'spiritual shackles', Saleh's eyes widened unconsciously.

"Do you know how to do this?"

"You seem surprised."

"Of course I will be surprised, because if what you mean by 'spiritual shackles' is the same thing as what I am thinking of, then this is too hard to believe."

Saleh's surprise was not unreasonable, because in her understanding, the "spiritual shackles" should be something only the high-level psykers in the "Prophet Guards" could master.

When the 'spiritual shackles' are locked and anchored in someone's mind, that person will lose their resistance to the 'locked person' on the spiritual level, and after establishing a spiritual channel, the thoughts in their heart cannot Don't hide it from the 'locked man' again.

Moreover, the 'locked man' can destroy the opponent's mind at any time and make him brain dead.

"Don't be surprised now. Let's talk. Do you agree to this condition?"

Amidst the loud noises of the think tank being continuously attacked, Amber asked the final question.

If the other party refused, he would knock them unconscious and take them away without hesitation.

There was no way, no matter in terms of background identity or 'rarity', Saleh was too tempting, and it was difficult for Amber to convince herself not to take away such a big 'opportunity'.

For a moment, the two people were quiet with their own thoughts, and they could only hear the rumbling sound of explosions in the background.

However, Saleh, who lowered her head to think, did not let Amber wait too long, or in other words, she quickly weighed the pros and cons in her mind.

She raised her head again, with only a kind of calmness of 'letting go of everything' in her eyes.

"I accept this condition."

"Okay, I know this condition may be a bit harsh, but eh? You agreed?"

This time it was Amber's turn to be confused. To be honest, he did not expect that this Jerram man would agree so quickly, which was why he later wondered whether this Jerram man had any 'M' attributes.

"Yes, I agreed. Now you can anchor the 'mental shackles' on me."

Saleh smiled for the first time since she woke up.

"What? Are you surprised?"

"Considering what you said about the relationship between our two clans, I am indeed a little surprised that you agreed so readily." Amber nodded, not hiding her thoughts.

"No need to be surprised. Theoretically speaking, I can no longer find anyone of my kind in this universe, and this severely damaged think tank has no other way for me to survive except to put me into hibernation. What's more, Now that it has been discovered by you, even if I were willing to lie down again, I probably wouldn’t be able to find peace.”

Saleh's thoughts were very clear at this time, and the soft foot-like tentacles on the back of her head were also in a relaxed state, showing her mood at the moment.

"And you are indeed a little different from the Homo sapiens I have met before. Even after knowing the relationship between us Jerram and you Homo sapiens, you still have no fear or fear."

Saleh paused and continued:

"And at least until now, your behavior can be called civilized and rational. So after considering all feasible solutions, accepting your 'mental shackles' may be the best choice at the moment."

" you wish."

Since the Truth-Quest Foundation's fleet is still attacking this 'think tank' piecemeal, Amber doesn't want to waste time anymore, because in addition to Saleh, he also wants to store the key technologies in this think tank. Pack it up and take it away together.

Facing Saleh's open heart, Amber directly penetrated a spiritual energy into the depths of her consciousness.

In an epic mission chain that he had experienced once before, the final climax was in an abandoned 'Prophet Guard' training facility, fighting against a powerful combat biological weapon that was out of control.

The player responsible for completing the final blow learned the ability of 'spiritual shackles' under the guidance of an elf NPC, and completed it at the moment when the combat biological weapon fell into a trance due to the NPC's focused fire. The mental shackles' anchor and directly destroy the opponent's brain.

The entire mission process was very dramatic and epic. It was worthy of being called the ‘ninth art’, so it was left very deep in Amber’s mind.

When Amber anchored Saleh with a 'mental shackle', Lilith's electronic warfare virus also completely spread.

After the nearby Foundation warships gathered one after another and began to launch attacks, they soon discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with the fire control system of their warship.

At a distance of several thousand kilometers, facing a huge target hundreds of kilometers long, 90% of the battleship's main gun fire turned out to be a 'near miss attack'.

"What's going on?" The puppet master who had just returned to the ship frowned immediately after hearing the situation. He quickly realized that there might be something wrong with the foundation's fleet, and this also further explained that The mysterious 'third party' should not be underestimated.

Before he could issue a new order, he heard the tactical information coordination officer on the bridge shouting in panic:

"Multiple squadrons reported that a large number of unidentified ships were approaching, and the number currently exceeds 80!"

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