From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 322 Are you not very gregarious?

Amber never expected that the handsome alien in front of her would react like this.

For a moment, he felt as if he had become an orc or a goblin, and had done something extraordinary to this 'noble' alien.

"It's not clean anymore. It's not clean anymore. It's not clean anymore."

Saleh was still talking about it with her eyes blank, as if she had been spoiled. It was obvious that the mental intrusion had a big impact on her.

But Amber would not spoil her. Although he was a compassionate person, he did not dare to have such thoughts when facing this 'foreign race' who just wanted to kill him.

The thick palms of the power armor caught Saleh's neck like an iron vice, then lifted her up from the ground and forced her to sit on a nearby cryogenic sleep chamber that was still intact.

"Next, if I say something, you just answer it, do you understand?"

"It's not clean anymore. It's not clean anymore. It's not clean anymore."


Looking at the alien's reaction, Amber gradually guessed the reason. The "mental mysophobia" thing is actually not unique to the Jerram people. Similar conditions exist among humans and elven psykers.

Saleh's current state is just like the elf psyker who Amber once saw as a villain NPC in the game. He is extremely resistant to communication and dialogue through psychic energy.

In subsequent plot missions, players also directly use spiritual energy to invade mentally, directly causing the villain to "break the defense" and even become incontinent on the spot.

Now that he has roughly guessed the other party's condition, Amber's solution is simple - to give him strong medicine.

Simple, crude, fast and effective.

Immediately, Amber stepped up her mental invasion of Saleh, and for this reason, he directly activated the 'burst mode' of this set of power armor in reality.

When the psychic amplification crystals spread out all over the power armor emitted abundant blue light, Amber's psychic intensity also began to increase.

Immediately afterwards, a stronger spiritual energy directly and roughly invaded Saleh's mind, and her whole body and the soft foot-like tentacles on the back of her head suddenly became stiff.

This kind of mental shock, which was like brainwashing, was something she never thought would happen to her.

The Jerram people have greater spiritual attainments than the elves of the Thousand Stars Empire, and their innate special structure makes them have a higher affinity for spiritual energy than other races.

In terms of psychic strength level alone, Saleh actually has an eighth level standard.

Although her spiritual strength has greatly declined due to sleeping for more than two million years, she still appears to be at level six or seven anyway.

Theoretically, if Level 5 Amber mentally invades her, the possibility of success is basically non-existent.

However, due to the backlash of spiritual energy, this Jerram man is in the weakest state in his adult life, and the spiritual protection of his own consciousness is basically gone, which is equivalent to a wide open door.

This allowed Amber to seize the opportunity and take advantage of the loophole.

Soon, Saleh, who felt that his entire brain was being swept through by the psychic energy of this Homo sapiens, finally regained some consciousness.

Although she would feel uncomfortable and a little stressed when she thought about what was happening, she no longer looked like she had been ruined before.

"Can we communicate well now?"

"You said it"

When Amber's voice sounded again, the Jerram man even used honorifics unconsciously.

Seeing this scene, Amber, who knew that the initial 'suppression' had been completed, finally relaxed a little, but he still managed his emotions well and did not show it immediately.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with this ruins?"

"So you call this place a ruins." Saleh mustered up the courage to raise his head and look at the power armor in front of him.

"I am Saleh, the think tank deacon of this think tank."

"Think tank? Does it mean a facility that stores technology?"

"Yes, this is Think Tank No. 322. It is mainly a place for civilian technology research and development and storage. It is also a living and residential facility."

Amber was not surprised when she heard Saleh say 'civilian technology'.

Because if you look at the 'gravity control technology' and 'long-distance pointing magnetic field control technology' dropped from this ruins in the previous life, they are indeed civilian-level technologies for the forerunners.

"It seems that you are indeed a pioneer." There was a hint of sigh in Amber's tone. He never expected that this civilization, which is an 'unsolved mystery' in today's world, actually has survivors and is still alive today.

"Forerunner? What is that?"

Saleh asked curiously when he heard this title.

"This is what we humans call your civilization."

"Why use a name like 'Forerunner' that sounds great?"

"Because it seems to us that your civilization once had extremely high technology, but it all seemed to disappear overnight, leaving only a large number of 'relics' - just like here."

Amber raised her foot and stepped on the ground here, and continued:

"And some of the discoveries in these 'relics' have also promoted the development of our human civilization, allowing us to leave our home planet and take root everywhere in the universe. In the eyes of many people, your civilization is like a 'pioneer' guiding the way forward. Generally speaking, this name spread and eventually became a name specifically referring to our civilization."

After listening to Amber's words, Saleh fell silent and laughed to himself after a moment.

"'Forerunner'. This is really an ironic title. Our civilization once mercilessly destroyed the highly developed civilization of your Homo sapiens, pushing you all the way back to the Stone Age and even almost annihilating your race. As a result, now You actually seem to be praising us and calling us by such names."


Saleh's words shocked Amber because what she said was something that was not mentioned at all in the game plot.

If according to what she said, human beings once seemed to have a highly developed civilization. However, for unknown reasons, they summoned the plague god "Forerunner Civilization" and were almost beaten to annihilation.

"Wait a minute, are you sure this plot won't be sued for plagiarism or copyright infringement?"

Such thoughts flashed through Amber's mind, but he immediately returned his attention to his eyes.

"So what you're saying is that your civilization and us humans actually have a hostile relationship?"

"Not just you humans, but all highly developed civilizations are the enemies of our race."

As soon as these words came out, Amber immediately felt that there was some drama. This should not be called a 'Forerunner' at all, it was more like calling it a 'Reaper'.

The information Saleh confessed was quite shocking to Amber.

When he played "Starry Sky OL" in his previous life, although he was not a senior "plot party" or "textual research party", he also liked to discuss the plot with other players on the forum.

But now, he discovered that most players' guesses about the Forerunner civilization were wrong.

Amber actually wanted to continue having a good chat with Saleh, but he knew that now was not the right time. There was a fleet from the Quest for Truth Foundation watching outside this 'think tank'.

Although the 'Polarized Light' carries a secret weapon, it will be difficult to sustain it for too long.

Thinking of this, he felt a little funny. If the Quest for Truth Foundation knew that the 'Forerunner' they were looking for actually had such a setting, and there was a living 'Forerunner' in the 'ruins' they wanted to destroy now, Don't know what to think.

Shaking his head to get rid of these irrelevant thoughts in his mind, Amber looked at Saleh again and asked the question he was most concerned about at the moment:

"So, Ms. Saleh, are you not very gregarious?"


"Why else would you be left here alone?"

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