Saleh was surprised that in the melee area in front of her sight, Amber, who was located in the center of the storm, had undergone new changes.

After a continuous round of "windmills" advancing, killing the surrounding biological weapons and clearing out a large area, Amber felt that he had had enough fun, so he decided to make a big move to kill these miscellaneous soldiers. Clear it all in one breath.

At this time, the 'small mechanism' that Eugene and Orns added to this customized power armor came into play.

"Command, burst mode."

As Amber's idea was conveyed to the processing core through the neural interface, a large number of mechanisms immediately unfolded on the outer armor of the blue-gray power armor.

Inside these unfolded mechanisms, the crystals originally hidden under the outer armor were revealed, and emitted a faint blue light.

As a channel through Ellenita, the military-grade 'psionic amplification crystals' imported from the Thousand Stars Empire exerted their extremely strong psychic amplification effect after being activated.

Since the 'Illusion' system scanned Amber according to the regular settings, including the person and equipment, the various functions of the equipment were directly restored.

This also resulted in Amber, who had already greatly increased her own psychic level, to be further strengthened by using the power armor's 'burst mode'.

The effect of psychic power amplification, if explained in a more popular way, is actually to enhance the user's psychic power in the form of a 'percentage'.

I believe you are smart enough to know what will happen when you see this.

When Amber set her spiritual power level to level 10 through the 'Illusion' system, her spiritual energy, which was already growing exponentially, almost reached the limit that the 'Illusion' system could simulate with the blessing of the spiritual energy amplification crystal. .

"Warning, abnormal data growth has been detected, the system may be at risk of downtime!"

The assistant AI immediately issued a warning, and Saleh finally came to his senses.

"Can I limit the target setting level? Or directly turn off the target setting permission?"

"It cannot be executed during the attempt. It is recommended to close the fantasy system directly to prevent the main program from crashing."

"If you could shut me down, you would have shut it down a long time ago! What's wrong with your assistant AI?! It's so stupid!"

Saleh was speechless about the suggestions made by the assistant AI, but for a while she really couldn't think of any solution.

Turn off the 'Illusion' system. In reality, you are weak and defeated by the opponent. You lose!

Maintain the 'illusion' system, and then be brought down by the abnormal data growth caused by the opponent, lose!

But soon Saleh no longer needed to worry about this issue, because Amber had already taken the initiative to help her make a choice.

The powerful psychic energy finally gathered in Amber's hands, and a spiritual storm began to materialize rapidly.

The moment another batch of combat biological weapons rushed forward, Amber's right hand of "Controlling the Storm" hit the ground hard.

The psychic storm exploded instantly, rapidly expanded while spinning, and eventually swallowed up all the surrounding biological combat weapons.

When the raging psychic storm expanded to its maximum, a rather spectacular scene appeared. One after another, biological weapons fell in a radiating pattern with Amber as the 'center'.

Their appearance seems to be fine, but in fact the internal mechanical or biological tissue structure has been messed up.

At this moment, the pressure on the 'Illusion' system dropped sharply, because the huge cluster of combat biological weapons that it had been maintaining just now had all been burned to nothing but their shells by a round of psychic storm attacks.

Saleh, who stared at this scene in stunned silence, felt that he had lost the ability to think, and the soft foot-like tentacles on the back of his head were trembling with fear.

But this was not the end. When the powered armor, shrouded in psychic lightning, rushed in front of Saleh at an incredible speed, Amber finally made the final 'finishing blow'.

"Presence, no clear sanctions!"

The amplified spiritual energy condensed into a sharp blade with a special shape. When Amber took the last step, he raised his hand and slashed it out.

The moment the dazzling psychic blade scratched his neck, one last thought flashed through Saleh's mind.

"No, you can even do the stance of the 'Swordsman'? Is there anything that this Homo sapiens can't do?"


Like a mirror being shattered, the illusion collapsed and shattered.

The reason for the system collapse is also very simple, that is, Saleh, as the 'coach', was hit by excessive damage, so there was a problem with the logic of the entire 'Illusion' system, leading to a direct shutdown.

This is also the principle that Amber used when she and her guildmates attacked the 'Illusion' Boss.

To be honest, he never thought that this seemingly useless experience would be used this time.

When Amber escaped from the illusion and regained her sight, Lilith's anxious voice sounded in her ears.

"Master, say something!"

"I'm here, I'm here. I was just pulled into the environment."

While responding to Lilith, Amber realized that when the 'Illusion' system 'reproduced' him just now, Lilith was not reproduced. I don't know if it was because this strong artificial intelligence was not scanned. .

Moreover, in the 'illusion', I was not aware of this at all, and did not even feel that there was anything wrong, as if I had selectively forgotten this powerful help.

"Master!" Lilith's voice was filled with anger.

"Can you please stop 'losing contact' all the time? It was the same last time on Lubion 5, but it was only for a few seconds. This time it's better, we lost contact for half an hour!"

"Harm, there's nothing I can do about this force majeure~" Although Amber said so, he was actually in a good mood.

After all, after coming to this world, it is actually equivalent to starting a new 'alt account', and it is also the kind of 'expert mode character' that cannot be resurrected.

Therefore, Amber has always felt a sense of gap when it comes to psychic combat.

But this time, it really allowed him to return to the top in the 'illusion' without any burden, and he had a great time.

He moved his body, which in reality was a little stiff due to wearing power armor and standing for a long time, then drew out his two-handed sword again, then made a 'big jump' across an extremely long distance, and finally 'Boom! ’ with a ‘hero’s appearance’ gesture, and landed in front of Saleh.

At the same time, the plasma blade at the front of the sword also touched the front of the neck of the Jerram man who was lying on the ground, and even made her feel a slight burning sensation.

At this time, a spiritual energy invaded Saleh's consciousness in an irresistible manner, and a series of standard Jerram language also sounded in Saleh's mind through this spiritual energy.

"I'm sorry to talk to you in this way, but our human vocal organs seem to be unable to produce your language. Can we have a good talk now?"

Saleh's eyes widened, and the soft foot-like tentacles on the back of his head curled up instantly.

She has a 'spiritual mysophobia', and she has never thought that a homo sapiens who is several levels of civilization lower than her own race would use spiritual energy to invade her consciousness.

"I'm not clean anymore?!"


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