From cannon fodder to sweeping across thousands of stars

Chapter 320 What does it mean to rebel against Tiangang?

Under the shadow of the ruins of the cryogenic dormancy zone, the outline of the 'Crocodile A3 ver.Amber' power armor loomed under the weak emergency lights.

Around the power armor, a large number of life forms wearing armor have fallen, including humanoids, beasts, and aliens. It's like a pot of hodgepodge dumped on the ground.

These races that encountered the Forerunner civilization in a long time and space, after their combat characteristics were discovered, key genes were extracted, and eventually became the basic cannon fodder produced in the combat biological weapons factory.

Because there are so many different types of creatures, the basic cannon fodder of the Forerunner civilization can be adapted to almost all combat environments and combat tasks.

And now these biological weapons that serve as think tank guards are specialized types that focus on indoor close combat.

In this 'illusion' created by Saleh based on the environment of the cryogenic dormancy zone, these biological weapons poured out from all channels like an endless stream, like a tide trying to drown Amber.

But Amber didn't panic at all when faced with such a situation.

After confirming that he was confused by the 'illusion' system of the Forerunner ruins, he became happy.

Because this thing is not originally a defensive method, but a system used for combat training and for the 'reconstruction' of the resurrected forerunners.

Amber and the guild's main team once encountered almost the same situation in a certain Forerunner ruins dungeon - a BOSS that was only in the first half of the dungeon began to lock blood after entering the final stage of 'Illusion', no matter what He can't be beaten to death either.

At that time, everyone thought that this difficulty was a bit abnormal, and planned to go to the official forum after going offline to try it out, thinking that this was an official deliberate attempt to slow down the progress.

As a result, a player in the team suddenly discovered that he could use more advanced psychic skills beyond levels, and his psychic reserves had also been greatly improved, as if there was a bug.

This confused player initially thought that he had encountered some kind of adventure like "the heart that believes is magic".

As a result, after talking to Amber and others, everyone finally discovered the key point of defeating this boss during the 40th time running away.

That is, after entering the 'illusion', you can 'set' your own abilities and levels.

Then, when the main team realized this, they entered the field one by one with all their psychic powers at full strength, like gods descending from the earth. The boss that had blocked them 40 times finally had no time to activate the blood lock and was killed instantly.

The current situation is exactly the same as the copy at that time.

Although another large wave of biological weapons appeared in front of him, Amber was as calm as a 'power' that transcended time and space, waiting for the storm to come.

Circles of electromagnetic ripples surged around the power armor, and powerful and thick psychic energy began to condense toward his right hand.

"Stance, illustrious sword!"

The voice commands are concise and cold - this is a habit that Amber developed in "Starry Sky OL". Although he can no longer use it now, he still speaks it out habitually.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of dizzying blue psychic energy.

A sword condensed from pure energy appears in the right hand of the power armor. Its blade is extremely sharp and exudes a glow that can penetrate the structure of reality, as if it is the remnant of the nascent fire of the universe.

Amber made a sprinting gesture, and the power armor connected through the neural interface immediately responded to his movement. The more than 5 tons of power armor quickly burst out with extremely strong power, turning into a blurry figure and rushing towards the enemy in front. .

Wherever the long sword made of psychic energy is directed, the space seems to be pulled by its sharpness and twisted slightly.

Each of Amber's slashes is no longer a simple physical collision, but a violent interaction between energy and matter - the trajectory of the lightsaber leaves behind slender quantum cracks, and those enemies who are unfortunate enough to be touched, Both mechanical structures and organic organizations fell apart under this irresistible torrent of psychic energy.

"Cut calmly!"

"Justice Confrontation!"

"Virtue Slash!"

"Several judgment!"

Amber skillfully performed the combos in the posture of the Exalted Sword.

As his attacks become more and more proficient, these tricks that he had mastered in his previous life reappear in this world in an unexpected way.

The dazzling 'sword energy' was like a rock breaking the waves, cutting these combat biological weapons rushing from the surroundings into pieces.


"How is it possible that I haven't woken up yet?"

Saleh, who was hiding behind, looked at this scene in surprise - or in other words, the expression of 'surprise' had not disappeared from her face since she had just entered the illusion.

She never expected that after entering the 'Illusion' system, this 'Homo sapiens' seemed to have changed into a different person, with his psychic power 'increasing steadily' to the same level as the Jerram Elite Warrior.

And now he has even used the "illustrious sword" that can only be used by those called "chiefs".

Looking at the biological weapons being harvested by the 'sword energy', Saleh found that he had become the passive party.

She must continue to maintain this illusion and not let the Homo sapiens in front of her escape, otherwise she, who is weaker in reality, will be easily taken down by the opponent.

"Assistant, increase the intensity of the simulation and I will give you the maximum computing power authority."

"Understood, we are increasing the speed and quantity of combat unit generation, please wait."

Soon, more biological weapons appeared, and many of these units also began to launch long-range attacks.

The densely packed biological weapons almost formed a real 'torrent', trying to engulf Amber on the physical level.

"Hey, are you playing with the monster sea tactics?"

Amber, who was wearing a power armor helmet, laughed and held a few sword flowers lightly at the same time. Such a smooth battle made him feel the long-lost happiness and the exhilarating feeling of 'cutting grass'.

"Stance, royal rhythm!"

The psionic one-handed sword suddenly shattered into countless light blue psionic particles. After a moment of pause, it quickly condensed into a huge formation-breaking two-handed sword.

Amber held the sword in both hands, placed the blade on the side of her face, and made a starting gesture.

‘Sweeping swings and curved slashes’, this is the text that players will see in the posture introduction after mastering the ‘Royal Rhythm’ posture.

As this description says, among the melee posture skills of high-level psychic combat skills, 'Royal Rhythm' is one of the postures that is very suitable for 'Monster Sea Backstroke'


Saleh couldn't hold back anymore after watching Amber adopt the posture of the royal guard from the 'Ancient Empire' period.

"Is he a Jerram or am I a Jerram?"

The soft foot-like tentacles on the back of the head of this Forerunner think tank deacon are so tangled that they are almost twisted into twists. The world two million years from now will indeed be a 'surprise'.

"Assistant, judge the current situation. Do you want to change your strategy and focus your computing power on me? Increase the preset level of psychic power so that I can directly suppress the target?"

"Dear think tank deacon, after calculation, adopting this strategy will greatly reduce our winning rate. The target currently displays strong psychic combat skills, and rash direct confrontation may be risky."

"Tsk, you mean my fighting skills are not as good as this Homo sapiens?"

Saleh raised his eyebrows, obviously unhappy with the assistant AI's suggestion.



The think tank deacon was speechless for a moment by the assistant's words. She knew that what the other person said was indeed reasonable, and she also knew that she was indeed not a full-time combatant.

But looking at Amber performing a set of extremely fast three-stage spinning chops among the vast number of combat biological weapons, as well as the residual limbs of biological weapons flying in the sky, Saleh did not want to continue the stalemate like this.

Although this may be able to hold back this Homo sapiens now, he who started the "Illusion" system as a "coach" will also be trapped here - God knows why the designer of the "Illusion" system back then decided that it must be The rules of the system can only be activated when two 'coaches' and 'students' are present at the same time.

But Saleh, who has been forced into dormancy for two million years, feels that she has stayed here enough, and she no longer wants to be trapped in this tomb-like think tank.

"Assistant, I have decided"

Saleh had just opened his mouth to prepare to implement his plan, but found that there seemed to be new changes in the melee area ahead.

"No, what else?"

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